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Everything posted by EXO

  1. here's another:
  2. yeah... I don't have the book either... another one of those holy grails.
  3. Looks awesome! My financial situation just took a crap, otherwise I would be first on that list...
  4. I switched to where they took off more off my pay. I ended up paying the year before and I was close to paying last year. I rather get a return from the gov. than get a bill. As for interest, if they give me back what's mine and made a little off the top, then good for them. Hopefully it'll go to some good. As for interest of my part, i woulda just spent it on some toys anyway... consider it patriotic charity..
  5. EXO


  6. pay off debt... yes one single one...
  7. Yeah I noticed that too. It looks really good upside down, better than right side up...
  8. I had cable TV for a while (I have cable broadband internet right now) and I subscribed to all the channels. It was around the time Stargate SG1 started. I found myself either watching what was on regular TV or I channel surfed too much... I was too busy trying to find out what else was on and I'd forget what it was I was watching in the firstplace, (partly ADHD). I got rid of it because i was sitting in front of the tube too much and never really watched anything. I rent or buy anything good from cable channels. BSG is the first thing I've downloaded because I was jonesing after Bobe Pat lent his ripped copy of the mini...
  9. I want everything for free too! I don't subscribe to cable and if I did this would be the only thing I watch. I'll buy the DVDs... so I guess I'm just "borrowing" them for now...
  10. Anyone have any interior scans? I love Amano art.
  11. Awww c'mon Jem, it's not useless... we pointed --o0|0o-- to another place he can look for cosplay and we're talking about mechs... The title is "I want more pics like this"
  12. So sara goes naked in M0? Well I havent seen M0. Waiting for it to be released in the US if it ever will be. Good luck with that one... Nope, any connections between Sara/Minmay/Basara/Myung/and Sharon is pure fanboy conjecture...
  13. EXO

    CF VF-1A

    BUY IT!!!
  14. Forget the kickstand! Just watch out for The Knock Turn's emmissions!
  15. why you be looking hmm?? I caught you looking while licking your lips and sticking your finger in your belly! ewww!!! you got legs Colonel Sanders would murder for...
  16. I've seen how short your legs are, hobbit!
  17. It's an old 80's game from Square called Cruise Chaser Blassty
  18. you can still get your minas morgul environment... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6504671115&rd=1 What pisses me off is that they released it on Xmas and I got it as a gift so I had to wait to order it. A couple of members here PMd me the code but by then it was too late. damn scalpers!
  19. EXO


    I remember someone made on for a 1/55 also...
  20. I'm not critizing the comparison (great examples BTW...) just the need to bring up how unattractive she was. Jane Seymour was in the OG? Still not enough to make me see TOS... lol.
  21. Why does the president have to be hot? There's enough cuties on the show, I doubt if Kim Basinger played the president she would play a much less convincing woman in power dying of cancer. I'm all for eye candy but thats ridiculous... She ups her political play in the regular series and it gets even more heated as it comes along. I agree she gets a bit in the way, but she plays that role well...
  22. EXO


    Holy Cow! That's awesome!!! I want!!! You need a Max 1A! Great job newb!
  23. An dropship that size would be 1/100... it doesn't look that small. 1.5' would be approx. 1/72.
  24. The side story of the middle-eastern family is really to set a tone to the viewers that not all middle-eastern people are driven by a mad cause. The son is probably a ploy to get particular peer group viewer of the same ethnic descent to identify with his struggle in making a descision between the western way of living and the maniacal focus of destroying that way of living. Since this show has aired it has caught alot of flak about its insensitivity towards certain ethnic groups and this side story is to alleviate their criticism. There's nothing that can sway that argument than poisoning the white girlfriend... Seriously though, I don't consider that family's storyline as a side story. But I'm worried that they are going to start now that it seems that they streamlined the series. The last 2 eps on Monday night was excellent. The liquor store robbery, the son getting tortured (Sure he's too humane to stick a needle in arm, so he went for the relentless sensory deprivation route. ) And how cool was that when Jack went back to save Chloe's friend? A few bruises and that guy will be fine...
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