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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. That's what I want too. I wanted that Rook cyclone since first seeing the prototype. I'm tired of seeing mulitple remakes of the same toy. They would need a good reason for it to be double the price. Maybe an extra $100 with a good package design, limited production run, and a guarantee of quality. Can't this person try to sell the prototype to Toynami? Or to some company to make this a reality.
  2. I’ve read many good reviews that break down all the problems with Tron Legacy. You pointed out one of the main facts that the original movie setup what it was like in computers at the time. I believe the MCP was taking over computer systems. Tron Legacy, like so many late sequels and remakes play to our nostalgia of that time. They largely ignore the setups of the original movies and none of them are as good as the originals. The list is long: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Miami Vice, Superman Returns, Friday the 13th, The Thing, Nightmare on Elm Street, Star Trek new timeline movies, Star Wars prequels, James Bond new timeline movies - although I like Casino Royale, and more. What we received in Tron Legacy was a forced world for that nostalgia and it made little sense. I know the new excuse is that these movies are for new fans not old ones. But how about making new movie characters with inspiration from the old movies? I’m sure that’s what the creation of Indiana Jones and Star Wars was about. Indiana Jones was to be the best of the old serials. A James Bond type too since that’s what Steven Spielberg wanted to direct at the time. Star Wars was influenced by sci-fi serials like Flash Gordon. The system only exists in a vacuum for the script. Also, it has to be getting power from somewhere. That’s an outside connection. No battery that I know lasts that long. You’re assuming plot lines too, which is the worst thing you can do to give a reason for bad writing. And by the way, remember we’re talking 80s computer tech giving “birth” to ISOs / biological programs which makes zero sense. Maybe in today’s world but back then? No way. We didn’t even see what new prototype videogames Flynn was working on that might have given the idea of ISOs some substance. The evolution of the story from the original Tron isn’t logical at all. Many people point out the missing Lora who was vital in Tron. She’s missing from the movie because of the father and son focus, not because of any natural reason in the story. Lora was part of the team that created the digitizing laser, she was the one that wanted to go see Flynn to warn him, and she knew what happened concerning Flynn’s stolen videogames and confirmed the truth to Alan. The original movie would not have happened without Lora. It would be like thinking that Leia didn’t have an important role in Star Wars and wasn’t needed in the Empire Strikes Back. More problems were Alan’s lack of interest in doing anything regarding the missing Flynn or his Tron program. The crazy story with the beeper which makes no sense and is yet another outside connection. Flynn’s imprisonment in his system without any outside contact and subsequent isolation. What happened to the “we’re only going to fail if we give up” line? The problems go on and on. I think people that like these remakes / reboots are either in the industry and don’t want to talk down on them. Born after the time of the originals and don’t really get why those movies are cool. Or just desperate for that nostalgic feeling and accept almost anything. Remember it was years after the prequels for “fans” to realize that those movies are really bad. One of the most striking things is that like many so called directors, this director mentioned how Tron 3 will be like the Empire Strikes Back. What none of them realize is that Star Wars came before Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars is a great movie. Also that Empire isn’t a stand alone movie and needs Return of the Jedi. Who is the Empire in Tron Legacy? Clu 2 is gone. Dillenger’s son was just a cameo appearance. Honestly I don’t know why a company would hire the son of a proven thief anyway. Remember Encom wasn’t the enemy in the original, it was Dillenger alone stealing Flynn’s games and the defeated MCP wanting to take over systems. A new MCP wasn’t even mentioned in Tron Legacy. And Clu’s army is in a flash drive that can be easily broken or deleted with a button press. How can this director create an Empire Strikes Back when he couldn’t even create a Star Wars level movie given what he had to work with? And the possible story options from what we are left with after Tron Legacy aren’t incredibly appealing. Unless they will jump years later and go on yet another different route like they did with Tron Legacy, which was sold as a father and son story. Not a natural evolution of videogames, computers, and a thoughtful guess at what future technology might bring to society.
  3. I would get one of the original Japanese versions. I think there are bootlegs out there. But a quick eBay search and they go for a lot. Both the Japanese and American versions. I still have my American version. After that I would say get the recent Toynami anniversary one with the lights, sounds, and key. But I personally don’t want to give any of my money to Toynami. Their Voltron still isn’t perfect after multiple tries. And they passed or just didn’t want to fund the development of that Beagle Rook cyclone / ride armor prototype.
  4. From Macross? The 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S from DYRL by Yamato. I don't consider these high end models toys though. Back when I was a kid you played with toys and barely had them setup for display.
  5. I get rid of every thing I don't like. I don't like to keep it around. Too upsetting.
  6. I had a hit of nostalgia again recently with the talk of the Macross diecast figure in the Collectors section. I've been trying to find out which mall I purchased my old toys. If that toy store is still around and what was it called. Also, this Bubblegum Crisis Blu-ray video gave me a hit as well. I'm still not fond of how Animeigo went about this release. But I like this guy's channel and he likes all the classic stuff like Macross and other anime.
  7. Isn't one of the movies, Nolandia I believe, after Project Eden? Nolandia is the one with the different look to it. More realistic. I didn't like that one. I thought it was TV / OVAs / Project Eden, 2nd OVA movie which I can't remember the name of or if it's before Project Eden, then Nolandia. I've never seen Flash. It just looks wrong coming from the awesome look of the original. I still hope some company makes good figures of the Dirty Pair one day. It seems like a crime with all these other odd characters that we don't get one good version of Kei and Yuri. They were the ultimate fan service characters back in the day.
  8. This is the best of the demon girl figures that I've seen. I like the detail on her armor. I might have to check out more images later on today. Perhaps if she's not too much I'll consider getting her. As long as she doesn't have a tail. That's too freaky. There is a good devil cheerleader statue out but she has a tail. I still don't get the whole anime girl with big ship guns though. It just seems odd. There was a Yamato one I think that's popular. They can get delivery health anytime in Japan. Or is that illegal now?
  9. Way too much for that Hulkbuster. That's more than the 89 Batmobile and The Bat set. And The Bat comes with figures. I'm sticking to normal 1/6. People are Iron Man crazy though. I will watch and see how many collectors on youtube end up with this piece in their collections. Too bad Hot Toys won't make a Bubblegum Crisis Motoslave. They are the ones who would get it right seeing this Hulkbuster. I wouldn't care if it didn't transform either.
  10. It was never released. I hope they have more to show than what I've seen so far. They could make a pretty good Saber Rider game following the show's storyline.
  11. I never watched Power Rangers. Perhaps I was too old. I do remember people talking about it and hearing that opening "Go, Go, Power Rangers" song from time to time. What this fan film did is make me interested in the original Japanese / American show. I didn't get a lot of stuff in this short. I only put together some things from the producer's interview. Stuff about what would happen to young kids fighting a war when they get older. I didn't get the twist ending either. Any notable episodes fans here think I should check out? Also, I think I didn't watch Power Rangers because it reminded me of another older Japanese / American show called Spectreman. That seemed more serious and kind of scary when I was a kid. Seeing that guy turned into a robot and fighting giant creatures. I think the main bad guy was also like the apes in Planet of the Apes. Which was also unsettling. At least at my age then. I did a search, it seems like someone else is looking for the Spectreman image used in the ending credits. It's a big pan illustration. Anyone here have that? Perhaps from a Japanese magazine or book from the time. I would like to read this interview. I think the definition as seen below is correct.
  12. It's not just her look in the various anime and manga. As I've said, in the original movie she looks more Western. I believe the people that are against this are against it for the right reasons. The reasons for it seem to be the corporate talking points going around. It feels like Star Trek Into Darkness and other "product" movies. Ghost in the Shell shouldn't be a product. There are tons of other anime, cartoon, comic, etc. for Scarlett to pick from and make successful going from the corporate reasoning used to make this movie.
  13. I looked for that mini arcade when they posted it some time ago. Perhaps they'll make it for the Kickstarter too. There are a bunch of mini arcade cabinets on eBay. I don't think I'll ever watch the original Bismarck. Maybe I'll check out a few episodes. I grew up with Saber Rider and just like Robotech I have more nostalgia towards it.
  14. I still have that original poster with the Robotech titles on the bottom. Wasn't there something big Mospeada going to happen a while ago? I guess that got cancelled.
  15. I remember seeing Underworld and thinking how much of that was inspired by The Matrix. The opening shootout is right out of The Matrix and Selene might as well be Trinity. After the success of Inception I'm kind of surprised that they didn't try to Americanize Paprika. That's an anime that I wouldn't have a problem seeing in an American or European setting. But I'm sure many of the more out there anime themes scared whatever producers away.
  16. There is a Kickstarter coming up for the Saber Rider videogame. I haven't been following news of the game that much. I think it was originally coming out on one of the Nintendo portable systems. Then I saw news that it would be a coming out as a pay per level type of thing. I put it in this section as they are teasing a few bonus items for fans of the anime. A new Ramrod toy and a prop of Fireball's blaster have been shown so far on their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/SaberRiderOfficial I'm hoping that they'll have some of the German deluxe Blu-rays with translated booklets. Maybe they'll make some figures or toys of the other vehicles too. I would go for Fireball's car.
  17. That was my first thought. It doesn't look like what I grew up with. It is a nice try though. Hmm. I had to look them up. I hope they try to make accurate lions.
  18. I would like a perfect Alpha but it doesn't look like I'll ever get it.
  19. When is the next bit of news on the new series expected?
  20. They would be better as Lisa and Roy. I didn’t think about that. I haven’t read the manga in a while. I have it sitting here as I intend on reading it again before reading Human Error Processor which I haven’t read. After that it’s the Appleseed mangas. I’ve only read the first one and that was a long time ago back when it was originally released here in the States. With Motoko’s character I go by the movie and SAC which gives more background to her origins. And whether her name is an alias or not I think the fact that it’s Japanese is what matters. When I first saw the movie the locations were very Asian to me. I never read the manga before seeing the movie. I go through dry periods with anime. I remember seeing the movie in mid 90s. Someone gave it to me to watch. I was hooked and went to purchase it the next day. The movie is very Blade Runner. Ghost in the Shell even has the same building structure in the opening that is in Blade Runner’s final battle scene. Innocence is even more of a Blade Runner style detective story. I’m not big on following the original story exactly. Watchmen was almost like that. I liked it. Some people still had problems with the smallest changes. The first two Harry Potter movies are close to the books and they just feel like movie versions of the books and not something more. That’s probably why most like Potter 3 the most. It’s the one that tried to do more and removed what was necessary without damaging a lot of the story. SAC is a lot closer to the manga compared to the movies. At the end of 2nd gig they tie it into the movie. Although I guess they didn’t know they were going to make Solid State Society at that time as they tied that into the movie as well. Still there is more thought about the series as a whole in SAC compared to Arise which doesn’t really leave a lasting impression. I think the online petition worked for that Terminator TV show. At least for the first season. I think there was a petition for Dollhouse or something else that worked too. I don’t know about movies. It probably won’t work for something this scale unless they get into the million signatures. That would make them reconsider. I think as long as you watch a movie for free it’s ok. You should see Amazing Spider-Man. Or at least watch the effect sequences on youtube since they are the best part of those movies. I feel whatever Ghost in the Shell movie they make will have good effects and I don’t want to punish the artists. Even this recent Avengers Age of Ultron artwork makes me think that Scarlett will look good as Motoko or whatever they end up calling her. But I still don’t agree with it. Rhona Mitra would look just as cool. So would many other actresses. She doesn’t have to be Japanese. But at least Eurasian or Eastern. They didn’t even consider Zhang Ziyi it seems. I thought she was a popular action star a while back. And if they are going to Americanize Ghost in the Shell, why not just make a new cyberpunk character? Would that be so difficult since they are betting on Scarlett to bring an audience. They aren’t making this movie for fans of the series. So who cares if it’s called Ghost in the Shell.
  21. I've only been in Hooters once. I can't remember why I was there. The food was pretty bad but it was free.
  22. I don't see them going back to the SAC series. This just seems like bad management to me.
  23. I thought about this casting a bit more. Everyone always has a different point of view or reasons for doing something. Every argument always can be seen from different sides. But with the Ghost in the Shell casting, every single reason is flawed. The main reasons that I’ve seen people use are the following. 1. The material needs Scarlett for investors, to get the so called green light, find an audience, and be profitable. Ghost in the Shell is one of the best anime movies and TV series. It’s comparable and similar to Blade Runner in terms of artistic importance. If something like Ghost in the Shell can’t get a movie on the material alone then something is wrong with Hollywood. Also, since when does every movie have to be profitable? Not every movie is profitable. It would be nice if every movie was a guaranteed hit. A handful of known franchises are and will continue to be profitable. But many movies flop or under perform. It’s not like those movies didn’t have movie stars or marketing to support them. Although I just found out that DreamWorks isn’t as financially stable as I thought. So maybe they can’t take that much risk on movies. 2. Scarlett played this sort of role before. This is true. But there are people called actresses. They are supposed to be good enough to become a character. The director is supposed to work with them to create that character on screen. Not to simply pick an actress because they have played played a role before no matter how good. If anything they should try to cast someone different because Scarlett already played similar roles. 3. The character is a cyborg so it shouldn’t matter. And it’s simply a futuristic cop movie. But she’s originally Japanese going by her name and a cyborg created by a future Japanese company in a future Asian city working for a future Japanese Intelligence squad. Her name isn’t Melissa or some other American / European name. How can you be true to the material and change all that? When they attempt to sell this movie they will say the story is true to the material even with all the stuff they will change. But it won’t be. I’m signing the petition. It might not help. And I do think Scarlett is a cool actress. I wish she would put her star power behind Appleseed. Or Danger Girl, an American comic that would be similar and more fun than the sort of dark spy characters she’s played. She can get some of her Hollywood actress friends to play the other girls. Actors and actresses do talk about not wanting to get type cast in the same role over and over. Anyway, maybe if the people that sign don’t go to the movie in the opening weeks. If they wait and only watch it on cable. Then maybe it will show Hollywood not to take the easy path with future projects. That’s what I’m going to do if and when they continue this route. Scarlett as Minmei would be bad too. Tom Cruise as Rick Hunter I wouldn't have a problem with. I grew up with Robotech and didn't get the Hikaru name until DYRL.
  24. I wonder if those two new episodes will add anything notable? The whole Arise planning seems off. I don't get what they set out to do with the series.
  25. It's funny, I think I knew about the different modes back then. I had a Beta too which had the smaller tapes. But I look at my old VHS Robotech recordings and the modes are all over the place. Plus you can tell I didn't know how to use the pause function when recording as when shows stop and start it cuts off scenes and dialog. I used the longer mode for some Robotech segments to get I think 4+ hours on the tape. It looks so washed out. But that's how I remember watching it originally. I still watch the New Generation from episode 3 to the vacation episode, many in between epsodes are missing, on VHS. I still don't have it on DVD. Waiting for Blu-ray. Anime like Bubblegum Crisis, Gunbuster, and Dangaio weren't available to rent. Or at least I never checked. I had to get those at comic shops or mail order. I think Nikaku and Books Nippan were the places back then. Stereo was a big deal with the first real or professional looking Sony VHS I purchased. When a tape is in Stereo it says it in red.
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