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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. If Voltron isn't that popular in Japan, it makes me wonder about Saber Rider / Bismarck. There wasn't much interest in Saber Rider here when I posted about that Kickstarter for the videogame. But since we are getting an official Soul of Chogokin Voltron, I would like to see them make Ramrod or whatever they called him in Japan. Along with small versions of the team vehicles like that other company did for the Gatchaman God Phoenix. But I'm sure Gatchaman is far more popular than Voltron and Saber Rider in Japan. As Gatchaman has numerous shows where Voltron and Saber Rider just have the originals that I'm aware of. With Voltron I don't count the American versions that I haven't even seen.
  2. It's between this Soul of Chogokin one and the official version from I think Mad Toys. That is if they are even still making it now. That was my immediate thought. I'm not an expert on the evolution of anime toys. But I thought modern anime toys were attempting to be more accurate to the show. Even if that means removing parts. My first thought was that looks kind of the same as the original with better materials and paint. But I looked at some posts on the Robot Japan forum. Someone brightened the picture and picked out new details. We can only wait for the few weeks to see what they have. But still I don't know why they would tease that picture with the legs still showing in Voltron forum if they were going to be removable.
  3. I don't use iTunes. But I assume they let you download the HD version? I own the soundtrack to the cartoon. I don't know why they would release the soundtrack only and not the cartoon. Seems odd. I thought those Theme Park movies did well. They can't all be Pirates. I think there are even a bunch of Theme Park comics that are popular too. I've seen the one with Figment, the Haunted Mansion, and the Mountain Train one.
  4. I think it was the recent cancellation of the Disney Infinity game that clearly shows how corporate Disney works. Also they wanted Tron to perform far better than it did. Go back and look at the marketing and all the merchandise that was released and also some announced and then quietly cancelled or forgotten about. I don't see Tron 3 happening at all anymore. Star Wars tapped the nostalgia that Disney wanted with Tron. They both basically used the same blueprint of the origin movies. I got the Tron Legacy Disney Infinity figures on sale at Best Buy. Anyone holding out should probably get those as they might be the last of the Tron figures. Sideshow Collectibles was supposed to make some Premium Format Figures including Quorra and the lightcycle. But they only released the bad guy. Although Hot Toys did make the lightcycle. Tron might just be relegated to the occasional theme park ride now. Which I'm surprised we don't even have a version in the United States. I saw some news and I think an unfinished video of that ride some months ago. They never released that on DVD or Blu-ray? I'm sure they had to. They release everything else.
  5. I don't recall ever seeing that before. I don't see it in the MacrossWorld collection archive either. It looks like a homemade booklet with the staples. How many pages are in the booklet? Is it worth picking up?
  6. This one. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/art_tiaillustrations.htm I probably should have called it print folder or just print collection. But I have it stored with my Macross books I think. Copies are odd though. Most I've noticed are cheap. But sometimes you come across copies, they don't sell and you never see the copies again. So what do you do? I don't think I can bring myself to buy and frame a copy of a sketch. I didn't want the Ghost in the Shell sketch copies they released for the anniversary. I guess I think, what's stopping me from making a copy of a page from an artbook and framing it. I would want something of higher quality. I'm not even sure how I would go about it if I were to get a cel with a copied background. Knowing one is original and the other a copy. But I did see these Saber Rider copies from the final episode ending sequence some time ago. Never saw them again. Part of me wishes that I got them. But I can't remember the price. I've never seen any books with Saber Rider designs and sketches before so maybe I should have picked these up if they were cheap.
  7. When I used to go to Gamestop stores they were always a mess. I remember back in the day getting videogames at Toys r Us. I think the stores I used to go to are closed now. But they had tickets for games and the game titles or one box was behind glass or plastic. You would pull the ticket and take that to the register, pay, then go to another locked electronic area to get the game before leaving. If Gamestop was so concerned about theft they could do something like that. They could get print outs of the game cover art and back information easily. I'm all for getting those old NES, SNES, and other boxes in good condition. Many people like myself tossed the NES boxes. And I would prefer the original game on the origin system to whatever new remastered port that turns up. Some of which have new problems. The company that works with Capcom is notorious for bad versions of old games. I just think it's crazy to grade a sealed box and for that sealed game to be worth more than a opened game that someone kept in mint condition. To use comics as an example, the Comic Grading Company doesn't grade comics in plastic. They open them. I would still try to get as complete a copy as possible. Just because you never know about the rarity of some old games. I remember not liking Dracula X on SNES as I own the original release on PC Engine. That was one of those $100+ import games. But apparently the SNES version is rare and goes for a lot.
  8. Voltron artwork show. http://hcgart.com/collections/voltron?ct=t%28Voltron+Online%29&mc_cid=3bc681f262&mc_eid=[uNIQID] If only they had more from the original. I bet some of the artists could have come up with some cool designs.
  9. There are some Flashback copied sketches on eBay for $200. I've never seen copied sketches priced that high. That's far more than I paid for the Macross print book collection. I still need to dig that up and frame a few of those.
  10. I did more searching and videogame grading really does come off as a scam for people trying to get more money for sealed games. There are a few youtube videos and sites about it. Videogame grading is nothing like comics as there is a point to grading old comics and they go through the comic book condition. Where with videogames people just want the unopened factory sealed plastic box. The majority of which are graded in the 80 range according to a youtube video. I've come across people that used to rewrap games to return for full credit at stores that didn't know the difference between a factory seal and an in store seal. Don't ask me why stores were sealing opened games. I know Gamestop opens games and sells them as new. That's why I don't buy there at all. But videogame grading seems like the worst type of collecting.
  11. That's one of my favorite animation books and the best Macross book.
  12. I don't see any Flashback cels but I see some DYRL cels. They are already expensive with a week to go. They have the End cel when Misa walks in on Hikaru and Minmei at 31,000 Yen right now. That should more than double. Was the Flashback douga on Mandarake? I don't know how I missed seeing that one.
  13. That bit about R2 should have been clearer then. I would think that most people would assume R2 woke up because of Rey. Odd that it slipped by when they edited and viewed the movie. The sequels will really make or break the whole thing for me depending on how they handle Luke's situation. I guessed from the opening crawl and the speech before the First Order fired the weapon, that The Republic basically let the Resistance do their thing. Kind of like how similar things happen in our world today. Yeah. I guess for me what happened was, like many kids a lot of my toys were thrown out. I wanted some of those toys back because I knew things like Star Wars would be popular again. So I went searching and got my favorite figures and vehicles back. I was basically doing The Toy Hunter more than 20 years ago. I only wish I got multiples to sell. But to this day, I still remember and try to find some of my old toys that were good. I got an old Super Go Bot last year that was still new in box. A lot of those old toys are pretty bad though. I don't want those old Robotech toys. I do have one or two SD Veritechs around though. I thought those were the coolest with the rotating cockpits. There was a celebrity on Toy Hunter that had the full original Star Wars figure set unopened. He said he purchased them when he was young but never opened them because he knew the figures were bad. But I think he said he liked the movie and packaging so decided to collect all of them. I love the old G.I. Joe cartoons. I still watch the animated movie from time to time. I think this year they have a G.I. Joe comic Artist Edition coming out. I can't wait to get that. Also a company called Prime One announced G.I. Joe statues. They will be expensive though. I think their stuff so far is more expensive than Sideshow Collectible statues.
  14. The whole trilogy? I guess you like horror or Friday the 13th. I imagine the Friday the 13th influence is why the games are fairly high priced. There are a few complete retro games I have on my list to get. Most don't cost that much yet. If you just want to play Splatterhouse perhaps just go for the incomplete games. There is a new thing with graded games. It sounds silly as they are basically grading sealed boxes in many cases. But if it's a game you really want and it's in like new condition. I would watch for those. As if you've seen comic book grading, that stuff can get very expensive.
  15. When I heard that The Force Awakens was basically a remake and since Luke wasn't on the poster, I assumed he wouldn't have much of a role. And at the beginning the titles pretty much confirmed that he wasn't going be in it much since they had to find him. Which is one of the big questions for the sequel that needs to be handled in a good way since Return of the Jedi was a big deal. Evidently the Jedi didn't return and stay around that long. Anyway, I thought R2 was for some strange reason waiting on Rey. It's all guess work and they could do anything but the first possibility would make Rey, Luke's daughter. I originally thought she was related to Leia from the posters because of her staff weapon and mask which I thought were similar to Boushh. But then I think Luke would mention a daughter to Han and Leia. Or Rey is Luke's best apprentice that happened to get mind wiped for safety, as Rey does vaguely remember the island. Or another option, Rey is a new line or "chosen one" as there was a voice that said "these are the first steps" after she picked up Anakin & Luke's lightsaber. One question which also needs to be answered is, if it was a mistake that there were sound effects of people crying when Finn was getting ready to leave the planet. From the poster, I originally thought Finn was going to be Luke's spy on the inside. I never thought he would be a normal Stormtrooper. I think he's probably a Force user and if he is, that would confirm that R2 isn't just waiting on someone who can use The Force but someone specific. But who knows, it's all hopefully going to be answered in a good way for the sequel. Is your "nostalgia vision" the same as growing older? I've read people talking about nostalgia clouding things or growing out of things. But I don't think that's true for something you really like. I still watch Star Wars and many old movies. I still watch Robotech. I did sell many of my vintage Star Wars figures and vehicles. But only because I had a feeling that better versions were coming out and that compared to other vintage figures like G.I. Joe, the Star Wars figures weren't that detailed. I did keep a few vintage carded figures like Jedi Luke though. And I have a few prop replicas. From The Force Awakens, the only thing I looked for after seeing the movie was a toy of Poe's Black Leader X-Wing. But the toys are very poor. They even have a problem with bent wing blasters. So I'm hoping for a high end version from I guess eFx or some other company. I did watch some Master Replicas Millennium Falcon reviews on youtube. When they released it, I couldn't decide if I wanted it. It goes for way too much if you can get one these days though. Where did you hear this about R2? I'm slowly going through the topic now from back before the movie was released. But I believe the first time BB-8 goes to R2, C3PO says something about him not waking up. When they come back after the battle, then he wakes up. The whole map thing is crazy to me though. Luke needs a really good reason for hiding / sitting out. I can't see him losing to Kylo Ren. And Leia and Han know about Snoke. Unfortunately we don't until the sequel. I didn't know people had a problem with the Starkiller base. I just saw it as another Death Star on the poster. And yet another thing that made this movie more like the Original Trilogy. The Empire / First Order likes planet destroying bases. I wouldn't be surprised if there is another one for Part 9. The big what moment for me was when the First Order decides to recharge the weapon and they show it charging from a sun! I was like what?! But then I remembered that Naboo's power source was that planet's core so I thought fine. I guess they wanted to do nothing similar to the Prequels and make a planet around a sun. So they just thought we'll recharge by pulling the sun's energy.
  16. Which Splatterhouse? It does seem to be expensive for complete Turbografx and Genesis versions. I only played the first two. I remember the different looking mask on Part 3 made me pass on that one.
  17. If you really want pure nostalgia, dig out those old VHS tapes. And I'm not talking the officially sold ones. I'm talking the taped off TV ones. That's still how I watch the Southern Cross and New Generation parts of Robotech to this day.
  18. I finally saw The Force Awakens and I've never had such mixed feelings on a movie before. But it's not a movie you can really dislike. Aside from some questionable stuff with the classic characters, which is on the level of movies like Star Trek Generations and Tron Legacy. If you like the blueprint of Star Wars, you'll like the overall flow of The Force Awakens. Which is probably why I found myself watching it a few times so far. And of course it feels like Star Wars, not like the Prequels didn't feel like Star Wars, because so much in The Force Awakens is from the Original Trilogy. It's definitely the best of the JJ Abrams movies that I've seen too. But it's like if someone tells you to make a movie, drawing, painting, of your favorite artist's work and then they give you that artist's rough draft or sketch. A lot of your work is already done. I think George Lucas said it best that The Force Awakens is retro and that he tried to bring more and new things to his movies. Where it fits in the Star Wars universe is odd. I'll probably write a massive review for myself and a few friends. It's definitely not better than any of the Original Trilogy movies. But since it uses the Original Trilogy as a blueprint, by default that makes it better than the Prequels. Though unlike Star Wars, if that movie failed, you still had a really good stand alone movie. The Force Awakens sets so much up for the sequels that we need those next movies to see how it will all end.
  19. JetJockey

    Macross figures

    That's my thought too. I would think Minmay is a popular enough character.
  20. I picked Rhona Mitra as a better alternative some pages back. She was a Major in Doomsday too and had Motoko's hairstyle. I'll look those up. The first I heard of Fu Manchu was in one of the Grindhouse trailers. I saw Gran Torino and didn't think it was that good. I can't even remember it. I used "real fan" with Green Lantern and Spider-Man 3, I think most "real fans" of those characters would agree that those movies are bad. Spider-Man 3 was bad, in terms of the changes they made to characters like Venom. The same goes for Green Lantern which is one of those bad comic book movies close to the level of Batman and Robin. Most fans of the characters agree with that. I was establishing a baseline. What real fans will find acceptable. We'll have to disagree that it makes sense with all that I've posted. And I've watched the original movie, sequel, TV shows and TV movie, and read the manga. I own most of that stuff. I have a rotation of Motoko figures on my desk and she's my desktop wallpaper. Probably will be forever as it's the perfect wallpaper. I have my Mondo Ghost in the Shell foil print up now instead of the Shirow print. The only Ghost in the Shell thing I haven't seen or read yet is the latest Arise movie and the 1.5 and Man Machine Interface mangas. But I believe Motoko is only in one story in 1.5. I can't believe that anyone that watches and reads all this stuff, would pick a few lines out as reason for Motoko being American, British, or anything else. So in the manga it's stated that Motoko is an alias. Do you really believe that her name is Molly or some other Western name and she's a Westerner working for the Japanese government? Really? Especially when the Ghost in the Shell universe goes into detail about the state of America. And I believe the manufacturer of Motoko's body is mentioned in the manga, movie, or one of the TV shows. I didn't say Japanese company just to say it. ***** Some of this reminds me of an interview with the guy that played Green Hornet on the old TV show. He mentioned something about how it was tough for Bruce Lee back then. How he had to tell the producers to give him more screen time. That was in the 60s. I remember being shocked and sad to hear that. Bruce Lee is one of the coolest guys ever. The Motoko casting shouldn't even be a debate. How much is needed for a main character to be a minority? Do minority characters need to be so strict in their creation that we say that has to be a minority? There really aren't that many minority main characters that I can name. But now with Motoko, that's minus one big one. Someone mentioned Idris Elba, how some people had a fit when he played a small background role in the Thor movies. But with all that we know about Motoko and the universe she inhabits, we actually have people picking the smallest amount of detail as to why this is ok and even doesn't matter. But I don't think people are throwing around the term Whitewashing for no reason.
  21. Wait for the Blu-ray. They'll get it right one day. The new sound effects are terrible.
  22. This episode is where I'm stopping. At least for now. Perhaps when the show is over I'll read some overall reviews on the series. But this episode was just strange to me. Even though I voted negative there were some good things like the jet battles. But the end reveal was just something that didn't make me want to watch anymore.
  23. I've owned this print since the mid 1990s. I don't think when Masamune Shirow illustrated Motoko with basically the flag of Japan behind her, that his thought was that she was really some nationality other than Japanese. There is also this print which I always assumed said "Made in Japan" on the left. Although you can't see it completely because it's blocked. Enough is enough. All this stuff going on still giving various reasons is the studio marketing department already starting up selling the movie. Selling their decision. Especially when it turns up on so called "news" sites. Finding a few people on the streets in Japan that don't have a problem with it, I can find a few people that think Green Lantern and Spider-Man 3 are the best superhero movies. But real fans know the truth. Too bad the studio doesn't want to do the right thing and work to sell the movie like it's supposed to be. As I've said in posts before, people are coming up with all kinds of excuses and coming from all kinds of points of view. However, if Ghost in the Shell's lead role isn't made for some one who is Asian, Eastern, or at least Eurasian. Then the only thing left are the historical Asian roles. But don't forget Hollywood made Gods of Egypt, which really wasn't supposed to be set in Ancient Egypt but an alternate universe Egypt or something like that. So that made it ok too. Notice that they didn't call it Gods of Alternate Egypt or Another Egypt when selling it. ***** You know what would have been interesting to prove what I believe is true, even though it's too late to be done now. Perhaps with the next casting like this. But before the casting announcement, if someone made a futuristic movie image of Salma Hayek, Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, Zoe Saldana, or Michelle Rodriguez for a poll / questionnaire and asked them what they thought. Get their reactions. Then tell them that character's name is Motoko Kusanagi from a Japanese manga and anime, set in a future Japan, that works for the Japanese government, and that happens to be a cyborg made by a Japanese company. That would be interesting to see the how quick the original most likely positive reactions would flip to negative. * Also I'm learning a few things from this topic. I never heard of Charlie Chan before. Or the term Yellow Peril and Dragon Lady. I guess for me what should be an obvious choice isn't that way for many others.
  24. I thought the exact same thing. I was going to post that article. It's far from clickbait misleading stuff as the studio actually responded to it. I've posted my reasons for being against this casting here many times. Those curious can go back and read them. I stand by those posts and my feelings haven't changed. But this story about potentially attempting to make Scarlett more Asian shows that not only are they aware of the backlash but still won't do the right thing and will go to extremes not to hire the right person if true. The excuse of a background character sounds like bull to me. Why do that kind of work or even bother to test it on a lesser background character? Also an artist made some well thought Twitter comments and added a photoshop of Rinko Kikuchi as Motoko from Scarlett's image. https://twitter.com/jontsuei/status/720803648121405441 I think Rinko looks closer to what I would think of a live action Motoko and it makes the shot look more Ghost in the Shell just from that change. She could still be more Eurasian though. Remember this is supposed to be a future Asian society. Here is a good post from the Neogaf Ghost in the Shell topic about how Jennifer Lawrence started, worked her way up, and the backing she received to become a leading actress capable of bringing in high Box Office results. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=201093626&postcount=384 I'm tired of the same corporate talking points, reasons, and excuses going around as I'm fairly certain of what it really is at this point. Highly doubtful as if you have checked the casting and watched the shows, you'll see that Michael Pitt is playing Kuze who is a character from Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig. They are, as with many things in Hollywood, attempting to make this as a franchise for Scarlett. No way would they be that creative and risktaking by going with the full plot lines from the original Ghost in the Shell movie and Innocence.
  25. For some reason, I can't remember beating the original R-Type. I know I played it mostly in the arcades and didn't beat it there. I had it for Turbografx and I don't think I still own it. I liked the SNES Super R-Type more than the original. Anyway, you can control the shield to return to your ship. I believe in those instances you are supposed to launch it and call it back, if the shield can shoot in this version. Thus destroying the guns before you go under the ship. Unless I'm confusing this with the ship in Super R-Type. Taito Legends 2 is awesome for Elevator Action 2 and a few others.
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