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Everything posted by EXO

  1. Oh please... that's just another case of he who posted last. I saw it and thought it was lame... he complains about some word that he disapproves the use of and tries to win an argument with a silly baseless attack that's guilty of the same exact thing that I supposed that Danth might be guilty of. In all honesty, why even bother attacking grammar? It's the internet. English isn't always the first language. Argue or discuss the movie, don't just insult each other.
  2. Danth has the right to think that his opinion is objective and he can also say that to egg you into arguing why you would disagree, which I guess is working in this case. Also, I'm the only one saying that there's no need to convince each other to accept their opinion, as far as I know, the majority of people that post on movie threads ALWAYS try to convince each other that their opinion is crap.
  3. The box says MacrossF, copyright 2007. デネブ級 http://macross.anime...iki/Deneb_class http://www.macross2....rossf/deneb.htm I think Jefuemon got it right.
  4. Wow! Looks like another planet. awesome... have you gone pro Eddie?
  5. Exactly. I think everyone should put up their opinions and arguments. It's when we start to try to convince each other that we start to go nowhere. I've said what I thought about the story, but at the same time, if someone else loved the movie, I don't want to take away the experience that they paid for with good money, (unless it's a Micheal Bay film, then you're just plain insane! )
  6. Weird. They didn't feature the hovercraft in the commercial. Even though it has folding wings. That's a major selling point.
  7. I'm really getting tired of shapeways. They've been rejecting sales that my store has made lately. Items that have been sold before. On some cases they'll take the money and then reject the sale and then offer the costumer store credit instead of a refund. They've made accounting errors where they sent me and everyone else payment for the wrong month. Sure they asked for the money back because they can't tell paypal to undo the payment and I returned the money because it's not mine in the first place, but it makes me wonder what else they've been incompetent with. The quality of white strong and flexible has gone down, especially the polished type and also their FUD material hasn't been as ultra detailed as they were previously. When I have time I'm going to pull everything off the store and shut it down. I'll just be making print outs from other sources and hopefully I can find a good recaster that cares about quality.
  8. Those aren't VIP tix. But I would double check at the door.
  9. EXO


    This is so awesome. I have all the lineart, toys and animation but I've always just cheated the detail around the neck. I think this will solidify the way I draw a VF-1. I can't wait to see if you can pull off the battroid side covers. At first I thought seeing the cockpit rotate to battroid was a bit too much but seeing you figuring out the problems and making sense out of things, while keeping keeping it aesthetically accurate is really enjoyable. It would have been fun to see the cockpit transform and even see the seat rise out of the egress. You opened up a can of worms of what we'd love to see. But I say just finish what you have planned. It's really a weird form of entertainment where we're all holding out breaths for the next installment. Another weird sensation, I don't know if anyone else would agree is that there's the obsessive Macross fan part of me that would want to own this. It's crazy, I know it's all digital and it's not a physical object that you can wrap your arms around but it's so beautiful that I'm ready to swipe my CC on the screen. lol. If Hasegawa made a 1/32 version based on this, it would be so bought.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. It's not moving. Dish Network got into some tiff with AMC and they decided to drop the channel. They had an ad during Madmen about how viewers should write Dish to keep them on the air. Who ever has Dish won't be able to see Madmen, Breaking Bad or Walking Dead... sucks.
  12. Remember how long we had to wait for those? It was suppose to be a 1/72 v.2 and it took forever!
  13. I couldn't have dreamt of that as a kid. If someone would have gave that to me back then, my head would have exploded. I have that drawing somewhere, half internal/half normal mazinger. But that scale is just right!
  14. Cool. Looks like it made it to mainstream entertainment news... http://news.yahoo.com/japans-music-sensation-band-chosen-fans-071526524.html
  15. Oh man... I think Gubaba is talking about the same Los Angeles Times magazine that I clipped and pinned to my wall. I think the magazine was called Home Magazine and there was a lineup of robots. One of the robots beside the valkyrie was Golion. Voltron was already airing, this was before Robotech and I already had my bootleg VF-1J with the gundam gun. I've been looking for that article forever. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=LluZ7tWxsn0#t=272s
  16. EXO


    Doesn't look the same to me... Different sense of proportions and different ways of going about the details.
  17. RLM is always almost dead on. Two things though... not really spoilers but... When Weyland's 3D hologram appears it can look at the intended subject because part of that hologram is programmed to recognize where the subjects are. They are also programmed to answer questions, kinda like Siri but way more advanced. Remember in Blade Runner when Decker picks up the photograph and it had a 3D hologram of the room not just a 2D picture. That's because the cameras in BR don't take pictures but scans the room and delivers a 2D rendering from the point of view of the "photographer". Here the hologram is a pre programmed 3D CGI based on Weylands original recording... Second thing is that there wasn't 65 million years of dinosaurs before humans. There was 135 Million years of dinosaurs and then there was a 65 million years inbetween before the present or before they were discovered. OK... maybe there's three things. Why did the engineers create us and then want to destroy us? That's not a plot hole at all. The problem with this movie is there's so many of both plot holes and and open ended questions that it's hard to distinguish what is bad story telling and what's an actual mystery and the muddy result makes it bad all over. The fact that it's done so beautifully confuses things even further. Over all though he hit the nail on the head again. LOL. Notice also that the camera never moves when its on him but it starts to wander when it's on the other guy... that's because he's the camera man. It's weird. I've never seen Mr. Plinkett's face before.
  18. 1:6? so its 15-25 feet tall?
  19. That's really messed up. Just send the package already!
  20. Hi SF, I forwarded your question over... here's the reply.
  21. They really needed to support the Classics line also. They really blew it starting off with the 8" figs and then going to the 6". What they needed to do was to have researched and realized that the line needed to fit in with the He-Man figs in the market already. 7" figures. And they needed to have done more than Lion-O and Tygra. Lion-O looked good. But Tygra was a pretty weak sculpt. Even in clearance I couldn't bring myself to put money down on him. But if it was in scale with MOTU and had a great sculpt aimed at the old school audience they were trying to rope in, I think the classics line would have outlasted the modern toys. Look at Mattel's Voltron. The people that wanted those Classics figures are adult in demand of a high quality collector's grade product. Up to snuff with Yamato valks, PlayArts,figma,revoltech figures. Or well sculpted 3 1/4 scale figs that have really nice vehicles/accessories.
  22. Well... you guys already said everything... I just have to go with Soooo goood!!! I can't wait for the next ep.
  23. Lol. Can Kicker handle another obsession? those Three A figures are expensive, but really nice and collectible.
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