I believe that the critism on this thread holds up. But I also see what dejr8bud is saying as true. If they would've hired someone that draws like Mikimoto, then they'll be taken down as a wannabe and unoriginal.
IMO, some comic books SHOULD be treated like animation. You give the artist lineart and tell them to follow it. But instead we have a bunch of kids who consider themselves rock stars and their interpretation of the product is way off from what it's suppose to be. If that artist wants to be original, then start your own comic book with your own designs.
In Japan most of the creators have their own books. And they stick to it until it's done. Here in the U.S. we have a bunch of contract players jumping from one high profile gig to another. Even artist with their own creations can't sit still and finish what they've started. Example, Joe Maduriera. He starts Battle Chasers and decides that he doesn't need to finish it because he enjoys video games more. Crap like tht wouldn't fly in Japan, I don't care how good you are.
Back to the problem that is Robotech. What I guess I'm trying to say is that Udon, and the fact that they suck, is not the problem. The only way to make it work is to get a program (an outline for your project), a good all encompassing story, a definite look for both your characters and mecha (lineart and color schemes), and tell the freaking story. For god's sake, get a good editor that looks at boththe artwork and the continuity.
But what do I know?... for as we type these things could be flying off the shelves...