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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. I've seen a few recent Misa TV cels and sketches in Yahoo Japan auctions. Where are the cel collection forums and galleries other than MacrossWorld and Rubberslug? I haven't seen any others. I still believe that companies or other warehouses might have cels and sketches in storage. I find it hard to believe that all cels were either destroyed or reused. There is a company in California that told me that they didn't know what cels they had in storage. Also I've come across dealers with boxes of cels that were unorganized and unknown. There were many recent Ghost in the Shell movie cels up on Yahoo Japan. I'm not sure if they were from an individual collection or dealer. But the amount and high quality makes me think they were held over as investments that are paying off with all that I've seen selling over $1000.
  2. I've come across this seller before on eBay but didn't put it together that many cels were Yahoo Japan auction wins since I'm looking for more specific scenes. By his username I just assumed he was finding cels at Japanese conventions and stores. I was tempted to send him my list but he didn't find anything that I wanted yet. Personally, I'm not crazy about eBay. But that's where most look to buy and sell stuff. Why is Yahoo Japan more popular than eBay? I've seen the no foreign bidders on many Yahoo Japan auctions. I just assumed it was not to deal with potential International problems. But I've purchased a few anime things from Japanese sellers on eBay. No problems so far. I wonder about that too. Yet Anime Link sells tons of cels I assume in the United States. Many high quality.
  3. Who wouldn't purchase that toy. She should have been first. That custom version looks cool.
  4. Really? I guess I just assumed Voltron was popular because of the old toy. Macross has to be popular in Japan for as long as the series is going.
  5. I wonder if Voltron just isn't that popular in Japan anymore. You would think a Japanese company would release accurate lions by now. I wonder how well the modern Sideshow Collectibles Voltron statue will sell? There are a lot of modern versions of old animated series that I've seen. There was that Go Lion that isn't called Voltron. Also modern He-Man statues from Pop Culture Shock and Sideshow Collectibles. I guess I would be ok with these different versions if they got the original version right to begin with. I couldn't buy something different when I know that the original is more iconic to me.
  6. I still haven't seen this anime. But I hope it means that more transforming bikes are in the works.
  7. I don't check there that often. Perhaps I should. Much of the cel discussion seems to be here. I would think these days that if you could do an auction, you would to get the most amount of money. I'm kind of surprised that these Japanese cel dealers don't have eBay auctions. Or at least some kind of US notifier or promotion of upcoming auctions. Who is the high bidder?
  8. There are a few good Macross gengas up on Mandarake. Also, I'm not sure if this is a general animation cel topic but a seller on Yahoo Japan has Dirty Pair OVA opening cels. They put new ones up every week.
  9. I remembered that my Motoko figure was originally a Beagle, Vice, and Alter deal. I guess that's old age or something. Still according to MyFigureCollection they didn't produce that much. Someone should add an entry for Rook in the MyFigureCollection database. I just joined up over there. Perhaps I'll figure out how to do it. Maybe interest will get some company to notice.
  10. A friend of mine that doesn't collect cels told me he saw stuff at Anime Link in the past that wasn't posted online. I'm talking over $500 scenes. That's why I asked. You never know. Maybe they just put that up for the larger conventions. This happened at comic con some years ago.
  11. That would look nice. I still want a true sequel to Dangaio with the same art style. I read a bit about the new one but didn't watch it. I can't believe they ended it at the third OVA. There were more stories it seemed like from the small artbook. I have that one and a larger book somewhere around here.
  12. They call the new one from Toynami the Ultimate Voltron EX. It's still not good enough for me. At this point I don't know why they just didn't make that Jumbo Voltron, which looks like it doesn't transform anyway, anime accurate and then make non-transforming lions that are anime accurate. That Jumbo Voltron looks lazy to me. For the arms it looks like they just removed the lion legs. They could have at least tried to redo it so it looks closer to the anime. Some pictures are here a bit down the page. http://www.mwctoys.com/sdcc2015/sdcc2015-toynami.htm
  13. Here are those cel links. The cels.org site has been updated too. I stopped checking it years ago. http://www.animanga.com/cels/gallery/yann/dangaioh.html http://www.animanga.com/cels/gallery/yann/index.html+0+drawing Seeing the gallery reminded me that I never watched Iczer-1. I need to check that out. I have the manga somewhere and I just looked up the opening on youtube. It feels like it's in the same universe as Dangaio since it's by the same guy.
  14. I saw the Voltron statue but not the other Toynami one. I guess people here aren't crazy about the new toys and stuff at comic con.
  15. I think it's going to come out this year.
  16. Perhaps. I have saved on VHS the two part X-Men Evolution Apocalypse episode that I'm sure will be better than this movie. In fact I think X-Men Evolution is better as a whole than the X-Men movies so far.
  17. I think Toynami has yet another Voltron coming out. It looks like they tried to make the neck area. It still isn't anime accurate though. Also Sideshow Collectibles previewed a modern Voltron statue at comic con. I have a feeling it will be $800+ when released. Too much for me and for it not to be show accurate. I'll dig up the pictures I saved in case anyone missed it.
  18. There were a bunch of Dangaio cels in a gallery linked from the old cels.org. I saved a bunch a long time ago. I'll check tonight to see if I can find the gallery. I believe it was a store as well owned by a guy in Europe.
  19. I'm still watching for that on another forum. We'll see how it turns out.
  20. That was Yamato though and they had other stuff to fall back on. I don't think Beagle sold anything else. And certainly not anything that would cover them like Yamato with a bunch of other toys.
  21. I think X2 is still the best X-Men movie. It seems like they have this need to revisit past time periods with these movies. I guess it's ok. I wasn't crazy about the last two. I didn't feel like I need to own them like I did with X2. I'm not expecting much with this next one. I would be more excited if there was a deal like with Spider-Man to get all these characters in the same universe. I wish Olivia Munn wasn't Psylocke though. It seems like the geek thing she had going finally paid off. I remember when she was supposed to be in a bigger role in Iron Man 2. That was a relief. But now she's playing Psylocke and I bet she has more than a cameo appearance. She looks the part in those pictures I guess and she's pretty. But Psylocke should be more fit. She could have tried to train with whoever helped Hugh Jackman. Anyway, now we'll see how good her acting skills really are in something she's supposed to like. From what I've seen I don't think she's anywhere near as good as Jennifer Lawrence.
  22. Were there any other premium cels that were available that were on display? They don't seem to update the site as much anymore. I think last year they only updated a few times. Seems like it will be the same this year. Halfway in the year and only one update.
  23. The idea of buying the bad or reissue toy only to someday, maybe get a new or better toy sounds like Toynami's way of thinking. That's what they are saying about a new Voltron. I don't buy that nor do I waste my money on stuff that isn't as good as it can be. Rook's Alpha is just the same bad model in overly done packaging. I sold my original blue Alpha because I hated that toy. Just because I want a red version I'm not going to get the same bad toy in red paint. I think with a lot of these shows, many will get the main or popular character first. If the toy is bad then even more so they'll just get the main one and call it quits. I think the Bubblegum Crisis motoslaves were like that. Many, including me weren't fond of that toy. But people who just wanted one anyway only got Priss. I still bet if Beagle released that Rook prototype first, then had Scott second, people would have waited and purchased Rook in large numbers. I just think that because the Rook prototype looked impressive. And I don't think there is a comparable transforming bike toy like it out to this day.
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