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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    'Gratz on the 3 31A haul...
  2. The 31A fiasco looks to be the exception rather than the norm. But that being said, the negative perception still remains. I wouldn't rely on CDJ selling TWE items, unless perhaps after the TWE PO's periods are done (which means mark-up). I dont recall associating CDJ with TWE items. Been trying to find the chobham NT-1 TWE release last friday, and CDJ doesnt sell it (or perhaps i cant find it, but pretty sure its not listed in CDJ)..
  3. I didn't until now. You got me looking at the cockpit and i thk bandai may have put too much in there... Amazon doesn't carry TWE. Use Nippon-Yasan or Anime export. You can try 3rd party buyers in JP but i haven't used them for p-bandai. I have used 3rd party buyers like buyee for yahoo JP auctions but when it comes to p-bandai, buyee doesn't seem to be able to add to cart for p-bandai, unless am doing something wrong...
  4. seti88

    Macross figures

    Posted similar in the models section..but something I never knew I wanted...
  5. Ok this is something I never knew I wanted until now...
  6. looks quite a fun transformation! and that clear glossed canopy immediately catches the eye in fighter mode... came for the valk...stayed on longer for her... btw this got my heart racing...not for her handling the valk, but for the fear those legs will collapse...
  7. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    sweet ....lining and decals really elevate the HMR vf2ss as the color scheme is quite plain ... looks a bit like a labor head from this view as well...
  8. like guyffon said, its to let the waist swivel. I wonder if i should be thinking how a vf-1j leg would look on a vf-1s battroid and vise-versa! or max's blue legs on any valk! blue jeans!
  9. More pics from touch and feel session in the link.. http://toho.seesaa.net/article/463227755.html
  10. Just remembered I ordered 2 from ami...bracing for shipping costs.....
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Seeing that bandai release schedule is full till April for the vf-4, am thinking the earliest for any announcements would be abt February/march next year. ...just found out, taking into consideration the 1/48 vf-1 weapons pack which the release dates are in may, I thk any more new announcements may be in April...
  12. Times change yeah....kinda miss the simpler stuff back then... built tough! They werent sleek, had stickers and simple transforming mechanisms...but yet never failed to catch ur imagination Guess that's why i don't get too fussed up abt the toys nowadays (except for the dang price and occasional pink hue )...just glad someone is still pumping out macross!
  13. Normally the domestic shipping fee is stated on the original Japanese site you are getting the item. Any extra fees would be handling, checking or packing fees from the proxy itself. Then after that add a final shipping fee to the buyer.
  14. what's a month or two to get it in hand when bandai hypes it with the original valk toy...I will have to scratch my itch via all the reviews when it's out!! Maybe Bandai wants to remind everyone to collect until the 50th anniversary of macross for the ultimate vf-1!! Gotta admit the old chunkies still hold a special place in my heart....so am hyped to get the latest to feel how far bandai has progressed... Sorry for the low res iPad2 pics lol...
  15. Yeah I know proxies have fees. Am wondering if CDJ ever did what N-Y did, which is open up orders for macross TWE items as per p-bandai PO timing. I don’t recall CDJ doing that. CDJ proxies usually are similar to buying stuff that is sold out or at scalper pricing..and not as a way to get a p-bandai item when it lists on p-Bandai..not that I remember for macross anyway...hence my question..
  16. Does CDJ sell p-bandai exclusives @PO pricing? I didnt recall they did...
  17. Am a gerwalk guy, but battroid looks absolutely delicious! the proportions, details....that tampo is making it look like a model instead of a toy....from the video anyway....
  18. One is what m aiming for too... Bandai, can you please give a hint if you will reissue these in the future, if there are other valks? I mean you can't expect us to know how many to buy right.....
  19. Now the most important question.....to N-Y or not to N-Y... after all, it just a weapon set right... and how many.... I actually think I might just be down for one...tho the shipping costs for just one might be a large percentage comparatively to the set itself..... hmm.... I might have to go thru buyee for this and perhaps combine it with something to stretch shipping costs?
  20. There is only one TWE preorder I think the missile set option is good for those who want the valk for battroid or gbp mode only and every little amount saved is a good thing. However it might cause a run on the missile sets for those who want em...I guess I would like missiles to be included at 19k msrp, and not have any price increases...cmon it’s not a complicated piece, the missiles do not even separate (from the box missiles). it is what it is...
  21. Twe preorders open 20th this month...
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