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Everything posted by EXO

  1. old map sucks now... trying new one http://platial.com/macrossworld/map/49982#...ember's_Map
  2. EXO

    Graham's Sig

    Man... it's already been announced... There's a new Minmay doll coming out and Graham has big wet plans for it... DUH!
  3. basically what reign of fire promised to be.... if just a little bit better than that Matthew McConauGAY POS, then it might be worth the rental. Dinkin Flicka!
  4. just get whatever the hell this is
  5. EXO

    Animepunch.com down

    It was MEEEEE!!! I broke it!
  6. screw that! Once we turn that signal on, we'll never make it to the other lane... all the a-holes will speed up and make sure you don't cut in front of them. you take your chances sucka!!!
  7. amen brother... hate the show... love the mech.
  8. We set up a team of investigators to fnd out who stole these pictures. If you wish to turn yourself in right now, we'll make sure to take it easy on you. But we're not making any promises.
  9. WTF... you left without my copy biatch! Miriya... man, I love that video on your avatar.
  10. CG actors suck... looks like a bunch of good actors acting stiff.
  11. i think they got this one right finally...
  12. HALLELUIAH! I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near Tannuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. But I don't care... all I really want to see is the original theatrical release in full HD glory...
  13. It's more like a wish list. Even if it was from anyone from Yamato, I doubt it would be anywhere near accurate from what would really come out. We've had these spec lists before and we'll keep getting them and none of them will be on target. You get one or two come to reality and that'l be enough for someone to say "i told you so."
  14. Wow... it looks awesome... havent had time to log on for a while... oh well off to MWCON!!!
  15. 75-year-old pensioner has fastest broadband Swedish woman enjoys record 40Gbps connection http://www.tech.co.uk/computing/internet-a...leid=1857379299
  16. yeah... post about it when you have pics.
  17. yeah, I gotta post up my Jessica Biel Shrine again...
  18. EXO

    Best and worst 1/48

    BEST: The Hikaru VS-1S, it's the only DYRL that has the better gummy DYRL pilot. I'm not sure if Kakizaki has one but c'mon... Kakizaki 1A vs. Hikaru 1S? It's Hikaru hands down. I havent bought the newer ones but I think most of those come with the TV or the Low Viz pilot. WORST: Pre-Max DYRL 1A's... with the nosecones that fell off.
  19. like a honda?
  20. http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/shs2007/...ageViewsIndex=1 http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/shs2007/...ageViewsIndex=1 http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/shs2007/...ageViewsIndex=1
  21. Saw it today... best movie I've seen all summer.
  22. Is Aoshima working on the cyclones also? I'd consider it if they were. I'd get those 1/100s if they came out with schemes that don't show up anywhere else... like the Max and Kakizaki TV1As or the Elint and Ostrich, but I still think they're a waste of space. Or maybe Enemy fighters. I got one as a gift and I put it back in the box.
  23. whachoo talking about willis!
  24. I hate PMs... I have 14 unread and I refuse to look at them... edit.
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