Yesterday, my sister in Law gave my 8 yr. nephew's MPC Prime to his little 2 yr. brother who is the living persona of destruction. My little nephew, who takes great care of his toys, ran to take it away from him, but his mother scolded him for not sharing. I, for one didn't speak up, because I believe you don't try to take control from the mother, it's just bad taste. But this! This one was on the line. Should I or shouldn't I. I mean I bought the toy for my nephew. Man, my nephew and I were sitting there sweating bullets. What should we do? The smaller nephew lifted the MPC and smashed it against the glass table. Nothing broke but my sister in law almost had a heart attack. And if she did, she probably deserved it. And the lucky thing for me would have been that I don't know CPR. Needless to say, my nephew got his MPC back that moment. And my sister in law gets the rocket scientist award of the month once again.