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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Andor feels like a proper star wars prequel...all the settings make sense and you get that sense of what the rebellion is all about, and what the empire is... just imagining if anakin were as adult as cassian and struggled through difficult experiences (more in the sense of helping others and failing, yes there was the catalyst of his mother), and in the end defected to the dark side.. more poignant and meaningful...ehh..i shld stop thinking of what might have been... but back to andor...i was a fan of season one and looking forward to season two..
  2. Macross is likely going be associated with j-pop or something easy the young ones can listen to....after all its all abt making the most money out of concert ticketing/music sales moolah... the only way we would get more diverse stuff is if macross had a parallel series to experiment with...but i dont see that happening anytime soon..
  3. Kawamori-san is 65yrs young this year...maybe he wants to enjoy this part of his life with less stress... still i hope he hasnt given up on designing new valks....
  5. Ah yes...you will comply substitute the above with who the hell is hikaru!?
  6. My 2 cents...because rick hunter isn't a character in macross. 🙊 get off my lawn! 'nuff said.🙃
  7. I must admit, i did think Frontier was just a rehash of the OG, but as time went on, i recognize frontier for the fantastic series frontier was. And yes, am converted that frontier's OST, to me anyway, appeals to me more than SDFM or plus. *gasp* i wouldn't have believed it myself. i agree with you on the challenges facing Macross ....its not only the story it has to contend with but also the musicality that synchs w the story... And having universally enjoyed musicality...wow talk abt a challenge... as different generations not to mention cultures, have different tastes.. ...and then there are those darn valk's and their transformations...🙃
  8. Submit your applications by end April..selections trials etc…I thk that’s going to be till year end..and then the series maybe end of 2026? Or early 2027? translated song is called ai to ai… sigh I guess the ai hype train is everywhere nowadays..
  9. funny that i can see the short video on my phone but not on my PC.. i guess this announcement was a bust?...not much info except there will be auditions this year... any new macross series takes too long to launch... maybe time to re-lock the thread soon ...
  10. Seems there will be a new round of diva auditions again so i dont think this new series will appear anytime soon...
  11. Maybe this one> Though am not sure if its going to be restricted region wise or maybe its just a chat channel... edit: its just a chat channel...no videos so far... else just wait for updates here or via twitter.. maybe someone will post a link here too..
  12. The announcement event will be for 45 minutes...so maybe hints of the characters or valks perhaps..?
  13. listening to this on a loop.
  14. INCOMING... https://hjweb.jp/article/1989381/
  15. maybe speculate on the numbering? vf-33?
  16. Finally! Let's go. until the first episode airs next year.....................end.. macross needs to borrow some booster rockets from a gundam series.. hope am wrong..
  17. So is this a you were out but they pulled you back in moment?🙃 welcome back btw!
  18. @davidwhangchoi right on, will post pics! Been very busy w stuff and my poster is still held by its packaging from japan. Framing would be to store it proper.. Don’t tell me you be collecting multiples of these release items too🤪 congrats to all on the first press limited…I just couldn’t pull the trigger on it since I don’t thk I would enjoy the Japanese script item proper..
  19. Certainly got the mood and environment settings looking like a big budget backing it. Very comprehensive and detailed art design everywhere. Most definitely catching this on imax..
  20. It’s not rigid, feels soft so definitely not cardstock and not even like any thin metal posters. Thin chrome paper, if that makes any sense?🤣
  21. Its metallic(reflective?) on the upper sdf-1 body, arms/cannons, and the SDF-1 does pop/highlight somewhat from the rest of the background. Cant really judge the quality/effectiveness of that metallic sheen until and furthermore in a frame. From the back of the poster it certainly looks chrome-y. This rakuten exclusive costs 9900 yen though, higher than the other releases..
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