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Everything posted by EXO

  1. Me first! Ridley Scott rules! Michael Bay sucks!
  2. I feel bad for Myriad trying to get that Starship Troopers thread back, so here's a free for all. Who is and who isn't. Shoji Kawamori Ridley Scott Steven Spielberg James Cameron Michael Bay Tony Scott Simon West John DeBont Ang Lee John Woo Sergio Leone John Houston Goerge Lucas Richard Donner Paul Verhoeven Mel Gibson Opi (Ron Howard) M. Night Shymalan Quentin Tarantino Wolfgang Peterson Peter Jackson Phillip Noyce Kevin Smith Antoine Fuqua Akira Kurosawa Tim Burton Stanley Kubrick Robert Wise David Fincher David Cronenberg Clint Eastwood Brian De Palma Michael Mann Martin Scorsese Stanley Kubrick Francis Ford Coppolla John Carpenter Walter Hill Robert Zemeckis There... I know there's more I'm sure we'll get to them
  3. I don't really get that statement from anyone, not just you Blaine... I mean this is LOTR, what's he suppose to rely on? Sock puppets and cardboard castles? Ok, back on topic... um... still haven't seen it.... Edit: Please direct all and any comments about directors in this new thread... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8590
  4. You don't have to see him get macronized to know that he gets macronized... you never really see anyone pee in every movie but you know they do right? I've seen movies where it seems like all they do is pee... but those are different. And special. Very, very special. Yes, I bet it leaves you all warm inside...
  5. EXO

    Millia's pics

    Where's Dana???
  6. They can still display the 1:48s right? They just can't sell it... that would be so great....
  7. You don't have to see him get macronized to know that he gets macronized... you never really see anyone pee in every movie but you know they do right?
  8. Don't send me money (well, if you really want to) but wait for the confirmation that those items are there.... please... and yes... no more PMs and request or send them all to Pat.... If these are bootlegs, don't forget, they also did the box and the Styro? That's a lot of work, almost as much as the Joons. Could be a fluke...
  9. w0000000t... w00000000t.... every MPC looks better after you drop acid...
  10. you can see the folded up cyclone at the bottom right of this pic.
  11. No figure? That's ridiculous... Oh yeah the G.I. Joe would fit but they're too small. I found something better...
  12. I say screw him... he's pretty demanding bastard. You want to experience Robotech the movie? Go to the worst rat infested mexican restaurant you can think of, eat two gallons of their refried beans. You should get sick within the hour and become very flatulent. If there's a nugget at the end of one of those "bean convulsions" then... there! That nugget, my friend represents the experience that completely replicates Robotech The Movie... Long Live your Robotech the Movie experience !
  13. Maybe it's good news to us Appleseed fans... somehow I don't think so... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5901548029&rd=1
  14. Because Yamato said there was gonna be a price drop. I guess they just needed to cover production costs with the first one. I wish it could have dropped more though.
  15. Maybe not, but still very disturbing... Slightly OT, but on another page it says that they are investigating emails and cell phone mssgs (which is way more popular in Asia than the U.S.) First of all this 11 yr old girl had a cell phone? Second, many cases are starting to use cell phone text mssgs as evidence. The phone company saves all of them in their servers. I had no idea.
  16. It's those darn animes I tell ya... pokemon is eeeval!
  17. I bet that confuses the hell out of the cannibals...
  18. EXO

    Yammies per user

    1:48 - 21 + 6FPs 1:60 - 9 (do we count the Q-rau? if so then 10) 1:72 - 1 (yuck)
  19. Yup... And if it is, because of this thread guess whole be there at the A|X with a C&D... huh? that doesn't make sense. Your talking out of your @$$ again. Pull yourself together man. I know these alphas and it's prices is making you fall apart. Don't worry man, we'll be there at the AX early so we can pick these up. Yeah meet me there on Sunday at 5PM... hehehe...
  20. Yup... And if it is, because of this thread guess who'll be there at the A|X with a C&D... EDIT: educamacated by Supernintendo Chalmers!
  21. Yes. And the rate depends on the humidity and other conditions. I had Takatokus that were in the closet for years away from daylight and they yellowed in some part but not in others.
  22. I'm afraid the mods won't be able to help you... I suggest getting medical attn. And soon!
  23. I guess I'm not the only one with VF-1 fever. The 1/48 is like reset button for me, and got me all riled up again. I don't see why they can't finish with the VF-1 and still have other toys. Think of the VF-1s as a funding machine for Yamato's other insane projects like the Konig and that crappy VF-0. My money will go to your valks! Oh and some destroids please.
  24. EXO

    Color Adjustment

    You should just wait for the final version. Solscud is going to rescan the original poster... that scan is gonna be HUGE!!!
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