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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Bandai did release something else, its in 1/48th.
  2. Found this gif going thru some of the earlier gifs downloaded on air date....262 reveal was so awesome! Yeah bandai should make more of it...
  3. The simplest example of stop motion in action! well done..
  4. I didn’t know M&M 1J was going to happen? Must have missed that memo..
  5. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes, that’s the most straightforward reuse. Just slap on a macross kite on a blue stand. Others tho, not so much..
  6. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Give me more HMR stands first. I am ok for waiting on HMR mecha at the moment to let my wallet breathe...
  7. RG Nu in actual.... https://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12460156435.html The armor having a hole/gap in the middle of the shoulder is a bit annoying for me...seems more pronounced when panel lined... However everything else looks incredible...
  8. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup that thought crossed my mind, but chances of bandai opening a HMR frontier line with a 27 seems slim?
  9. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

  10. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    No probs. Bandai wouldnt tease something they already released i.e. DX frontier valks. Its a HMR VF-25...
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    anymoon is run by @jenius! 21 full set? now be like kids waiting at the door listening for the ice cream truck ... Not sure abt more armor packs..i mean bandai doesnt even have slots in the year for releasing vf-31 supers.. Yup the 19 full set weapons fit on the 31 valks!
  12. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    another angle from speakerpodcast tamashii october 2015...https://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-30-delta-folds-in/
  13. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    No sure if anyone else has higher res pictures, or a super powered photoshop zoom/image enhancer, do us a favor and enlarge the 2 valks at the back.
  14. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you for the 1D shots! New wallpaper change on the mobile!
  15. I hope that the young crowd like valks as much as the older ones do...and that kawamori keeps creating them...
  16. Macross releases have been very consistent nowadays, so drought/gaps of macross releases are rare. Its more of what can you would prefer over the other or keep up with, and afford. At least that's becoming my behavior, i noticed. And lastly, in DX cases, what you can pre-order!
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

  18. Ah thx for jogging the memory! Yeah i saw pics of it especially during the skytree showcase..
  19. What scale is that gerwalk, and is when is the preorder. Not that i would be able to afford the shipping even.
  20. I really like the missile add-ons on the draken. Beef up the SV-262 significantly and also enhance the look in fighter mode with those tampo'ed panels.
  21. Man this video would be even more awesome if only he put this as the soundtrack...
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