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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Shortage? Blame kawamori for creating such cool toys having 3 distinct cool modes that some buy 4 (1 for misb) of the same toy.
  2. Yeah, T-Rex as a toy studio does work for various brands...arcadia, bandai, sentinel etc.. They come in at the manufacturing stage as per Forbes article
  3. As much as it may seem from the lack of stock, to sudden price spike, I do not think NY withholds stock. They are in a biz of clearing stock not holding more as it costs money (shop space, handlers, power etc) to store stocks. The more stock they hold, the bigger the risk they can not clear them. NY are not macross fans, they are a business and they don't have time to micromanage what toys might be popular or not. Not to mention that word may go to bandai if any vendors arent pushing the sales, and there would be consequences. The spike in prices is more likely N-Y acting as a middleman to procure orders from the secondary market for the buyer and just get a smaller cut from it. They could perhaps have identified a local area with local sellers they are familiar with and leverage their advantage there to sell to others. The other clue is that the higher priced pre-orders normally have pay upfront, whereas actual bandai pre-orders have pay later options. N-Y's only problem is not communicating to their customers that these are secondary market products. This is normal practise but declared by others as proxy shopping like via CDJ and even sites like buyee/fromjapan thru yahoo auctions.
  4. was sentinel involved with bandai's vf-31?
  5. Very much miss it!
  6. phwoar not unexpected but still........thanks!
  7. scalpers wet dreams...hahahaha...
  8. How much is this again?
  9. Mac Zero aerial CGI dogfights are the awe inspiring...
  10. Gratz to all!!
  11. Haha yes just being paranoid. Since this release comes with extra accessories like the saddles, guns and a taller yellow I really hope it doesn’t affect weightage significantly...
  12. if per last shipment for stick from AE is any indication, then i am getting 19290 shipped from AE I only ordered one ... poor man My shipping is 1290 as per last records for stick...SAL registered shipment.... Not a best yardstick for you folks in the states tho, and sometimes amazon JP prices are priced differently for US destined shipments... Also, i hope the box dimensions for yellow havent changed much! That might affect shipping... I know yellow is taller and all but cmon sentinel............................. dont make the box extra large!
  13. Woohoo switch pre-order to AE! Where i bought stick, and since its the same price i know how much everything will cost...
  14. you got to pre-order at hobbysearch!???
  15. Always choose to buy in YEN pricing. For the price point you are buying 1 or 2 items, isn't worth paying extra to the sellers offering multicurrency hedges..
  16. Ah i get it now. sumimasen.
  17. HAHAHAHA....
  18. Seconded!
  19. Do they? I have mine as SAL registered with HS....
  20. got it at HS! THANKS BEATSING! NO MORE waiting for PRE-ORDERS!!
  21. i dont think scalpers are listing on NY, but likely NY see opportunities to get some off the market in JP, and makes profit through differences in price. They might know sources to get it for perhaps 25k yen or below current YJA auction prices...
  22. i am getting pre-order burn out from yesterday....not sure if i can last thru for yellow's listings....
  23. the problem with NY is that they dont say if the markup copy is via third party.... .ie. CDJ mentions proxy listings where the markup is high but they can get it for you off third party sellers.. no obligation on N-Y to mention that of course, but it leads to folks thinking NY has bad practises, after debacles... i do agree on not feeding the scalpers...
  24. Makes you think this might be a catalyst for creating a long running demand for the 1/48 VF-1 ....if hikaru and max were unavailable, then whatever comes next will have to do until demand tapers off....that of course will have to go up against the sucky experience of getting one...which ultimately might be the downfall....
  25. Hahaha don’t mind him shizuka, he be trollin any ami related P.O ... nice timing david..
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