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Everything posted by seti88

  1. I agree! Have a good chuckle and then accept the genie whole hearteredly!
  2. Bringing it back for comparison!! I thk I prefer the plain missile panel looks of the prototype..and also Noel’s choice of blue!
  3. Haha boy If ever Shawn decides to put back the buttons, add a sexy vote button..
  4. Not yet...your supposed to wait for 3 calls... Finally a sense of scale in a vid! You called? Sorry, wrong number....it was lollicon's close up pics in the OD thread! Based on the arcadia shenanigans on the first 0D release, am not sure if that color correction is actually a "correction". Can you imagine arcadia releasing a weathered and panel lined valk as a PF too?
  5. LOL!! Gee .. imagine an itano ‘thumbs up/down gif’ circus in response to posts...very scary ...definitely stuff of nightmares ..
  6. yup u said it......
  7. Am ok with the 1/5000 scale...space and cost is becoming a premium for me... Thanks for bringing up the revell though...at least we have a price benchmark to go against...i saw amazon was selling a LED kit for the revell 1/2700 SD at abt 70-80usd, so add in the revell kit and probably have an alternative if cost is too high on the bandai..
  8. My dream come true!! sticker shock anticipated! my contribution to the star wars wallet gif!!
  9. I can’t seem to get the genie to stop singing “in west Philadelphia born and raised”, out of my mind... Dammit will!
  10. Perhaps the 1E PF then?
  11. No sign of it! thanks for the reminder tho!
  12. My thoughts exactly when i saw yellow's ride!! ...Although the OD PF is making me restless...but am even considering missing out on some bandai stuff too Fuke was teased last year i cant recall if that was a pic of the old or new prototype...either way...mospeada goodness!! Whoa i forgot abt the possibility of retracting blades....when is the PO date dangit... oh wishing for some 80's spring loaded goodness again..... On the blade tabs, yeah not that cool, but not a point for PO cancellation...one could always sand it down, but i wouldn't know how that might affect the bike mode experience, am sure the designers put it there for a reason they tested... if the blades sit tight even with the tabs shaved off, then probably thats what most would do...however I do tend to let my collections be "stock"... My sorest point design wise on yellow's ride is still the 2 hexagonal panels on the chest missile covers....not a PO killer either, but i suppose i will learn to love it.... perhaps it looks nice in bike mode instead of the headlights...
  13. Nova
  14. TN events In May and end-October.
  15. Bandai doesnt participate in WF..valk marketing activities are covered in bandai’s tamashii nations events..
  16. arcadia, dont you DARE pull that color bait and switch again! or are they also upping their game to a airbrushed and panel lined bait and switch.. I guess i will await FINAL RELEASE pics or reviews then arcadia!...
  17. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That's what i am thinking too, its a pretty long 6 month pre-order window...and with today's WF news, more attention for the wallet this year..
  18. Really liking the semi-gloss(?)-ish grey coat on the 51 from your close up pics.. am wondering that too, it doesnt look like anything significant has changed, except perhaps dark colored intake blades...will await arcadia's promotional blogs which normally shed light on their valks leading up to release...
  19. haha fewture is reminding everyone not to forget about them ....
  20. more pics at http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=12222 lookin good! man between this the PF 0D, yellow's ride and legioss...i dont know how to allocate which to get (other than the no brainer for yellow's ride),....
  21. *RUBS EYES* 1) is the color changed or is it a camera white balance illusion? 2) Weathered?? 3) rounding up....40k! Man if its true the color changed and is weathered,...tough call...i already gave up when i saw the price, but then 1) and 2) questions came in.... that might sway me if true....
  22. i wish the upvote buttons were around...+1 for the compilation The two hexa designs on the blow superior missile panels irked me a bit, as it didnt look like it quite fit in design wise. However all the other design cues such as color and stripes were spot on! I am so wishing someone would just open up the panels and display the missiles! The legioss has that chunky look, definately want to see fighter as well b4 committing...
  23. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It’s abt a 6 month lapse till actual release day for the 31e...is that one of the longest P.O. lapses in macross P.O.’s? Lately it was abt 4ish months max...
  24. I would like if the special stand would also be done for Roy...skull logo and all in fact I thk a row of stands would look nice as a fighter collection.. ia dilemma indeed, every PO needs to be in multiples, if you want more than fighters...
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