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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. Yeah it was stupid expensive. If you owned a full series like Bubblegum Crisis OVA you were well off. Most people rented anime shows. Forget about Laser Disc. If you had those you were considered rich. Now a days Laser Discs are cheap. I get them on occasion just for the cover artwork. Some records however have gone up.
  2. Thanks for that image. I was trying to figure out where it came from.
  3. I thought about Ghost in the Shell on Cartoon Network. But that was late night. The mass audience isn't really watching for that. Both Appleseed and Ghost in the Shell have around the same amount of movies and TV shows. Sure The Matrix was heavily influenced by Ghost in the Shell right down to the shots used. But to the mass audience maybe they know that in passing due to watching promotional material or making of stuff on the DVDs. It's still probably around equal as I thought originally. Or in the +/- 3% area. And I doubt the marketing of Ghost in the Shell will say "the movie that influenced The Matrix." They got Scarlett to help push the movie. She could do just as well with Appleseed.
  4. Ghost in the Shell is more known among anime and comic geeks. But for the larger general audience that they are most likely going for with this movie. I would assume Ghost in the Shell and Appleseed are both two unknowns. I have a feeling that when Hollywood remakes or changes Asian stuff like an Oldboy, The Ring, Edge of Tomorrow, The Departed, etc. It's to get a different audience than the people that would watch a foreign film with subtitles.
  5. I'm pretty sure I copied that price. I can't remember what it's from. Maybe Flashback?
  6. Thanks. Rhona Mitra checks those three points. Although she's not as big of a star. She is more of an action star compared to Scarlett. And I still think she's physically closer to Mokoto than Scarlett. I bet Dreamworks will spend more money marketing Ghost in the Shell compared to the budgets of the action movies with Rhona Mitra. Also, if they are basing this off the original movie, Rhona's age shouldn't matter as I'm sure everyone knows the ending twist. Rhona's isn't bad either. I found someone mention Appleseed somewhere. Scarlett could play Deunan and there wouldn't be any backlash. Appleseed is probably around equal to Ghost in the Shell in terms of mass audience awareness. They have similar futuristic Cyberpunk settings and characters. And they wouldn't need to make so many major changes.
  7. I checked the director's previous Halo commericals. This kind of feels like Tron Legacy again. That guy did a Halo commerical too. Ghost in the Shell might end up looking good. But on a deeper level be empty. Not that I can remember. But if one deserves to be set in Japan or some futuristic Asian city Ghost in the Shell is it. The Dragoon Tattoo books are bad?
  8. Innocence is better on multiple views. And after reading the story from the manga. I don't think animation quality of this will be the same as Innocence though.
  9. I noticed some names from the Arise series in that preview. But it does look and sound good. Makes me more excited than the live action version that's on the way anyway.
  10. I would take her over Scarlett for Motoko. She seems to be the method actor type. At least from the little I saw of Dragon Tattoo. I want to watch the original trilogy first. When I think of Motoko for live action I just think real anime look. That's more Asian or something "exotic" whatever that means today. Many Japanese, Korean, and other actresses look more anime than Scarlett. Especially with the way plastic surgery is going in South Korea. But I checked out some clips from Lucy and I see why the easy connection was made. I watched an escape shooting scene and a scene where she seems to see electronic telecommunications. Add in the Captain America 2 action sequences and you have an easy choice. Any other actress would have to audition well for the part and it doesn't look like the people in charge want to do that. I read an article last night linked from the Ghost in the Shell reddit page that the original animated movie only cost 5 million dollars. Funny that they are paying Scarlett 10 Million alone. Also some people around the Net talking that the movie won't even be set in Japan and other changes. Basically this will be Ghost in the Shell in name only. Those are the only ones who could honestly pull it off. Ridley Scott after the problems with Prometheus I wouldn't trust. He really shouldn't be making a Blade Runner 2 either. Another good choice that many in forums are pointing out. But this movie looks to be a product now. Not a creative choice. All the excuses of the financial choice are really odd if this is a favorite of Steven Spielberg. Why can't he produce this himself? It's George Lucas all over again. Although I wouldn't want him to direct either as A.I. and Minority Report weren't that great. I always thought Aeon Flux had a bit of Twilight Zone about it. I never saw the whole series but it was a strange dark cartoon that felt more like old sci-fi cartoons, movies, or serials.
  11. That's like finding gold. There's a guy on youtube that goes to garage / yard sales for videogames. I'm still surprised by the finds. I went to a toy sale once and got some old Star Wars toys. But they knew what they had.
  12. I realized the perfect Motoko last night and she almost already played her. Rhona Mitra. Her character was a "Major" in the movie Doomsday. And she had a hairstyle that was similar to Motoko. She's far closer to Motoko physically than Scarlett as well. Although she's older and Hollywood looks at everything as a potential sequel property now. I know many will say Doomsday was a flop. I think it was good but that's just me. Still I bet her salary isn't 10 Million. I would be surprised if it's 1/4 of Scarlett's fee. They can use the money saved on effects, a better director, writer, and marketing. But Motoko is a character from a Japanese anime. Even if her character in the original movie is more Westerized, why go the easy route? I would bet that most people when they think of a real Motoko don't think of Scarlett. Also, why not try to make something really good. Scarlett is a good actress. But I believe her first try at action in Iron Man 2 wasn't that believable. The jump happened in Avengers and Captain America 2. I bet she's good in Avengers 2 as well. But perhaps this is down to directors too. And that's where I agree. The director and people on the movie have little to get me excited about the project. It's almost Terminator Salvation all over again. At best, Scarlett might be able to put on a reasonable performance around a garbage script and storyline. I think Speed Racer is the best Hollywood version of an anime. But that was a flop so I guess the suits won't go that route. The Matrix trilogy too but when that became more anime with the sequels people started disliking those as well. Perhaps live action anime won't work and it needs to be Americanized.
  13. I think almost any key cel will go for a lot now with all anime / cartoons going the CG route. I was logging this last week and unless I noted the auction wrong this is a lot of money for a genga.
  14. I'll add my thoughts to the Net on this topic. I wish they actually tried to cast Motoko. I don't think they really did. It seems like they thought the "artistic" choice was Margot Robbie since I think she did nudity in that Wolf of Wall Street movie. I haven't seen it. After that was the safe choice of Scarlett. Not that I'm not a fan of Scarlett. I think Avengers and Captain America 2 made her an action star. I haven't seen Lucy yet but want to. And even though Motoko of the original Ghost in the Shell is a lot more Westernized compared to Stand Alone Complex and the original manga versions. It would have been nice to see perhaps an Asian or Eurasian up for the role. I don't even know why they call this "casting" because it's not. What it is, is choose the most suitable person to make a probable profitable movie. This feels like Star Trek into Darkness casting or what that Sony exec was talking about in those leaked emails about the Angelina Jolie Cleopatra male lead casting. Just cast a known name and be done with it. For the mass audience all they need is known names and explosions it seems these days. I wish most people that are against this sort of thing just didn't say they were against it and see the movie anyway. If they didn't go to the theater then this sort of thing wouldn't happen. Whatever they do can't really damage Ghost in the Shell that much. I have my Mondo print and I got a Muji pencil case over the holiday. I put a temporary image of Motoko from SAC on it. The image at the end of the credits with her back turned. I'm deciding on images for the full case. Did they confirm that? I think she has to have some name to reference her original self. I'm sure someone in the original doesn't call her Major all the time. I really don't like the look of the Transformers. They are modern but they look like junk. I'm worried now that the Tachikoma will be the evolution of a modern tank. I thought the same. I still haven't seen the movie either and I like Charlize Theron. But I don't think she was that good back then.
  15. I don't know why they aren't showing multiple images and the uncovered cel in that auction. Nudity or not for the price they are asking we need to see what they are selling. I first thought fake. I'm still not certain.
  16. That Mad Toys "Voltron" looks too bulky. It's accurate or nothing for me. I wonder if a compnay could make the legs sink into the body and have separate covers for them in Voltron mode? It would be a lot of extra pieces though. And there would still be the neck issue.
  17. JetJockey

    Macross figures

    That Sheryl looks good. I can't wait to see her painted.
  18. I didn't know people didn't like the Gerwalk mode. I like it.
  19. I watched the 3 episodes of Gunsmith Cats. Pretty fun anime. I'm going to get the manga too. Can't go wrong with Kenichi Sonoda artwork.
  20. You had to go to the Mondo convention to get the foil version. I made the trip as when they released Akira in a similar method that immediately went out of my price range. The foil version is available from people who don't want it. Resellers, flippers, or scalpers on eBay. But tommorow the normal version comes out. Check this link - https://t.e2ma.net/webview/hcufi/601289d2395f2d95618e7c40c9dd3615 It will be on sale here - http://www.mondotees.com. They usually put them up around 10AM - noon. But good luck. With only 325 of the normal too they will go fast. I think the foil will be better anyway for diehard Ghost in the Shell fans for the way it's like the stealth camo.
  21. Nova is cool. But she was always the cop. But it is a good name for a girl. I've never met a Nova in real life.
  22. I changed my mind and watched the last two episodes of Arise because of a reason I’ll mention at the end. Nothing really stuck that much in the third episode. It wasn’t horrible but wasn’t that great either. Once again Motoko is showing faults because she’s not the Motoko of the movies or SAC yet. The fourth episode was probably the closest to a fairly good episode of SAC. The quick trailer for episode 4 at the end of episode 3 got me excited. Like the other episodes there are a lot of scenes that reference stuff in the movies and TV show. Also some pretty shots and environments. I think this takes place around Christmas and some scenes show golden streets and snow fall. But overall Arise is just not up there with the movies or TV show in every single category. Maybe they made Arise because the people in charge thought that they did all they could with the TV show. You could almost say the same for the movies. At the end of Arise, I came to the conclusion that the coming 2015 movie will be an Arise movie. I don’t see them going back to the SAC universe after this. And if it was going to be another Mamoru Oshii movie the announcement probably would have been a lot bigger. The end of Arise seemed like they were setting it up as the new Ghost in the Shell series. Using what we know from the TV show and movies and creating something “new” to go forward with. If not it would be admitting that Arise was a failure. An attempt to restart the series again that didn’t catch on with fans. It’s the 25th anniversary of Ghost in the Shell. That’s why I decided to watch the last two Arise episodes and I wanted to tweak things with my setup and pick up stuff I’ve been putting off. Plus this came out at the first Mondo convention. It’s a Ghost in the Shell movie screenprint by Martin Ansin, one of the go to artists at the Mondo company. I get their newsletter every week just in case they have anime prints. They had another Ghost in the Shell screenprint earlier in the year from the Comic Con. But it wasn’t as good as this one. They have released some other anime screenprints before but this is by far their best one to me. The guy in charge called it the print of the year and they only made 325 of them.
  23. Thanks I'm going to check it out after all these years.
  24. Looks ok but I only want accurate lions or Voltron at this point.
  25. I've seen cracks on discs before. I've never seen the cracks get worse. At least not yet. The cracks I've seen are usually inside, meaning you can't physically see the disc split into two sections. There are a bunch of hubs that are probably too stressful on discs. Usually those multi disc holders.
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