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Posts posted by EXO

  1. I doubt it. We're talking about an industry that would buy up scripts just to sink competing projects that they own. The best they will do is a similar deal like the one Sony made with Spider-Man so they can still get money out of it. But even with that type of deal how long would it take to reboot this cursed franchise. Phase 3 hasn't even started and that's already planned out until 2019... it think that they'll either wait until people get over this one and then try start it up again to tie in with their own Fox universe. It's too bad since I would love to see Spidey go up against Doom.

  2. Definitely going to skip this movie. Trailers don't look entertaining at all.

    Are you sure that's right? Wiki says that the last 2 X-men made quite a bit of money. Think the last one alone more than doubled its budget when you include overseas? Doubt they'll let go of X-Men if that's the case. Maybe the US market just isn't as important as it used to be. They seem to be getting more than enough money internationally these days...

    If the US market was so influential surely Transformers wouldn't have had so many sequels! :lol:

    The studios don't make much of a share off overseas numbers. They'll make most of their money back in the home video markets. I posted a link somewhere else before on how it works with the international box office. And when you compare the billions Marvel and Disney have made off their franchise within the few years they've been making these movies, it really makes the X-Men movies look bad cosidering they've been doing it for a longer time.

    The last x-titles haven't really done well. I prefer Matthew Vaughn's First Class but that didn't make enough to keep him on the roster. Suprisingly, the ones that were successful in the box office? The original and Brett Ratner's. Lol.

  3. 'Fantastic Four': Film Review


    The Bottom Line

    More like the Unfantastic Four.

    Fantastic Four feels like a 100-minute trailer for a movie that never happens. At this point in the ever-expanding cinematic superhero game, it behooves any filmmakers who gets involved to have at least a mildly fresh take on their characters and material, but this third attempt to create a worthy cinematic franchise from the first of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's iconic comic book creations, which can genuinely claim to have launched the Age of Marvel, proves maddeningly lame and unimaginative.


  4. The X-Men movies haven't really done well at all. They barely make over the production budget which means they lose money after publicity and distribution even when you add in international bank. I don't get why they keep giving these movies back to Brian Singer. The guy obviously hates the comic book motifs and would rather see the characters in motorcycle gears. Now that they see how much people want to watch the characters to look like their comic book counterparts they're barely starting to catch up, and poorly too.


  5. Try having two light sources or having a white board/ paper act as a bounce card. You can have both lights even or have one more diffused than the other. Here's my set up. The lights look a lot harsher because they're being photographed directly but they're actually very soft white lights. Notice the light diffusing lampshades. I just used an Iphone 4s... one day I'll get a better camera, lol. Sadly the regult was destroyed by USPS upon delivery.


    Ignore the Toynami bag on the floor! lol.

  6. Airwolf had me when String blew that lady away in the pilot episode. After watching Knight Rider and all the vehicle shows on TV, I was surprised to see someone actually get killed especially in the hands of the main character. Airwolf's lair was awesome too... but it seemed like a ridiculously long drive.

    Blue Thunder was one of my favorite 80's movies though. Metal Skin Panic reminded me of it. The show wasn't good though. Speaking of lairs, I always think of Blue Thunder when I pass by the police copter lot next to the freeway... I keep thinking I'm going to see it there just like in the movie.

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