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Posts posted by EXO

  1. I've been using Duplicolor Spray cans for a top coat. They're the only ones that I can find that have matte. I'm actually liking it a lot. Cheaper than Tamiya per volume and they're acrylic enamels so they're kinda tough, specially because they're made for cars. They probably won't last as long as Future... I've had the same bottle forever, in fact it's my first bottle of future I've ever bought, but sometimes I prefer to just spray than to mess with cleaning the airbrush. Again, please test it out before you cover your models and kits with it.


    They have them under Acrylic Enamel label now but I'm pretty sure they're the same fornulation as the wheel clear coat.


  2. Speaking of MTF, is your 1/3000 Prometheus and Daedalus project still alive?

    I had problems with the connections. the magnets just weren't strong enough. I also decided to make the entire 1/3000 instead that's why I have a lot of the TV version modeled already...but it won't come out until probably Cap comes out with his. But I'll continue with my project even if it turns out to be a one off. I just have too many commissions before it. Gotta pay the bills! In fact one of those commissions should be announced this weekend.

  3. I actually won that 171 resin kit from the MWCon Customs contest. I sold it because I thought I can make a better one with clear canopy, pilot, radome and fin, which wasn't the prize. I don't even think it was available yet. Definitely on my short list because it's one of my favorite valkyries.

  4. I'm excited, not only will this decide whether or not I'll go see Assassin's Creed which will have Fassbender and Cottilard and will be directed by Kurzel... but Macbeth is my favorite Shakespeare play, even played MacDuff in High School... :lol:

  5. Those would be handy but we're running a site and forum that is paid for by one guy and most of the updates are done voluntarily. No sponsors, no ads and no donations. Shawn comes around once and a while to see what's new in the fandom and does security and software updates. Not to mention that he plops down money for all the drive space for all the free images hosted here for all the posts. All the images and media for the main site. So it's not getting any cheaper.

    If anything I'd rather if we can focus updating the toy, model, merchandise info pages on the main site.

  6. Did I step on a toe I didn't see sticking out there..? I'm merely pointing out that there are many white characters who have been killed off throughout the show as well as black characters. In that I mean TWD. I'm sure FTWD will catch up between the black and white quotas soon enough to appease everyone. Basically, it's an empty question asked merely to ellicit a response, which only makes it more pointless...

    It's so pointless that it irks you enough to keep responding. And since you're doing the math, even when you don't care. The ratio is one Michone that'll probably out live most characters except for about 3 or 4 non black characters. Which is I guess is a good ratio considering the ratio of the blacks vs. non blacks in the show.

    Anyways... back to our regularly scheduled program...

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