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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. Some awesome collections in here. I need to get my area in order so I can post a pic. It's no where near what you guys have. I just keep a Yamato 1/60 Max DYRL VF-1A around. A have a few others for an area I'm trying to complete.
  2. I guess that's why I think J.J Abrams version of Star Trek sucks. It might look cool and have a lot of visual nods. But it isn't what Star Trek is supposed to be. Prometheus is a better Star Trek movie than Abrams Star Trek but I'll give him another chance with the sequel. Yet, I doubt it will be Wrath of Khan level of greatness. Especially since Abrams Star Trek missed the whole point about the Starfleet test. But it's just an alternate universe anyway so it doesn't matter.
  3. I think it was called Separate Ways in Robotech.
  4. Didn't Spielberg basically direct the Yoda vs Emperor fight? Or come up with the idea of them fighting in the dome area? I read or heard that somewhere. Whatever the case, someone who really loves Star Wars and is talented needs to direct. Not really fond of J.J. Abrams since he turned Star Trek into Star Wars in many ways. The Red Letter Media review picked up on that. I think Brad Bird is good with his own stuff. Incredibles is a perfect movie. Mission: Impossible 4 wasn't. I don't. They need to not make them chumps like they were in the prequels.
  5. This is kind of going off topic. But Rachel was disappointed by the hotel thing. And even though Bruce said he was different, Rachel didn't believe it because of what she was seeing. However, closing the door and ending the friendship with your childhood friend, on his birthday is horrible. Plus, after learning that he is Batman and still basically saying you're different now is again terrible. This sort of thing continues in Dark Knight. If you're watching Arrow, you'll see how the whole party disguise and inner turmoil is handled with compassion. At least so far. But Dinah will become Black Canary too I assume so she's already in a far different category compared to Rachel. Yeah in the Transformers movies, I believe her character is kind of a gearhead. I barely remember them but doesn't she fix a car in the first movie?
  6. The worst thing about the arrow give back scene was that to me she was saying that she was finished with Bruce and had more serious things to do. She did this on his birthday of all days. If you want to see a similar situation with a character played with far more compassion, you should watch Arrow on CW. Very similar but played far better by Katie Cassidy, who is awesome by the way. With Megan Fox and Transformers, I've only seen both movies once. But she's pretty, knows cars, and rides motorcycles. That's enough for any guy Plus, in real life she seems geeky wearing Star Wars and Voltron stuff and even knowing about comics. Also, her whole pinup thing is funny too.
  7. True, leaving Batman in the Batmobile might be asking for disaster. I read that some people are wary of leaving the Reeve Superman in the flight pose with the clip straining the costume. Stuff like this is why I favor statues. Or just getting a good figure and not even opening the box provided the box has good artwork and a viewing window. Katie Holmes wasn't that believable as a D.A to me in Batman Begins. The other actress does a far better job in Dark Knight. Also, Bruce basically opens up to her at the end and she lets him down. Then a second later jumps to what are you going to do with the mansion. Like the previous conversation never happened. Maybe it's just bad writing. Don't forget that she also gave her arrow head "finders keepers" gift back to him on his birthday. Maybe I just didn't like the character. Besides which, Batman was always a loner. He doesn't need the whole love interest thing going on. Now, I don't like the Transformers movies at all. But Megan Fox was the girlfriend to have. Sam (I think was his name) was in love with this girl. Part 2 even though I barely remember the movie was about how close they were. And what they went through to save each other. I think that's why people were upset about Megan Fox not being in Transformers 3. Which I haven't seen yet by the way.
  8. JetJockey

    Macross figures

    I still haven't seen a really good statue of Sheryl or Minmay. I thought for sure some company would come out with the Minmay figure/statue to own for the anniversary. Also, no one made a knock out statue of Sheryl in her tube top and suspenders getup. I think I remember one but the face could have been closer to the anime.
  9. The Batman TV show had the yellow symbol. So did the animated show which was inspired by Batman 89. I don't know the history of the Batsuit so I'm sure there are many variations. The story in Batman Year One was that Bruce wanted to give the bad guys a target or something. I just want something iconic that says Batman. Not miltary suit turned into Batsuit. I believe Hot Toys said the Keaton Batman would fit in the Batmobile. I saw an image of the Keaton Batman in the Tumbler. It looked like it was squeezed in. Batman Returns is also why we got those two horrible sequels. I can't watch Batman Returns anymore. It's too over the top. I'm surprised that you guys actually liked Katie Holmes in Batman Begins. I thought that she was the worst part of the movie. I thought she was fine too in that teenage soap opera that I can't remember the name of right now. In part, her character ruined the ending of Batman Begins and helped me not really care about her fate in The Dark Knight. I thought people would have cheered if Katie Holmes played the character in The Dark Knght during that pivotal scene. But Kim Basinger. Yeah, she was and probably still is one of the most beautiful women around. I love that Batmobile scene when they are driving to the cave.
  10. I like the first Keaton Batman suit. I still like Batman 89 more than the new Nolan movies. They are good but they always had small things that bugged me. Which is too much to get into here. But I think the realistic suit can and should be more iconic. They could use dark gray armor. I don't want Batman to wear tights. The movies won't be like the comics. Also, even the Keaton Batman suit had the yellow Bat symbol. It doesn't even have to be yellow it could be dark yellow. Or compromise and have one or the other. Dark yellow Bat symbol or dark gray armor. I remember not liking the X-Men costumes in the first movie but really liking them in X2. I don't know if it was the cinematography in X2 but I noticed that the characters all had their comic colors in their black leather costumes. That was cool to me. I love Terry's suit in Batman Beyond. But it's probably too futuristic for a new Batman movie. You would think Hot Toys would test these figures or know about the types of rubber they are using. The whole oil thing is crazy. I read some older figures have peeling/degrading rubber too. I wasn't crazy about Sideshow's Batman or Superman for that matter. Right now, I'm waiting to see if Hot Toys will release a version 2 of the Keaton Batman for the Batmobile. I still don't see how that figure can stay in the Batmobile for long periods of time. Certainly not with the cape either. I'm going to get the Reeve Superman for the holidays.
  11. I purchased the SEGA Prize Motoko a long time ago around release time. I can't remember what I paid but it was for both versions. I think it might have been around the price one statue is going for now on the Bay but I can't remember. It is a cool statue. I switch off both versions around my PC.
  12. That's a good interview and touches on a lot of the stuff that bothers me about the prequels and the special editions. I thought Lucas was giving the ok to all these books and comics because he wanted the story to go in those directions. When he said he could make the special editions the way he wanted I thought we would see Mara in the background somewhere in Return of the Jedi. Maybe he would choose which version of Luke's lightsaber he preferred too since Luke uses the stunt version for the majority of scenes. Also, I think Luke tries to block the Emperor's force lightning in the book but he's not strong enough. Something small like that could have been added. But according to that interview Lucas kept everyone in the dark until there was a problem and even then things slipped by. I'm glad Zahn mentioned not liking the whole Jedi test in Phantom Menace. That was something I thankfully forgot. What a horrible idea.
  13. Unless you like figures, why bother with that CM version of Motoko? The Vice/Alter and SEGA Prize statues are all you need. Unless Hot Toys attempts one. Or perhaps a company like Sideshow Toys decides to make a large scale version.
  14. Good thing I was never really fond of the new Batman suit. It was too realistic for me. I say bring on a more comic inspired suit with the reboot. The glued pieces to fabric seems like a good idea in theory. Many of the rubber suit Hot Toys figures I wanted to get had pose problems because of the tight rubber suit. Appleseed Deunan and Keaton Batman for example.
  15. I would be a bit worried going by Tron Legacy as a guide. Too many Star Wars prequel similarities in Tron Legacy for my liking. Calling them calamari made me remember a scene from the movie Dagon. Someone posted a pic of Barriss. Here is another artistic version of her. Sadly, she's probably not popular enough to get a statue. But she did get a two part book series. Plus, I think Sideshow still has Adam Hughes working on a Mara Jade statue. Unless the new movies changed all that. He hasn't really missed yet with his designs for Sideshow. And his last of Lara Croft is a knockout. Bultar Swan is another that someone posted. But she was in a really bad Star Wars comic that tried to set things up after the prequels. It tried to show the Jedi as still incompetent and unable to defeat a newly armored Darth Vader when he was outnumbered and basically down. That was the comic that made me say enough is enough with Star Wars comics.
  16. Where is this review of the new Batman? I thought Hot Toys rarely made big mistakes.
  17. I'm sure there are some creative types that just want the creation to be the most important thing. They don't run out to every TV show and say buy my product. And basically say anything to get people to buy it. That's usually when I decide not to buy it too. That sort of thing usually makes something a product and not very creative even if it looks creative. There were tons of Jedi women in the prequels but George Lucas didn't give them much if any real acting screen time. They stood around or made a few poses with lightsabers. Aayla Secura had a few cameos in Episode II and went out extremely poorly in Episode III. Sideshow Toys is making a so so statue of her. Barriss Offee and Luminara were in the background in Episode II and weren't given much to do either. Very upsetting as these two fight together and we could have seen some cool small scenes with them in that Attack of the Clones battle. Shaak Ti was another missed opportunity. George Lucas didn't know what to do with her giving her very bad and thankfully deleted death scenes in Episode III. I did just pre-order her statue from Sideshow Toys however.
  18. I just recently stumbled across the fact that Shinji Aramaki worked on Captain Power as the show is making a come back. He did the designs on the three animated interactive VHS tapes. I opened an old box to watch and listen to them when the limited soundtrack was announced a month or so ago. I always knew the art style was different. I guess I kept the tapes for a reason. I never watched the credits much when I was young and it was a surprise to see his name listed. It was a "that's why this is so cool" moment. Looking for the cels/sketches now but nothing so far. I didn't know the connection between Bubblegum Crisis and Mospeada. Perhaps I'll get a few of the books I'm missing like that Anime Bikes one. I think it was Hot Toys that released a light up Akira bike. I wish they would do Priss' motoslave and Rook's cyclone.
  19. Maybe. But the original trilogy was still cool. Now even actors that were in the prequels know they aren't good. Ewan McGregor mentioned on Top Gear once that the originals were classics and that the prequels were just those movies he was in. And he did a good job in them too.
  20. I guess I’ll add to the Net with my feelings on Disney owning Lucasfilm. Long story short, for the most part I’m indifferent. I only hope to get the original trilogy on Blu-ray one day from this deal. But from my research an original print would have to be restored. Something George Lucas claimed didn’t exist. And he was against it anyway. Plus, Disney will have to clear up the legal stuff that I’ve recently read about. Long story: George Lucas was the guy who did it right. He owned his creation. No longer would a corporation change his vision because of a focus group or committee/business decision. The creator would control it. But something happened. He joked once that he made the prequels because he needed to get his money back after a divorce. Also, that like Darth Vader he was doing something he didn’t want to do. Run a corporation. When you run a corporation it needs money. You bring in money easily by making something known. The Star Wars prequels and Indiana Jones 4. The Phantom Menace was obviously a kid’s movie. I think Lucas said he made it for his kids. I knew it had problems but I was willing to let it slide if Episode II was good. But going by many scenes in Phantom Menace including the glaring funeral scene where not one Jedi realizes that a Sith is among them. I knew something wasn’t right. Attack of the Clones was a romantic movie with a detective story. It was ok but it was the first quality movie that had scenes that took me out of the movie. This movie was where I knew Revenge of the Sith would suck. Revenge of the Sith felt like a corporate/product movie. Every chance to do something cool in the movie was missing. It was a financial success and creatively it looked amazing. In fact, in many ways everything was right except the story. In the scope of the original trilogy, Revenge of the Sith cemented the prequel trilogy’s failure. The sad thing is, the prequels didn’t have to be like this. The original movies were the blueprint. George Lucas had all the resources he needed. I believe the prequels were profitable before release with all the product deals. Why cut corners? That big battle scene in Attack of the Clones on Geonosis should not have been full of extras playing Jedi but similar to when The Avengers come together in the city battle. Indy 4 wasn’t that bad probably because of Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, and the other high quality actors involved. But it wasn’t as good as the originals either and Crusade’s ride into the sunset is still the perfect ending. And make no mistake, even though Disney doesn’t mention rebooting the Indy series, something I thought would never happen. We are now a step closer to that happening as you know people are working behind the scenes to clear up the legal problems. With these prequel movies, we shouldn’t need a skit of a murderer/felon, kidnapper of hookers, and overall scumbag explaining to us what is wrong with them. It’s become a big joke now and even though George Lucas says he doesn’t read reviews. He had to know that things weren’t right. Now with the Disney takeover, some are happy about this. That’s fine. But to me Star Wars became a product. Disney will make Star Wars 7, 8, and 9. Will they reboot and erase material that was actually good about the future Skywalkers and Star Wars adventures? I would prefer that they created new adventures. But George Lucas already has outlines for parts 7, 8, and 9 so who knows. If Disney got people who actually cared about Star Wars to direct, produce, etc. it could be good. It turned out well for Avengers, not so much for Tron Legacy. But how come George Lucas didn’t do this? The stories in between the Clone Wars are great. They actually try to fix all the stuff that’s wrong with the prequels right up to the point where they have to tie into Revenge of the Sith. Which is why I lost interest in the cartoon, as it doesn't matter how good it is. The story will still have to match up to the crappy movie. Also, George Lucas’ net worth was around 2 billion during the time of the prequels. Surely, he could take 1/4 of that to finance his movie, TV, and other company projects? He could have made his own Star Wars theme park. It’s like the guy who managed to get things the way he wanted with full control over his creations is now is saying I don’t want it that way after all. Regardless of what happens with the Star Wars movies, what George Lucas did is the very definition of selling out his creation. As I said in the opening, I’m just indifferent. I barely care. I only want a few more Star Wars things because the whole thing has been milked dry and the stories overlap at times and ignore events that were canon. Characters that were awesome are made to be silly. It will take a lot from Disney and the people in charge to change my opinion and make Star Wars cool again.
  21. Well, there goes my hopes. I can't imagine what would cost a lot and get me excited about Mospeada other than the ride armor/cyclone. Maybe a good PVC statue of Rook but that would be even more of a stretch compared to the cyclone considering current taste in Japan for female anime characters.
  22. Well then I would not have won anyway The opening is nice but there are a few Rook scenes I want a lot more than that.
  23. Yeah I look at these now and wonder what was I thinking not trying to bid as these are from the Japanese opening. But many times I get too focused on other things. And I still haven't seen the Rook scenes I'm looking for.
  24. Depends on the site. Which one?
  25. Sounds like what was in that Robotech RPG book from a while back. I think I still have it for the line art. I'm still a bit upset for not going after this Rook opening cel/sketch set from years ago. But I wanted her cyclone cels.
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