My sister and my mom are going to buy HDTVs after seeing my flat screen which I just bought. I talked her thru the whole 720 vs. 1080, LCD vs. plasma and whatever. She's getting a bigger screen than what I have, 1080 instead of the 720, but she's not sold on the bluray player. Like most people, she likes her DVD collection and the picture on my upconvert is good enough for her. I'm sure down the line she'll get an HD player but I think people are just saving up for the bigger nicer displays first. Everyone I know is "saving up" for the better screen, no one is that rich that they can just go out and buy it at a whim, much less get all the accessories with it. Besides, the bluray vs. HD-DVD is too much for the average joe market. Once it's figured out then the stores will be able to push it a little bit more and everyone will be hooked. I'm surprised there's even a choice for 720. I think that just retarded.