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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. I liked Rogue One so much I got one of these Mondo posters. I was really hoping after that snow fight in Force Awakens that Rey would turn into a cool character and the movies would be good. Also as much as I dislike the prequels, I still have some items from those movies.
  2. I pretty much hate into Darkness. I posted a short review in that topic here when I watched it way after it was it theaters. I don't remember anything really good about that movie. If the people behind that made Discovery, I can't see myself liking it that much. I thought it would be on CBS on demand by now but they still want money for it. I'm going to check the CBS sites and youtube and see if the first episode is there.
  3. I remember getting what I thought were all the magazines for Episode 1 back then and a Vanity Fair issue with I think the same photographer. Seems like the hype continues. But I don't fall for it anymore. I don't know how they could make six (I'll include the new one too) profitable Star Wars movies that I don't believe are good at all. Six movies that I'll most likely never watch again.
  4. Ok. Somehow I am going to watch Discovery tonight. I remember seeing a cool shot on a planet and I thought it would be a good Star Trek show. Seems like every other space show is better than Star Trek these days. I think I posted it or I read other people think that Prometheus is a better space exploration movie than the new Star Trek movies. I take it you guys are saying that Discovery is basically another dumb space action show?
  5. This now has me worried. I thought Discovery was the opposite of the newer movies and a return to good Star Trek. I saw the original trailer and it looked good. There were some notable female cast members that seemed to be getting a lot of press. I think some hype about how the classic Star Trek type stories belonged on TV and that Discovery was going to do that. Of course this was all before the show started. I'm going to see if I can watch the first episode tonight. And I thought The Orville was kind of a comedy spoof type Star Trek show kind of like that Space Balls thing.
  6. I want to see Star Trek Discovery. I still haven't checked it out yet. I guess I have high hopes for that one since I don't like the new movies. Perhaps I'm tired of being disappointed by Star Trek and that is making me hold off on watching it. Plus, I think Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Thor 3 are better, fun space adventure movies than any of the recent Star Trek or Star Wars movies.
  7. The thing I hate most is the auto extend thing. But there seems to be a definite no go maximum right now as there are some $2000 and more priced Macross cels that aren't getting bids. I think a few with buy out options. We'll see what happens on that Minmay tomorrow. That one bid is odd to me. Still I haven't seen enough good Macross cels with backgrounds to really know. A good cel and background from Bubblegum Crisis OVA Episode 5 went for close to $1500 if I remember correctly. I posted it in one of the Bubblegum Crisis topics. And as much as I like Macross, I think that Bubblegum Crisis cel price is reasonable since it's a one of a kind final shot with the full team. There should be more of this Max cel so I just can't see it getting close to $1500. But then some of those Mandarake cels got in the $2000 range. There are some nice group sketches in one Misa cel auction. I wish the seller would separate some of them. The TV and movie sketches. Having them in a group will make it more expensive though. Perhaps the winner can sell the ones they don't want on ebay.
  8. That's a good looking lego set. I still haven't seen this show yet but I hear it's old school fun.
  9. I think Star Trek The Next Generation ended at the TV show for me. I really don't like any of the movies. They just felt like longer and not as good TV episodes. And from what I remember of the last movie, it was really bad.
  10. People who are getting the Max VF-1A might be interested in this Max cel auction this week. https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-r325334772 I have a feeling that winning will be difficult. Sometimes cels are posted in the cel topic here: But there isn't as much conversation compared to this topic and others.
  11. Let's try to be a bit more open. I'm going to try for this Max TV cel. https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-r325334772 It's one of the better TV cels that I've seen. Easily in the top 10 or maybe 5. I'm not sure of what it should go for. But it should be interesting to watch how people bid. I'll post it in the toys section too. Perhaps more people will come over here. I guess I should have picked up this Minmay cel on the right when it was by itself years ago. I remember posting about it a few times here. I don't think it was more than $500 back then. https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-p684884773 These are way out of my range. But someone has bid on the group. I wonder why they aren't just using the buyout option since there is barely a difference in price? A lot of other high priced Macross cels and some low starting priced sketches. I might see if I can win a sketch but those posted sketches from a few posts above were going for a lot too. Besides with Comic Con and other anime conventions coming up, I'll need to plan for possible statues and figures.
  12. That was one of the twists just to have a twist that I didn't like at the end. You are making me remember how disappointed I was at the end of Season 2 again. Actually Season 1 is awesome. I'm pretty sure I don't want to watch Season 2 again. The soundtrack was good though.
  13. Yeah and I thought the Genesis version of Earthworm Jim was the best version anyway. I still have the Sega CD version to check out as well. I wouldn't go for re-releases of old carts so much as I would go for complete editions. Which I've seen very few versions. I'm not picking on Sega even though I think they are barely competent these days. But why not release complete versions of a series of their classic games? I'm still playing Super Hang-On on 3DS. And the 3D is cool. But if they released Hang-On and Super Hang-On on disc. Limited or not. With all the soundtracks. I'm still surprised that they didn't include the remixes on Super Hang-On 3DS as those are some great tracks. That would be something I'm interested in. Not these mini systems with 90% or so of games that I already own and just the ability to play them on modern TVs.
  14. They tried to do too much and have too many twists in the second season. The second season is worth a watch. It's well made and will keep your interest. But it's not as good as the first season. And at the end of the second season, you probably won't be that excited about a third season. At least I'm not. And I was excited for the second season after the first season. This is hilarious and reminded me of that under the influence of drugs while driving scene in Goodfellas.
  15. I guess someone will put it on youtube soon.
  16. I can't remember seeing this video before. Or perhaps I didn't watch the whole thing. Thanks. Another case of not everyone knowing what's out there. I guess I missed it yet again. Do you have links to the cels that you are talking about? Or do you want to mention the series if it's not Macross? And what do you mean you bid a high price on cels that previously sold? It's always possible that there are what are called shill bidders out there. People who bid not to own but just to raise the final price because they know the seller. But that is illegal and I'm sure if Rinkya noted your max bid and had someone at Rinkya or not bid up to your max and stop and they do this sort of thing a lot they would get caught. As enough Rinkya users would notice something like that. Besides, Rinkya would have to know the sellers to really benefit since at the amounts you are talking about Rinkya has a flat fee percentage and a discount over $1000 according to their fee page. https://www.rinkya.com/en/page/fees So if they don't know the seller they wouldn't see much of that extra money anyway.
  17. There are things to take the acid out of paper and control it. Museums have 1000+ year old paper. I think paper from the 80s isn't that big a deal. I have comics from the 60s that are fine.
  18. I think a friend of mine found the cure for vinegar syndrome. He wasn't keeping track of it. But he said that one day he checked the cel and the smell was gone. I remember smelling the cel when he got it and it was so potent that it was like putting your nose in a vinegar bottle. It was unmistakable. One of those you know it when you smell it things. That was the first time I came across vinegar syndrome. But I'm going to check it out the next time I visit.
  19. I didn't know or I just don't remember that version of Sega Rally either. I just have the Saturn version as well and Part 2 on I think Dreamcast. I would go for the music but I'm not sure I want another Shinobi game the way Sega is going. Sure Streets of Rage looks good. But the last Shinobi games weren't that great to me. I played I think the PS2 game and I remember never finishing it because you had to use the combination attack to beat the final boss. And to get to him you pretty much had to run the level perfectly before the time ran out. The sequel with the female ninja seemed to be the same. I think I rented both of those games. The three Shinobi games on Genesis are great though. I still want to play the arcade version of Shadow Master as I believe they are a bit different. I only remember playing arcade Shadow Master in Las Vegas once. But the Genesis version has good music too. Especially that Statue of Liberty stage. I remember some talk about Battle Garegga here. Limited Run just put this up for pre-order. I missed it myself. I need to keep an eye on their releases more.
  20. If you win a one of a kind Mikimoto, the last concern is probably archival paper. In fact, it's probably not a concern at all.
  21. JetJockey

    Macross figures

    Thanks for the review and pictures. I don't know about this one. Good thing I was slow in deciding to order. Usually I have zero doubts about figures that I order. I know companies can do better and larger scale versions. Perhaps a company will see this and do a Macross the movie version now.
  22. I think these days pre-orders are just for companies to announce that they have sold out of pre-orders on Twitter, Facebook, and everywhere else. I looked at NCSX's past releases and I see a lot of figures and other things. Perhaps they are moving away from videogames. I think the last I purchased from them was the physical Resident Evil HD Remake Limited Edition. In the old days for me it was NCSX and Tronix. I think there might have been one other site where I was able to get a few other rare titles like Radiant Silvergun but I can't remember the name of the company. That Capcom giant arcade stick doesn't interest me. I thought it would have a better selection of games. And more exciting artwork on the casing. I don't need a giant Capcom advertisement in my room. They could have gone crazy with Darkstalkers, Strider, and Street Fighter artwork. Or had removable casing with different artwork for each game. If they did that then I would get it with the current game selection as that would be cool.
  23. JetJockey

    Macross figures

    Beggars can't be choosers. I'm waiting on her release. Should be soon.
  24. I think there are a few Gunbuster fans here. I never thought I would see this original for sale. It just ended yesterday. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n338940405 I attempted to win but it went too high for something that I haven't seen in person. I'm actually surprised it didn't go higher. But it looks like the real deal. Whoever won it could have a nice setup with the Gunbuster chogokin and that old Kotobukiya Noriko figure. Too bad they still haven't released this kit as a painted figure. https://myfigurecollection.net/item/75945
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