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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. Right now the line from Prototypez is the best Street Fighter 2 stuff I've seen. They are unpainted statues though. I have Ryu. Waiting for Chun Li. Ken looks awesome too. They are all really well done. Sagat and Blanka too if you like them. The sculptor is the same guy who sculpted a Jim Lee Psylocke for Kotobukiya years ago. She goes for a lot now. I've never seen or read Gunsmith Cats. But when I read the title my mind recalled an old anime with cat girls dancing in front of police officers. I think they were robbing a bank? The cat girls I think were like Felicia from Darkstalkers but this is before Darkstalkers time. Anyone remember this anime? I know the trailer was on one of those old VHS tapes. Oh, I thought you were talking about Bubblegum Crisis motoslaves. I still have these. All three in the hard cases. I read that they changed the music on one of the releases. I hope that's not the case with the new Blu-ray. I intend to get that one day. $50 for 60 minutes sounds crazy these days. I remember those expensive anime VHS tapes though. Movies were expensive too back then. I've still yet to see Orguss and a few others.
  2. There are a bunch of sites and forums I check for figures. But no one go to site. If anyone knows a good main site post it. MyFigureCollection doesn't even have all the releases listed and I haven't figured out how the site works in regards to new figure news. But when new figures or kits come out they are good with posting it there.
  3. We need classic Dirty Pair figures too. None of the ones I've seen so far are close to the Project Eden designs.
  4. I want the Knight Sabers too. I only have Priss from the larger scale release some years ago. I can't remember the company's name. I didn't get the Motoslave set. It just wasn't detailed enough. I thought about the metallic version but as someone here said it was still the same toy in different paint. I like Saber Rider too. I think the original toys go for a lot now. At least the Bismarck toy. I would go for figures and a good model / toy of Bismarck or Ramrod as they called him here. There is supposed to be a game coming out and there is a new Blu-ray. So maybe we could at least get a figure of April. Who promised? I didn't know about a new Zillion toy. I remember you found those old toys. Do you have any of the older, I think Animedia magazines or books? Are they worth picking up?
  5. I've never seen this Robotech Visions before. Is it a comic? The Facebook link is a mobile version. I'll look into the normal site a bit later.
  6. I'm holding off on watching the last two. I wonder what the movie will be? I assume since it was at the end of Arise that it could be an Arise movie. Just like SAC had Solid State Society. I wasn't really pleased with the first two Arise episodes. Even if the last two are good as a series it probably won't stand up to SAC or the two movies. Perhaps they should restart it with Man Machine Interface. I still haven't read that. But a new start could be good. You don't want to get to the point where every Ghost in the Shell needs Motoko. Even though she is cool.
  7. After reading some of the comments in the Southern Cross topic and thinking for a while. For the first time I came to the conclusion or perhaps realization that a lot of the anime I like might be past its selling point for most. I grew up with this stuff and it’s still cool to me. Sometimes it feels like yesterday even though it was back in the 80s or early 90s. I still want items from these shows but the majority either don’t or grew out of it. Which is sad because current technology allows many anime toys, models, and figures to be produced at high quality. I even came up with a new project idea while thinking about one of these older anime shows. To me Southern Cross is great. I still want a hovertank, hovercycle, and Dana figure. I was listening to the music from Zillion and remembered that we never got the full series over here. I only have some of the VHS tapes. Something happened to my SEGA Master System games. I need to get them again. I still want well done Dangaio team ships that are transformable with fairly detailed figures. Accurate Voltron lions ever since it was mentioned in a topic here. So much should be coming out but it's almost like we get a tease and then a cancellation. I’m still upset about Rook’s cyclone / ride armor. There was a good Noriko kit from Gunbuster that never came out or is so rare I can’t find it. And of course figures of Minmay and others from Macross since the days of unpainted kits being the best you can get are long gone. Do you guys still want this stuff? Or are you satisfied with what we are getting?
  8. I haven't seen anything recently thankfully. I took the Figma Motoko off my list after some consideration and the fact that another figure of her is coming out. Sideshow Toys seems to be going back to their old games too. It looks like they changed the skintone on their Red Sonja statue and gave her a tan. So that's $400 saved. Still a lot for next year most likely.
  9. They need to re-release GitS Innocence on Blu-ray. I believe that goes for a lot now.
  10. First time seeing that black version. But it's not in the anime. So I don't need it.
  11. Four good Ishtar cels are here: http://asylum-anime.com/cels/macross/
  12. This surprised me! I thought it was a small toy like the older valkyries. The ones with the rotating shields. But this looks a lot bigger and more expensive! I'm going to watch the reviews this weekend.
  13. I remember reading that the Toynami Alpha was similar to a Japanese version. I can't remember which. There was a site that reviewed all of them. I believe the guy is a member here. Maybe I over estimate the number of Robotech fans out there. The people that get the Toynami stuff and buy those DVDs sets again and again. The people that supported Robotech Academy. I assume some are the same people that get every version of the Toynami Voltron. They would want a Dana figure with hovertank and hovercycle I would think. They have never really been made before. The number of Alpha fighters produced by Toynami seems to be on the high side but I just can't believe how that number would shrink for the Southern Cross stuff. But I haven't been following Robotech stuff at all that much. People must really hate Southern Cross. I didn't know that. I liked it. But I like Robotech as a whole. But I saw it when I was young and didn't know and still haven't seen the Japanese versions of Southern Cross and Mospeada. Something about the designs of Southern Cross are just cool. I like the episodes where Dana and the crew get on the Masters ship too.
  14. Ok. I already have that Selene and a few other kits I need to get painted. I'll stick with my two finished Revy figures. I believe that company has a Bayonetta figure coming out. Perhaps they will get the Revy painted or give her to another company to paint one day.
  15. Here are my thoughts on those toys that Harmony Gold / Toynami is trying to sell. From what I've seen they aren't worth buying. I had the original Alpha fighter. Sold it somehow for decent money. It had what many call the beached whale problem with the landing gear. From what I saw with the "new" versions that Toynami had the problem was the same. And by "new" I mean that I think Toynami was just repackaging something that many could get from Japan just with different artwork. Plus from what I've read those fighters had new problems too. On Robotech.com all I see now are different colored Betas available and a Shadow fighter. I don't know many people who are crazy about those Shadow fighters that only showed up in the last episode or two. And different colored Beta fighters? That was my least favorite of the New Generation / Mospeada mech designs. To me a company should take chances. Even if they don't think sales will be there. Release a more limited run. But make a new toy. Re-releasing stuff from Japan in different packaging when probably all the fans that grew up with it have access to the Internet to get said toy months ahead, is just lazy. But that speaks to what Harmony Gold is I guess. I'm sure a few 1000 or so people would get a Dana hovercycle and hovertank set priced around $300 or so if it's quality. I'm sure if Harmony Gold / Toynami purchased, finished, and released that Rook Ride Armor people would have purchased her too. How can a company that even likes their product, see something like that Beagle Ride Armor not get produced and sit and do nothing after they have tried to release the previous versions with few changes for American customers? It's just crazy and lazy to me. But that might be their company mentality. Get a product from someone else, waste time and money changing and designing a box, touch up a few things, and call it your own. And Robotech on Blu-ray. I don't care what they say. They've released Robotech so many times with tons of different marketing names on DVD that I can't remember. Even now on Robotech.com's front page they are selling a "Robotech Classic Collection Vol. 1" which has the already released Japanese Macross episodes and the broadcast Robotech episodes. Yet I think they sold both uncut Robotech episodes and normal episodes before. You know they will eventually milk Robotech on Blu-ray. It's just a matter of when.
  16. This is still an unpainted kit right?
  17. She looks better than the first one. Might be a must buy. I think the Gunbuster girls would be nice. I posted a kit of Noriko I think here or in an old Gunbuster topic. I still don't have a good figure of her. Prison School keeps tempting me. I was able to resist that Meiko in the catsuit. Now they have an anime coming soon and this figure of Hana. It's the alternate look that's the most catching and humorous in multiple ways. And I have no clue what the bottle at her base is for. Definitely NSFW. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-007387&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3DMidorikawa+Hana%24pagemax%3D20%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  18. You guys talking about that hovertank made me want one again even though the first toy wasn't that good. I now remember I didn't like it because it didn't have the first hovertank mode, which I thought was the best. I checked for news on that Robotech Academy Kickstarter today and was surprised to see it closed here on the forum and on the actual Kickstarter. I thought a few weeks in that it would be successful. Perhaps now Harmony Gold, along with Toynami can put effort into Robotech related items that old Robotech fans would actually want. My list: 1. Mospeada Rook Cyclone. Almost unforgivable that Harmony Gold or Toynami still isn't trying to release this. 2. Hovertank. This should be easier now to create a modern version that transforms into all three modes. Along with a fairly detailed Dana action figure. 3. Hoverbike. This one should be easy too. 4. Robotech on Blu-ray.
  19. I'm kind of in that group. This is kind of vague. Strange how that happens with age. I still have my original bootleg of DYRL. English with Japanese subtitles. It was uncut as far as I knew then. I can't remember where I got it. I was always ordering Japanese anime stuff from Nikaku with a friend of mine. Perhaps he gave me the copy. This was around 1990 or 1991? I can't remember. I probably saw some of Robotech around the time when I saw DYRL. But not the complete Robotech of Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada. Remember this stuff came on TV weekday mornings for the most part. I still have some of it taped on VHS. You had to skip school, live close to school, or know how to work a VHS to schedule a tape. Which even though I was fairly good with tech stuff, scheduling to record a program was still sketchy. Remember no Cable guide, we went by TV Guide or the TV schedule in the Sunday paper! Things could change without notice too. So what I saw of Robotech wasn't complete. Bits and pieces of all three series. I didn't see the Japanese Macross till I got the Animeigo DVDs. When I watched DYRL it was so much more adult. More professional with the animation. Characters fully realized and seemingly more mature. The violence more direct. The movie was almost foreign. I was young so stuff with the dialog was still over my head too. I didn't get where Hikaru and Misa were after they escape. That part of the movie felt really sad and lonely. I think I might have actually stopped the movie at that point out of confusion. I think I played a PC Engine version of DYRL around this time. I think PC Engine because I remember the music and the other systems weren't up to that spec. It probably wasn't until 1992 or 1993 that I went back to that bootleg and watched the whole movie. I know I still couldn't read the Macross titles because I couldn't explain to a Japanese girl what was one of my favorite anime shows. I think I just called it DYRL not Macross DYRL. But when I watched it again the animation was still amazing to me. The detail on the ships, backgrounds, all the stuff going on like the no gravity sequence. It was so high quality. It still is which is why I look for cels from the movie. That's all I can remember. Oh I was getting DYRL artbooks, a few posters, and those plastic pencil boards after originally watching as much as I did of the movie. But it wasn't until late in the 90s, close to 2000 that I got the Gold Book. But that's another story.
  20. I can't believe people are backing this project. I'm the reverse of what the guy said in the end. Because of me I hope this doesn't get funded. I think most here aren't too fond of Robotech. I'm probably the opposite since I grew up with it. But I'm tired of the milking of the series and the fact that the new Macross shows, toys, etc. don't make it out over here. The last Robotech show, Shadow Chronicles I believe was horrible. I thankfully watched it for free on youtube. They mention The Sentinels in that Kickstarter. Well there are books about that. I still have them boxed up. I think they were ok. A few comics too. But I sold those off. But both were certainly better than Shadow Chronicles. I just want Robotech on Blu-ray. That is the only way I would give them my money. Or if they actually helped to bring the next Macross series over here.
  21. I just checked the Kickstarter for updates. I know you guys are pleased with what you are getting. But I still can't believe the amount of throwaway junk this guy is including in this "Ultimate Edition." Postcards, keychains, coins, and patches. I mentioned that Galaxy Rangers set. Galaxy Rangers is a good show. No way BGC shouldn't have a set that's equal to that. This "Ultimate Edition" is still so far from it. The case art is almost identical to the Paul Champagne metal case that I have. The case and disc design itself is nothing to go crazy about. I don't get why this Kickstarter even happened now since they were taking orders after the Kickstarter period.
  22. I didn't know about the Miracle Vehicle Voltron. I sold my original one years ago. I just watched CollectionDX review the Miracle one. Way too many problems for me to consider a Lion Voltron from them. It shows you how difficult it is to design these toys. They made a V2 almost immediately after V1 it seems and it still has problems. But it is closer to the anime compared to what I sold. I hated the Voltron form on that one. I think I always left it in the Sea, Air, and Land team forms. Their Lion Voltron doesn't look to be anime accurate enough from what I'm seeing. I looked at the Lion Voltron forming again and I just don't see how a company can create anime accurate lions and get the Voltron looking like in the anime without doing them separately or a lot of removable pieces. I would buy separate versions of the Lions and a non-transforming Voltron but I'm probably in the minority.
  23. The one by Yamato I think is way better than this one. Yamashita designed the Yamato one.
  24. One of the reviewers on youtube mentioned that they interviewed the guy behind Toynami. They asked why Toynami just remade the same Voltron for the anniversary. I think the only difference is diecast materials and the base, weapons, and key stuff. Toynami claimed that the money made off this one would fund others. I'll believe it when I see it.
  25. One of you guys was looking for Ishtar cels. I found this one on Yahoo Japan yesterday I believe. Ends soon.
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