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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. Can anyone tell me the best episode with a Mirage fight scene? I never finished Macross Delta. I stopped at the Silent Hacker episode and still haven't got around to starting up again. The VF-31C colors look right from the newer pictures. But a few other things might take priority so I'm trying to be convinced that I need Mirage's jet. At least right now. I remember there was an episode where she was defeated in an asteroid belt I think.
  2. That cellphone looks good. They wouldn't even need to go that detailed with a Macross version. I'm just looking for Skull Squadron colors and maybe Hikaru or Max numbers and colors. And of course the interface should be customized a bit. But I guess Gundam is more popular than Macross now. I've never seen a full Gundam show, perhaps it's time I checked one out.
  3. People must love that Garland. From what I've seen of the show, it still isn't better than the bikes in Bubblegum Crisis and Mospeada. Nor the Southern Cross hovercycle for that matter. I need to get that Anime Bikes book to see what other bikes I missed from back in the day. I know they had bikes in Zillion which were kind of cool.
  4. I've upgraded to Hot Toys for figures now. They are the adult action figure with the price to go along with it. I should have Jyn in the next month or so. Also, Jedi and Endor Luke plus Hoth and Endor Leia next year. I was disappointed that Hot Toys didn't have any major announcements for Force Friday. Same goes for Sideshow Collectibles who teased a new Leia statue but only showed her silhouette.
  5. I just remembered that Zillion has the team as a band on the soundtrack with Apple as lead singer. I haven't seen all the episodes yet so I don't know if they are a band in their off time and the cover is just something clever for the soundtrack. It doesn't seem like they are from the few episodes I've seen though. Also, in the Zillion Burning Night movie there is the intro with Apple singing. They used this song in an episode of the Twelve Monkeys tv show too. I can't believe we are getting a good scale Apple figure before Priss or Minmay.
  6. People on eBay sell new items. There are stores that use eBay for visibility and if I find an item there, they usually have it a bit cheaper on their actual store. As it's marked up for eBay's 10% fee.
  7. On the wiki there are some Chogokin re-releases in variant colors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soul_of_Chogokin Look under "Black version, recolors, and renewal versions." I own the recolor of GunBuster. Someone on the other robot forum posted that they wouldn't be surprised if Voltron got a more anime color version. Voltron is very popular, I wouldn't be surprised when there is a re-release.
  8. Those Megazone songs don't work for me. Not available in the US. But I found I think the first or a vocal soundtrack somewhere when searching. I listened to bits as I didn't want to ruin their placement in the show. It did sound good.
  9. That looks like a good stamp set for collectors. I'll need to save my money for Mirage's valkyrie though.
  10. I know. That's why I said "redo" as it was far from an "Ultimate Edition." I've said it before but I hate how companies go to Kickstarter now to pass risk to consumers. If he wanted to do a test he should have done surveys or something. Not test out on Bubblegum Crisis then make something better for another anime. The Riding Bean package is what we should have received for Bubblegum Crisis. Remember there were things he didn't even consider for Bubblegum Crisis. He immediately considered them too expensive before even collecting money.
  11. The genga book? How much was it? I didn't know it wasn't available. I was always checking eBay and there were a few copies.
  12. Redo Bubblegum Crisis the right way like they did Riding Bean. It is the anniversary of Bubblegum Crisis. If they don't do it, I guess someone else will.
  13. Too bad they aren't making a VF-1S. At least not yet. I never liked the head sculpt on this version. I do like to have transforming vehicles be transformable in toy / model form. But Prime 1's Evangelion statues look really good. I expect the same of this one with a detailed base.
  14. It's more the placement of the lights. Like how a few people posted that the lights were wrong on the Kids Logic version. I'm not a expert on the SDF-1. Honestly I always preferred the valkyries. I got into Robotech so late that I didn't even know the ship could transform till late in the show. The first episode of Macross I watched was "Miss Macross." I don't remember the ship transforming for a bunch of episodes later. Yeah but they are terrible with returns. I don't think I'll ever order from them again.
  15. I'm getting the Mirage bikini figure whenever they decide to paint and release her. That new picture looks good. It will be time to find one soon I guess.
  16. I just missed the Amazon pre-order. Like everything in the world, people talk. And once news dropped that Amazon put up the pre-order on a different link, in the middle of the night, people decided to spread it around. I probably missed it by a few minutes. But this is first and foremost Nintendo's problem. Then the retailers like Amazon, Best Buy, and others. Nintendo because they know people want the SNES Classic. It's ok to make a limited item that's not popular. I didn't have that much of a problem getting the two limited Legend of Zelda artbooks at retail cost. There were flippers on it but let's face it, the limited book market isn't that big. And there were normal versions of the books too. But when you have a console that people want and you say it's going to be limited. All you are doing is creating a side market for flippers or let's be honest scalpers. Sure Nintendo just wants their money. But they are hurting real customers by their behavior. And scalping is far easier now with eBay than it was back when the SNES was released. Also the retailers know there will be high demand. That's why both Amazon and Best Buy listed these in the middle of the night. The least they could do is say 1 per person until demand slows. And then open it up for 2 or maybe 3 per person afterwards. All those people saying they got extras for "their friends." If those current multiple orders don't get cancelled, then these retailers and Nintendo are showing that they don't care about scalpers. And also, if forums can use ID the image and CAPTCHA systems to search so can retailers when ordering to slow the bots that are running on their sites. It makes no sense why honest buyers have to try to beat automated bots. Stuff like this is making me say emulators and the like is ok. I just want the SNES Classic for Starfox 2. I'm not paying a scalper premium price because Nintendo can't release enough for everyone to get and says something stupid like they will only make the system till the end of the year. When pre-orders sell out at every major retailer that means so far they aren't making enough.
  17. Prices are getting crazy. Do I really need this toy? I would prefer good figures I think. But no one is doing that right now. What's the pre-order cut date again? Also, anyone have problems with the stickers / lights on this one? I skimmed through but didn't see any complaints.
  18. Ouch that long? I never really followed figma figures. I think I only have the one Tachikoma. I didn't know about Bowie's name. I'm going to look into that knife. It might be worth owning. Thanks! Same here. I recall I think from the Robotech RPG book that Lancer's bike was for espionage? But it's possible they just made that up for the Robotech book to give fans something to think about. Also seeing all these Cyclone / Ride Armor models made me remember that I had another version besides the original that I disliked so much. It was a small one that wasn't that detailed. Barely bigger than a G.I. Joe figure. It was Rook's color too. I have to search around and check that Anymoon site to see what company made it. Perhaps I got it from a Japanese shop like Nikaku. I don't think it was a US toy.
  19. Which books? I know there are a few from the original movie and Stand Alone Complex that I want to get. Mostly the design books.
  20. I didn't see any Mospeada or Bubblegum Crisis Figma news either. You would think when they show the fact that they are working on it at one show, we would get some kind of update or prototype by the next show.
  21. I just don't like copies or fakes. You get the real thing if you can or save for it. These prints are high quality limited artworks signed and numbered by the artists as well. But my philosophy goes for movie posters too. At least try to find a licensed, numbered, and high quality reprint. I know those vintage posters make the price of these modern prints look like a joke. I haven't followed the Ghost in the Shell prices too closely. But I would assume the price probably went higher when the live action movie was announced. Everyone wanting Ghost in the Shell items. Then even more after the poor reception of that movie and fans not needing posters from it. Thus wanting more classic stuff. And also because the last two Mondo Ghost in the Shell posters weren't that great. One from that live action movie and another for the series. It all just increases the demand for something that only has 325 regular and 325 foil variant prints. Although there are 51 regular and 30 foil variant Artist Proofs. Overall 376 regular and 355 foil variant prints total, still not a lot to go around for Ghost in the Shell fans. That's why I watch what they release and get in early before prices can go up. This Akira poster was the original eye opener for me. http://expressobeans.com/public/detail.php/134727
  22. Some were saying the lights were incorrect on the big Kids Logic version. Is everything ok on this Arcadia Premium version?
  23. When I was a kid, I thought my recording was cut or I just a missed an episode where they showed the SDF-2. I was actually glad the comic had that image because I didn't know what was going on in Robotech's final episode when they were running from the damaged SDF-2 to get to the old SDF-1. But there are a bunch of odd things like that which don't make sense in older animated cartoons. I always thought those mounds in Southern Cross were cool though with the hidden tunnel in one of them.
  24. I don't deal with copies. And this would be a copy of an artist's work and then printed on foil. Seems like too much to go though and no decent artist work take the job. Only some poster scammer. I posted this before when I mentioned the poster. But the foil is worth getting for fans. Not my video but the reflection is why I love it. Some charts where you can see both versions continue to go up. http://expressobeans.com/public/detail.php/196370 And the last three put up on eBay all sold most likely in the $900 range. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=ansin+ghost+shell+foil&_sop=16&LH_Complete=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=ansin+ghost+shell+foil&_sacat=0
  25. What's a good price for you? As this is one of Mondo's best prints you might have to put up the high price. Even the normal version went up. Best chance is probably to find a buy it now or best offer a bit under $1000. There are I think Facebook print groups and the ExpressoBeans forum where you might be able to get a better deal or do a trade. But I don't have much experience with those. I've only read about them.
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