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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. Yeah but over here we would just use a notebook or desk. Why use something like that with good artwork? And the ones I have aren't that sturdy either.
  2. Is $3000 too much for a nude Minmay cel for you? I don't recall seeing that one at any of the other auctions. Or I can't remember. I just want a Minmay singing cel. I don't think I could display that Minmay nude scene. I think some of the nude scenes in Dirty Pair Project Eden and Megazone 23 Part 2 are a bit more clever. A friend of mine has a few of the Dirty Pair Project Eden opening cels framed.
  3. And if they aren't at the comic show in Tokyo this month, then I guess the next show opportunity isn't until next year. Maybe we will get lucky and they will have both Lancer and Rook painted.
  4. No more scalper prices for NES and SNES mini as the last time I was in Target they had a bunch of them. I wonder what the hot Black Friday release will be? Nintendo always seems to have a special version of a portable. I'm fine with my SNES 3DS XL since I have the SNES mini. But I still kind of want a clear 3DS XL since Nintendo has shown clear plastic prototypes. But I think they are all about the 2D version now and I like the 3D option.
  5. I thought Hot Toys was going to get into more retro comic characters. I read somewhere that they were going to make Batgirl to go with their 66 Batman and Robin. If Batgirl happened I assumed Lynda Carter Wonder Woman would as well. But Hot Toys hasn't released the 66 Batmobile yet so I guess that line might be finished now.
  6. It was a group auction. Perhaps that's priced in as well? Asylum Anime has some Minmay cels. Some cheap. And some not so cheap! https://asylum-anime.com/store/index.php/anime-cels/series-name-l-m/macross.html Anyone know if there was a lot of cel talk on the old Robotech forums? I never browsed that forum too much. I think I only looked at it a handful of times. Same goes for the Rubberslug forums though. The Cels.org forum looks like it was the most popular forum for anime cels before that died. I remember reading something about cels being at the old US Renditions or at Harmony Gold convention stands I think. I'm just looking for old pictures. I remember posting that a friend of mine tried to win that Robotech Sentinels big cel with all the characters. But that was fairly recent, in the last 5 or so years if not a bit more.
  7. Between the Sentinel and I think the non-transforming one, we are bound to have one of those be a hit.
  8. Did the Robotech forums reopen? Or they can't talk about that sort of thing over there. I remember there was a big blow up about something in those forums years ago. I think it was around the time of the Beagle Cyclones. I think the usual bad behavior was happening. People getting banned, posts erased, people couldn't bring up certain topics.
  9. I went through like 2 or 3 original PlayStations. I never even thought about keeping it after all that. The last one I had modded to play Japanese games because back then we thought Castlevania wouldn't come out over here. In the end, I remember having to do the stupid turn the system over trick to get the games to load. Of course Microsoft tried to use that excuse when the Xbox and 360 were scratching and tearing up games. I was happy when the PS2 was backwards compatible and looked far better and futuristic compared to the original PlayStation. I still have an original PS2 and a final model.
  10. I have a bunch of these in my collection from Macross and other series. I never understood the use and got them for the artwork to display.
  11. Looking at the recent Macross cel auctions, prices can vary. I couldn't find that Flashback scene. I didn't look hard enough. But it didn't go that high. I was going to attempt to win one. I probably would have won if I tried but I'm hoping others from the same scene show up. Perhaps during the holidays. It's not really Macross but I put my efforts into a Megazone 23 cel and lost. I bet that there wouldn't be that much interest in it and was wrong. It was a one of a kind setup though. But as I tend to like Parts 2 and 3 more I'm not really sore over the loss.
  12. The original Top Gun is pretty much a perfect movie. Even though I'll watch this eventually I know it will just attempt to play off that nostalgia similar to what the director did with Tron Legacy. Good on a surface level but no where near the impact of the original.
  13. I never played that game. I might have to check out the soundtrack though. Nothing on the PlayStation mini for me that I don't already have. I'm waiting on the Final Fantasy 7 remake like many as well. I would assume most gamers still have Final Fantasy 7, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, and Ridge Racer. I do still like Star Fox. That is one of the best old 3D games. Many were rough and the true gems from that period still stand out. I'm sure people would go crazy for a Panzer Dragoon trilogy release. Or even a Saturn mini with those three games. Although I still have them myself.
  14. I read that there is a Tokyo Comic Convention coming up at the end of the month. Perhaps there will be news at the show. If not I guess both this new Macross and Ghost in the Shell will be shown some time next year.
  15. I thought about some of the Rook ones. But I ended up using the money towards a bigger win earlier. No rubberslug gallery but I'll post that big win along with some stuff coming out next year in a topic here.
  16. This link works. Nice to see some Southern Cross and Mospeada cels too. I guess you are my competition. Did you see the Mospeada sketches on Yahoo Japan?
  17. I never got that Virtual On game back in the day. I heard it was good. But never tried it. I might this time around. I never tried that mech game on Xbox with the big controller either. I saw on youtube once that you can skip all the startup stuff with the buttons. Still that seemed cool. I had issues with Xbox and didn't want to deal with any of their exclusive games. I still have to go back and play or finish a bunch of titles.
  18. Thanks for that. I never saw these before either. The sale was a bit before I joined up and I was only checking the forum on occasion. Like every quarter or so. And more for toy and news of upcoming anime shows mostly. I wasn't even thinking about getting one of a kind original box art. I don't think it crossed my mind. Those are some nice pieces for people who also have those models.
  19. I still have that Creations book on my list. I was going to go after a bunch of Zillion books and magazines around the same time. There are a few Apple covers that I want.
  20. Thanks. I've never seen those originals before. You never know what's out there. Or what was out there. Even if you were after cels and sketches from day one you are still bound to miss stuff. You simply don't know what the studio kept, destroyed, gave away, sold, etc. No one knows exactly. This might be worthwhile to some collectors or people who read this forum. I use similar materials for my stuff.
  21. I need to see the whole series. Perhaps the OVA will be odd as I have no clue where it fits it. But I'm almost certain I saw it first before the normal episodes. It was different compared to what I thought I would see from the videogame. I think I had a few posters and pencil boards at the time too. I'll watch it during the holidays most likely.
  22. The comic comes out next week. Apparently there is an Exclusive version but I don't know if there is anything special about it yet.
  23. There is an audio topic going on in the Resetera videogame section. Also the LastGamer reviewed the old Sega speakers he just picked up which I think he uses with his PVMs. Have you decided on the type of speaker? Powered or if you will use a receiver? I got Kokuga. Very old school and fun. The music is awesome too. http://kokuga.net/index_e.html
  24. You don't like the OVA? I'm pretty sure I saw the OVA first. And then I saw not even the first episode of Zillion but whatever was on the second or third VHS tape release. The comic shop I went to didn't have the first tape and I just purchased the only one in stock. I think I still have that tape. I know one of the episodes involved a forest ambush. Also I think Apple at the pool or during some kind of workout right before they have to report for a mission. I think like many I knew of Zillion from the old Sega Master System games. And speaking of games and Zillion, The Happy Console Gamer mentioned it in his last pick up episode. So I guess he'll have a review of the new Blu-ray and some of the games and items soon.
  25. Can anyone ID the artist or find a good image of that Kei Dirty Pair artwork in the background (top left) during that Kylo Ren review?
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