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Everything posted by seti88

  1. The 51 fighter has such shelf presence! Sweet M0 display ....
  2. Nicely posed kuma!Cool shots this one in particular from ur blog Stretching the articulation to the max...
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yup it seems to be heading more towards an orange tonality. Probably some cost savings there, since arad's teased armor parts also are orange. Orange batch discount! anyway, after looking at it more, gonna chalk up the different hue near the intakes and shoulders down to the radome blocking the light... Now, what i want to see is the underside of fighter mode and how *ahem* it looks...
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Does that orange look like a different shade especially on the area near and above the intakes?
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Chucky!! Wow that’s a very early announcement...abt half a year in advance....things must be heating up for macross...?
  6. OK fine, bandai got my wallet on a potential YF-21 DX. But, my nerd juices are running overtime on the fact there could be a possible DX VF-11. And if a potential Full Set like the 19? Full Stop! Take my money. And if an vf11 armored set(of course it would be from M7)?.............. Sometimes i think even bandai wouldn't even dare tempt fate like that...
  7. how I wish there was a wallpaper slideshow on the iPhone..too many photos I want to display as wallpaper, and I don’t wanna keep manually swapping em..
  8. Hehe would need to be a personal lightbulb and space otherwise some other white valks sharing the floor might change color as well..
  9. the flight school portion could serve as a lead in to something else perhaps that made Roy into a killing machine? Flight training is one thing but the valk is also somewhat a projection of being a soldier, since it’s also capable of hand to hand combat. Less impersonal than a fire and forget missile. Then the meat of the story could cover how a pilot goes from piloting a non transforming aircraft to a transforming valk, and the experiences he had to learn to grow to be as effective in piloting gerwalk and battroid modes. Ivanov is also learning the same, but with a different angle that forces Roy to be ruthlessly effective... just something I am thinking abt how to get macross away from girl bands.. but that is interesting that some series tried to do a Roy origin story too...I can’t remember if I heard abt that and subsequently forgotten it...
  10. That nose bar might overlap the front landing gear area. And the rotating joint in the middle of the bar would need to be very sturdy as a single point of pressure accumulation. Who knows,might be an alternative if these are worked out.
  11. So they are unfolding the shield in fighter and using them as displays..interesting....
  12. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    No i didnt. Where did you hear that from?
  13. Thanks for giving me a chuckle today folks!
  14. At the end when roy says he is sick that ivanov made what he is today... Makes me wish there was a focker origin story....not sure if there would be transforming valks though, but still, perhaps valks could be fitted in somewhere?
  15. MA-KU-ROS is easier to pronounce.
  16. Yums, something to hide the fact the orange is a different shade! except that lil folded backpack tail..
  17. I like prefect transformation too, but more because, i don't want to dig out parts. So the legs detaching at the bar during transformation dont bother me, in fact i think helps in reducing stress on the swing bar joints during transformation like you said.
  18. also available at your friendly neighborhood blog...http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Bandai-DX-VF-1-Instructions.pdf
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Only just because i don't want to wait so long! Since i like the elvis version and also like variety in my valk collection, a white pope would be the best of both worlds! You can have it, but not before an elvis DX first plz! We needs a corresponding fighting Elvis for Kieth to pair off with...
  20. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    To kill 2 birds with one stone, i would like an elvis BA draken pls.
  21. IMHO, i don't think it was in bandai's initial plan to make the 1/55 last forever. Like companies in the 80's it's all about how much merchandise to sell. (which hasn't changed much) Maybe due to the materials and technology they had available then and were familiar with, could be just a product of the time. Generally, I dont think toys nowadays will last as much as before. It would be down to individual awareness and care given to maintaining the toy, which determines more how long toy's last.... and in this i hang my head in shame as i did not take care of my old chunkies, as such they now have broken parts ....
  22. I sort of get what treatment is trying to ask, i.e. how much changes have bandai made(copied?) to their own line, since the 1/48 is a touted successor to the 1/55.. However i think there isnt much left to compare, if you exclude the pricing, looks and articulation...
  23. You summed up everything(?) that is different, am not sure what else is there to say. Should we be comparing it critically since its been 35 years? The 1/55 has history(read old school charm) in its corner, whereas the 1/48 has modern looks and articulation.
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