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Everything posted by EXO

  1. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    I want 3. I want to customize 2 into the VF-1J trainers from Delta.
  2. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    Only 1 from HLJ? Dammit! Need 2 more!
  3. EXO

    M+ ghost X-9

    Wow... that looks so awesome! Quality build you guys!
  4. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    Cool. I need these to make my Hayate and Mirage valks.
  5. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    Cool! You're giving them away?
  6. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    That Motoko figure is smaller than a GI Joe figure... It looks like the standard production VF-1A has a couple of cool features... TV & DYRL heads and hands, TV & DYRL pilots, and new chest. /shoulder covers for battroid mode. https://twitter.com/t_features/status/736916483633094657
  7. The manga is still going? Plus people must have missed the fact that Rodriguez is directing this...
  8. I already have the SDFM pilots modeled work and without helmets. I have 6 ground crews done with helmets on. Maybe I can get 4 more done without for below deck purposes... The on deck crew still have their helmets on IIRC...
  9. What would be ideal sets? SDF & DYRL? Maybe we need a new thread with a poll... Lol.
  10. No. The Rabbit suits are new designs for the movie only. The Mars Base Suit is more like the SDFM pilot suits but different detail. The helmet is also. I'll have prices by the early next week. I'll also see what else I can put into the set to make it worth it. I guess I have to make those DYRL pilots too... lol.
  11. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    You need another one to rule them all.
  12. I actually stayed away from selling mine so to not step on petarb"s toes. I have my model from the Lancer. I'll check on prices with my recaster. I'm not sure I can match his but shipping within the Us would probably even it out.
  13. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    Nope... No notices from amiami and hlj just yet.
  14. PetarB was added to the blacklist a while back but I added Studio Starforge just in case.
  15. Love that book to no ends...
  16. EXO

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not only are the mechanical designs pretty but those schemes are killer... Each one of them. Macross Delta is really at the top of its game concerning Macross shows... I need that Messer Valkyrie!
  17. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    I feel like they stopped the Hi-Metal VF100 line to focus on the SDF stuff because they were probably the only successful part of the line. It wouldn't make sense to me that they would kill the line because it did so poorly and then base it around that same series after a year or so... this is all conjecture on my part... But they seem to be open to making valks that are not so obscure... hopefully they'll decide to do those... after all the enemy mechs and destroids... lol.
  18. Me too. I sat too close to the IMAX screen and got too dizzy combined with the 3D. I ran out the next day to see it again in 2D. But the great thing was i was close enough when Kevin Feige and the Russo Brothers dropped by...
  19. Looks great! Now I need to buy3 new monitors just to display these backgrounds!
  20. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    I saw it on the floor and picked it up but I forgot where I put it... lol.
  21. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    Are a lot of people missing this piece? I'm missing one also... my fault though.
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