How can you see a POS like Clash of the Bionoids and still wanting to see more of it to hunt down the original. I think I was the only one that kept renting that crummy old video tape from that crummy old video store until they finally had to take it out of circulation. I went back and asked about it and even tried to buy it.
Desperately, trying to get it before those eBay days wasn't as easy as it sounded. I went to pony-go-roundin L.A. and Yoahan... maybe I wasn't looking at the right places. Finally I found it at the L.A.Scifi and comic con at the Shrine (before it was at the Shrine, it was at some hotel.) Seeing it complete for the first time was like being blind and being able to see again. No more ugly dialogue, no more crappy edits, just pure unadulterated naked Minmay fun.
I had never seen SDF Macross back then... but I was intoxicated by the music since the CotB days. I'm still weirded out by that man screaming "MAKUROS!" in the opening theme of the TV show. The opening them of DYRL was so perfect when the Macross came out of the darkness in sections.
20 years later I've had 2 copies of the DVDs. And I'm still constantly popping it on the box. IMO, it still surpasses a lot of the animation today, CG or tradtional. If by some miracle DYRL disappeared from the world, I'd probably go back to that crummy old video store and cry my eyes out for that copy of CotB... sad as it may seem...