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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. I never purchased anything from this company. I couldn't get those Mospeada toys even though I want Mospeada stuff. They were just too kiddy for me.
  2. His movies are too serious now. Technically better than the old ones but not as fun. Indy 4 was ok I guess. I haven't seen Tintin. But as bad or borderline forgettable as Arise is, I would take that too. Making a live action version just to make one is like making an animated Blade Runner just to make one. There's no need. Unless with a live action GitS they can do something equal or better than Blade Runner. Which I highly doubt. Take Prometheus, I like that movie. But it's not quite on the same level as Alien or Aliens. So what chance does the current live action GitS director have against a director like Ridley Scott? Little to none.
  3. They have an Amazon from Dragon's Crown coming out pretty much posed on her weapon like it's a stripper pole. http://www.plastikitty.com/home/emptys-amazon-figure-will-add-some-levity-to-your-shelf Also, strike two on the second version of Sorceress for me. Only Orchid Seed's version now. Seems good so far. http://www.plastikitty.com/home/winter-wonder-festival-nsfw-orchid-seed
  4. If the new Audi TT is priced the same as the current one, I would get that. I like the new car a lot and I didn't like the first or second generation TT. Too bubble like. But the new one looks great. I like it far more than the new Mustang. I still want to see it in person. Interior is tech nice too.
  5. I think I saw these on auction recently. Great cels.
  6. JetJockey

    Macross figures

    It would be nice if some company released a quality Minmay singing figure. I was looking at some recent cel auctions and still can't believe I don't own a Minmay figure.
  7. It's a big joke. You can get those comics for cheap. And I don't think they are that good. At least I never got them back in the day. I did get a few of the Dirty Pair ones by the same artist that were fun. I had a bad feeling about this and I was right. So much for it being an "Ultimate Edition." That's funny, I'm so glad I didn't sign up. Many on other forums can't believe how this is turning out too. Animeigo could have really made something special with an HD version of their first VHS release. There were posts of what they weren't going to do from the beginning. Without even posting the costs. Booklet - too much, steelcase - too much/might be damaged, Crash! - too much, scans of the B-Club - too much, new interviews - nope. It goes on and on. I will be very curious about the cost of the normal set if and when it's released next year or so.
  8. I'll raise you this one. They need to get the guy who sculpted this to make a character in an action pose from a side profile or something. That way you can display the character and butt at the same time.
  9. The figure looks ok. More Appleseed stuff is always a good thing. They'll make a good figure one day.
  10. Cool. Those soundtracks have some good tunes. I remembered that I had a small snap together kit of the valkyries too. That always seemed to fall apart.
  11. I hope not. I would want the original movie Motoko and SAC version. Without Ridley Scott or James Cameron directing GitS, i really don't expect much from the movie. Steven Spielberg is supposed to like the movie but if so why isn't he directing? Not that I was crazy about that A.I. movie. I can't think of many other directors that are skilled enough visually and good with storytelling that would do justice to the anime. Maybe Alfonso Cuaron. Nothing's wrong I guess. I was thinking about getting a few but decided against it for figures or Hot Toys versions.
  12. I haven't seen the second movie or new series yet. I can't remember seeing the original anime. I watched 15 minutes or so of Ex Machina and decided that I wanted to do an a/v upgrade first. Strange that they are doing a reboot though. But the jump in quality from the first movie should be interesting to see. I still like that final battle scene in the city.
  13. Facial sculpt is pretty good compared to the others I've seen. It's probably the paint job. There are some unpainted images on the Net where you can see how good she looks. I think I found another character I'm going to get. I want to find out more about the character first. But she looks hot without going overboard.
  14. I kind of liked Macross II back in the day. I have the original VHS tapes, the US soundtrack, and volume 2 of the Japanese soundtrack. I think I have some posters or prints too. But I don't know if I'll get this on Blu-ray. It certainly doesn't match the original Macross or the other shows that were put into Robotech. I like the artwork and the songs. But with the 6 episodes I always thought I missed something. Maybe the US version was cut? I don't know. The volume 2 Japanese soundtrack seems to have music that is missing from the actual anime. You guys know anything about that?
  15. More pictures! Thanks. We need more Macross figures.
  16. I think I might have escaped the journey to the Dark Side aka getting the Meiko Shiraki figure. Although, once I read the manga that might change again. But I found a Selene statue kit. I still need to track one down. And I'll need to have her painted. But she'll be a lot better and displayable for me. I also got this Christmas version of Elizabeth from the Persona games. She's supposed to be limited but I don't know how limited. They also just released a Persona Arena version.
  17. People go crazy over those Figmas. I'll stick with my Motoko figures. But I would like to see what Hot Toys can do with Motoko.
  18. Thanks for the pictures.
  19. Top wish would be DYRL VF-1S Max version with weathering and slight battle damage. 1/48 or 1/60 doesn't matter.
  20. I thought the whole copy car thing stopped after the whole American / Japanese, Eagle/Plymouth/Dodge / Mitsubishi stuff. It's not even really design. More product management. I don't understand why Toyota doesn't have a new Supra or 2000GT coming out. I've seen many and somehow escaped one myself. After that I only speed on track and at times long distances between cities / towns when the roads basically have only a few cars on them. It's definitely not a beautiful car like so many others that are coming out. A bit too much copy design going on. And the interior as expected is nothing great. But I recently saw the new Corvette. I thought in pictures it was too exotic looking. I saw a white one and at first thought it was an old model. Then I realized it's the new one. Maybe because it was white I didn't see a lot of those more showy details. But it looks better in real life than in pictures. Perhaps the same is true of this new Mustang? But all the true sportscar makers have cars that look good in pictures and even better in real life. So that says something about the Mustang's design.
  21. I watched the latest episode a few days ago. It's clearly a reboot now. I don't know why they did this. I'm not going to be completely negative on the visuals because I saw it on the Net. But almost everything about the show is inferior to the movies and SAC. From the music, character designs, etc. They include little bits for fans to tie into the other series. But this is I guess for a new audience. There is a lot of action in this one and a few good cyberspace scenes. But other than that nothing to make me watch again. Which is a shame since previous Ghost in the Shell shows are always worth multiple viewings. I don't know why they just didn't go with the Man Machine Interface story. I've never read it. Heard it was too much fan service. But the movie and SAC told a fairly consistent story with Motoko. This all new origin decision is just odd to me.
  22. I still have that Dangaio CD in a box somewhere. I wish RightStuf would release the complete Dangaio on Blu-ray or at least DVD like they did the Dirty Pair.
  23. I don't know where you got that I was criticizing his office. I was noting that he mentioned that he would cry or something to that nature if someone paid the $1000 for his favorite Largo cel yet he has a far better Priss from Crash cel on the video behind him. I've seen better BGC cels go for far less than $1000. Of course it's about backing the project too but that Largo cel is the bonus. And I don't know how much of a big fan he is if he's wary about releasing one of their first releases on VHS on Blu-ray. Look at it this way, he wanted $75,000 to finance the project originally. I've met people with more than $75,000 on one credit card. I just find it hard to believe that this company that's been around this long and released BGC multiple times doesn't want to make the hopefully final release in HD without taking the slightest bit of risk. I really think they didn't think this would be successful. Or barely successful. I skimmed an interview and that's what I got out of it. Who knows what other anime titles they looked at as a comparison. I said it before but I just really don't like these company projects / asking for handouts. You guys are even saying just getting HD BGC with subtitles and that other stuff is ok. But then why call it an Ultimate Edition? I know a lot of people like to pitch in with these Kickstarters. Maybe they get excited about the idea of seeing their name on something like this. But shouldn't Animeigo know if they get $75,000 what will be in the set. Or at $80,000, $90,000, $100,000, etc. That's why I don't like the way this is being handled. And many other Kickstarters do know the costs up front and have all the bonuses ready on day one. And on top of that them saying we pay ourselves first with 50% of the money after fees and another cut for production. Then fans can work out what they want and we'll see the costs. That sort of thing is just asking for more fees or hidden costs after the fact. But hopefully Animeigo is a stand up company in that regard. It's just the fact that this "experiment" is now probably a bit more successful than they thought so they will release more stuff like this. That's the biggest problem. But we'll see what the final set is like. I still don't see the need to donate $100 right now.
  24. I probably shouldn't have posted that video. I did it as a more Abrams says he's listening to the fanboys sort of thing. When there is more to what was wrong with the Prequels than that video. And it's wrong in ways too as taksraven points out. I think fans have a lot to be concerned about going by both Star Trek movies and the design choices, characters, and story. The director has final say on this stuff and Abrams said ok to all of it.
  25. Motoko's character looks pretty good animated. I wonder how much that will translate to the figure. It looks ok now but it's too rough to tell.
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