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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. I do give some blame to Daniel Craig. He's one of those actors similar to some directors that are ok with admitting that a movie is bad even though they collected large paychecks for those bad movies. He admitted Quantum of Solace wasn't good. Same with Spectre. Also, Die Another Day came out after 9/11. They just used that as a marketing point. Blamed Pierce Brosnan for the silliness of Die Another Day. They acted like he couldn't do a serious Bond. They also thought the Bourne movies were a threat. There are a few scenes in Daniel Craig's movies that are straight out of the Bourne movies. Who knows what they will do next. They probably need to find a good director that understands the series or wants to make a consistent run of movies. I would bet that even though these movies keep making more money, that Daniel Craig's run will be seen as a low point in the series. My list of best Bond actors right now would be: 1. Connery 2. Dalton 3. Moore 4. Lazenby or Brosnan. I can't decide as I only like the World is not Enough from Pierce Brosnan. Goldeneye is a better videogame than movie. But the World is not Enough has a scene straight out of On Her Majesty's Secret Service which is a good movie just with a downer ending. 5. Craig
  2. Sounds like you were hearing the same sorts of things I was hearing about Dune back when I saw it. I can't remember any of that stuff you mention though. I'm struggling to remember anything about the original movie. The only thing I remember is that the singer Sting is in the movie. I have a feeling that the new movie will be better than the old one. But I still might watch the first one soon.
  3. Do you have an image of the humanoids in Giger's book to post? Yeah Prometheus has many odd moments that aren't well thought out. I find it funny how the Captain magically concludes that they are at a bioweapon base and not the Engineer's home planet. But I also read somewhere that he was supposed to be an ex-military captain. And there are a bunch of theories about the Space Jockey ship. I read the war theory before somewhere. I think Ridley Scott possibly said it as well. Too bad he took two movies to not give an official story about that ship. The crashed ship in Prometheus was going to be the same ship from Alien but supposedly the planet's name was changed in post production. Do you like the Alien series a lot? This setup might interest you if you haven't seen it before.
  4. People seem to love Dune. I watched the original movie once and can't remember it that much. I do like the director of this one. I see Dune is on my cable box this month. Perhaps I'll watch the original again.
  5. I didn't know Hot Toys made a Bruce Lee figure. That was probably before I got into Hot Toys. I think I saved a few images of the Enterbay version a while back. But they never released Green Hornet. I would like both of them. I don't think anyone thought the Space Jockey Alien in the original movie was a giant humanoid in a suit. I kind of liked the Engineer's angry at humanity angle. But the thing with the Engineers basically worshiping the Alien was where they lost me. I think my original thought or theory about the Space Jockey Alien was that he/she/it was taking all those Alien eggs away to some unknown planet. Away from civilization. I need to watch Alien again to be sure. But the Space Jockey Alien is infected by the facehugger because his chest is exploded. And there was the warning not to come near the planet. So I thought he was a good guy. I did recently see Planet of the Vampires. I thought that was an interesting sci-fi tale. Funny you mention V, I posted on MFC about wanting Diana and Lydia as bishoujo figures from Kotobukiya.
  6. I believe M basically calls him a thug in the first movie. That was the sign that this Bond wasn't like the others. I don't think Bond was ever thuggish in any movie or book. We'll see how Daniel Craig ends his run. I don't expect anything on the level of the best Bond movies. He hasn't come close yet.
  7. From the end of Prometheus, I'm sure many thought she would be a character to reach the status of Ripley. The space suit design was cool too. I don't think anyone thought they would make her stupid in the sequel. I can't remember the reasoning that I heard at the time. If it was a scheduling thing with the actress or the actual story. Either way, few would want that figure after the sequel. I still think Prometheus is worth owning though. I never wanted an Engineer personally. They were one of the flaws with the movie. On other figures, I wish Hot Toys would make Green Hornet and Kato (Bruce Lee). Seems like an easy choice these days.
  8. That's it. There was a good statue as well. That Shirow Hyperpage that closed down had images of that one. Found it on MFC. I can't believe Prime 1 Studio hyped Ghost in the Shell and never released anything.
  9. After Alien Covenant, I believe Tarantino's theory about directors declining when they get old. Because even though Prometheus wasn't as good as Alien. It was still a fairly good movie with just a few small problems. Alien Covenant is a horrible movie for the most part. Almost shocking that the guy who made Alien could make that. It just about killed the Alien films. We'll see if the upcoming TV show can restart things. I hear the new comic might be good. But with the plot lines from Alien Covenant, I think Ridley Scott or the writers just want to tell an evil AI story. Either I posted it before or it was something I read on the Internet. But was something like an AI would be in charge at Weyland-Yutani the whole time. We just didn't know it. I think that plotline was used in a fairly recent cyberpunk movie as well. The sad thing is, all they had to make was an origin of that crashed spaceship story from the original Alien. Two movies in and they haven't done it yet.
  10. I wish someone would meet the person in charge of Mospeada licensing and ask them why with every release Rook is last and still doesn't come out. And knowing that they still don't make her first for whatever new toy line.
  11. I would say give up but it's Star Wars. They will eventually get around to it. Unlike 66 Batmobile and Batgirl. Prometheus Elizabeth, which after the sequel I guess no one really wants. Those Valerian characters. And others that I can't remember right now.
  12. I'm waiting too. But I can't see how on this big Blu-ray release that they wouldn't include a 2 channel track since it was on a previous release. Plus I assume most fans of Robotech are older and prefer the old sound effects as that is what was on TV. Not the new stuff.
  13. I vaguely remember another Tachikoma that had a Motoko figure that fit in the back.
  14. Yeah first answer is for the companies to make enough supply and not just be happy that they sold out of a low amount of product yet that product didn't make it to real customers. The second is for consumers not to purchase from scalpers / flippers. Let them get stuck with the inventory. Forcing them to sell at a lower price since no one will purchase from a scalper / flipper. Or the scalper / flipper will be forced to return the product. Which will then affect the retailer and producing company. Who will then make 1 item per customer rules to stop the middleman from creating an inventory. Or worse at times, all sales are final. Which affect the real customers but will get a person who really wants an item and not someone who just wants it to resell.
  15. Trailer definitely reminds me of Ghost in the Shell. Which is a good thing to me because I watched one episode of the new Ghost in the Shell and didn't like it that much. Still the animation doesn't look as good as that last Blade Runner short. But I can't wait for this show. Blade Runner seems to be kind of popular now with the comics too.
  16. Sideshow did some shady stuff a few years back. They seem to have bad business events like this every few years or so. They need to focus on making good figures and statues. A lot of rehashes at last week's At Home Comic Con show. Hot Toys needs to start finishing some character groups as well. Or coming out with some lesser known but still popular characters. They are making tons of Iron Man. Since the Bubblegum Crisis Priss Figma doesn't seem to be coming out. Hot Toys could try a Priss figure.
  17. I don't understand why people buy from modern day scalpers or "flippers." It was always a bad deal to purchase sports tickets from scalpers back in the day. These days scalpers just have the Internet / ebay, purchase bots, and companies willing to sell multiples to scalpers and also limit that product. It comes down to the consumer. Don't buy from scalpers. Wait for the re-release. The only time I purchased from them these days is if something was limited like a Mondo poster. And Mondo isn't the same anymore because people got tired of that nonsense and competition came in the market. Also, I would tend to avoid companies that don't limit purchases of collectibles to one per person. That Limited Run Games company lets people buy multiples to keep a copy sealed for investment purposes. They do a lot of pre-orders now. But still avoid those limited inventory drop companies that play to flippers.
  18. I only watched the first episode. It was ok. More adult I guess. I'm not sure as I don't really remember a lot about the original show even though I had the toys. Had some comics too. I remember the smell of the plastic on He-Man figures. It was cool seeing the characters again. I checked wiki and see that I missed another He-Man show. I'll probably rewatch all of them one day and then get to this new one since it's not finished yet. I know I saw the Teela statue from Tweeterhead some months ago and was going to get her before seeing this new show. So maybe I'll get the statue and get into the show sometime later this year. I don't think I'll get the new toys. I see some people are going crazy attempting to find the new Castle Grayskull. I never liked that one as a kid. I think because the scale was off or it didn't seem livable.
  19. How does this 5Pro Studio company usually handle toy sells? Because I really hope they make enough for demand. Seeing as the Chogokin Voltron has sold out like 3 times now. From what I know of Blitzway, they just make limited statues. This 5Pro Studio x Blitzway Voltron can't be like that or flippers are going to be very happy. I still stick by that there is room for improvement. But this is really a step up from what I'm seeing. I didn't expect the small figures and light up eyes.
  20. The end all best Voltron set would be separate lions and accurate Voltron. I'm waiting on that Action Line Chogokin for the accurate Voltron. I don't think there is a real market for separate lions that don't transform though. I assume we'll get all the weapons on this Blitzway Voltron. Green lion looks ok when not in Voltron form. Could be a bit better. I imagine that they are still working on it since it's not up for order yet.
  21. Here is an episode with the Blue Lion's top head panel opening. And we can basically see Princess piloting near the eyes of the Lion. Check at 18:39 I only remembered this episode to check because it has good sound effects for the final Voltron fight. And I found it funny how the robeast bats Voltron's disc back. Another thing, when we were kids I assume most watched these episodes on normal TVs. Unless you really had cool parents that had a good audio setup. I doubt most kids had a subwoofer hooked up to enjoy this stuff.
  22. I forgot to do the figure update for the Emontoys Motoko. But I just fixed the title. She's also available at Sideshow and BBTS. https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/ghost-in-the-shell-kusanagi-motoko-emontoys-908790 https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/168051 I prefer the fuller looking face on the prototype. But I like the hair on the pre-order version. I hope they have a strong piece of metal for her stand so she won't lean in the future. But she has a light function so I have to get her. Here you are. I have some of these myself. Unless you wanted a figure with joints not a static figure.
  23. This is what I was waiting for. I'll get them as separate releases. Not that big box set. I agree with others that the original audio needs to be there. I can't put up with that terrible new audio mix.
  24. Nice feature with the pilots. Although I thought the pilots controlled the lions from the heads? I can't find a video right now. Still, this seems like the ultimate Voltron. But I think it's 100% that we'll get a new Chogokin or Action version now.
  25. I hate interviews like that. They need to decide on the look before taking money from customers.
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