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BOMBA! (13/15)



  1. Was red the original color but got recoloured to blue?
  2. πŸ‘† totally concur!! probably someone in management/marketing asking is it sharp? is it sharp?
  3. Nice trailer no doubt. But am more excited on a possibility of a new JL movie if ever thats to be... πŸ˜…
  4. Tin foil hat theory....the pulse in three body universe is coming from megaroad 1....πŸ€ͺ context: i am still reading book 1 and refraining to watch the netflix series ending until i finish book 1..
  5. New 0A not compatible with the reactive armor?? Boo! The original issue with the leg was more of a QA issue where excess glue leaked into the ball joint connecting to the hip. The glue was needed because the ball joint was a half plastic and half metal ball, so the glue merely attached the plastic bit to the metal. To solve it, either control the glue spread (via the application process) OR which QA examinations can help eliminate faulty glue applications. Or have a total metal ball joint. I dont see any need for redesigns of the leg, until reactive armors cant fit?? Boo again!! And side note, not everyone had leg issues on the original 0A either. Rant over....
  6. πŸ˜†πŸ˜† nice one... iEEEEeee lurved eeeeettttttt!! A-I- geneRa-ted reZpomse πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
  7. Totally badass! Yeah i totally missed this on past releases, so not passing this up... I wish i had the πŸ€‘ to go for a third and fourth copy...just so all three modes could be displayed..+ the obligatory MIB...πŸ€ͺ ...memories of watching the armor first appearing on frontier come flooding back..that was truly awesome...
  8. Can't wait for this to be out...bought a 4K panasonic player just for this physical media release... Do i get some brownie points huh BW? C'mon....
  9. YOU CALLED? Back in the day, dude/dudette? above my dorm room playing this on rewind everyday late till midnite... out of the window...burnt into my memory...πŸ€ͺ
  10. RIP… What’s our vector, victor? I can’t tell you how many times I annoyed everyone with that question. iykyk
  11. Po madness? What po madness?🫑
  12. hubba hubba!πŸ₯°
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