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Everything posted by EXO

  1. I agree... at least the story was cohesive enough to follow even though you're not buying things... not like the incomprehensive crap most blockbusters are today. But it was more about the fun characters. The big shame is the fact Dallas and Zorg didn't ever face off at the end. Zorg's evil character was reduced to a device that brings the ship to the heroes so they can escape Flohston paradise.
  2. a million internet points for that one...
  3. Why! why do I only have two hands!!! Curse you MechTech!
  4. EXO

    Hi-Metal R

    At this point, wishful thinking and potential are hand in hand... it all depends on how the line does.
  5. Buy it!!!
  6. EXO

    My SD SDF-1

    Excellent pics. Yeah. The color scheme suggests it should either be a VF-1S or VF-1A Hikaru from DYRL.
  7. EXO

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Wow. So kickass. All the configurations!!!
  8. Man... I love that color. They should call it Killer Blue.
  9. If anyone is interested, Aramaki actually replies once and a while in our FB page. https://www.facebook.com/events/398362550249254/permalink/748040975281408/
  10. Yup... We switched from BBforums to IPB. Good thing too, I thought the old banner was a bit too phallic.
  11. Thanks for the heads up. That was a pretty good pilot, hopefully they can keep it up and not drag it out.
  12. let me look for my extra parts box... It's been a while since I need that.
  13. Nope... doesn't count. Also the heel shouldn't be folded out in Soldier mode. That's only for Armo-Diver. When my parents gave me the choice between the Blue, red or green at the store... I chose that one. 19 bucks at Target!
  14. The guy's name is Jay Tablante http://jaytablante.deviantart.com/art/On-the-Bridge-482574361 Filipino FTW! He also did these.
  15. Solscud just emailed me this last week. Looks interesting. I'm not sure if you can use it for resin molds as resin heats up as it's curing. So it'll melt the surface of the mold. You might want to freeze the plastimake right before pouring resin into it, but then it'll become a tedious process. Injecting this into a rubber mold might work though.
  16. Hey hey... You're welcome for pointing you in the right direction... lol. LSB is an awesome designer/comic book artist. Those mechs look great!
  17. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41385&hl=%2Bshoulder+%2Bpads
  18. They're both from South Africa, and District 9 is based on the slums of Johanesburg. Blomkamp worked for Copley as a teenager.
  19. EXO


    Dude... you rock!
  20. Recall as in... I recall where I put all my Toynami stuff... lol.
  21. Stick is so uncool after labor day.
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