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Posts posted by EXO

  1. So, suddenly Tony Stark, Mr. Anti-establishment, as it's been set up in the movies, wants everyone to start following a moral code and center?

    Tony puts the iron in irony... :p From what i'm guessing from the trailer, there was a terrorist attack at a "UN" type counsel and it was pinned on Bucky and General Ross that's brought in to bring him in. Remember, it was Tony that approached Ross at the end of The Incredible Hulk movie, so we're probably finally going to see the fruit of that relationship. In any case, Bucky being blamed for the explosion puts Cap and co. on the other side of the troops. Besides, Tony found his moral code early enough in the first Iron Man film. It's his arrogance that makes him think that he can use any methods he wants to justify his means.

  2. I've watched the first 3 episodes, skimmed the rest and will probably actually binge watch the rest over the break. But I'm gonna say, I don't really like it. The tone just feels depressing. Plenty of booze with self-loathing-behavior. It feels like Jessica is sleeping with Luke just to see if they feel anything anymore (think revenge sex). To me, it feels like any bit of happiness is drowned out, then chased down with booze. The story seems OK, but the tone of the show weighs down everything.

    That really is the tone of the show. I guess having read the first few issues helped me with expectations of the show. I didn't finish them because I was just reading while waiting. The book does go into even more morose descriptions of the sex scene and other decisions she makes by way of narration. But the show addresses everything in following episodes.

    There's a scene where they show Jessica before and after Kilgrave. While she's always been a dark character because of her parents' death, she wasn't so self destructive and extremely alcoholic. There's also other scenes of other characters having the same effect from being in contact with Kilgrave. And of course you'll see how much of an a-hole the guy is.

  3. The only time they showed the Avengers Tower was in one of the teasers but I think they're just trying to keep the smaller pocket separated and free of the constraints that may come up trying to keep tied to the MCU. I do wish they were able to bring in Cap and Carol Danvers like in the book. Also, putting in Stark's building is probably wasted budget for unecessary CG.

  4. You've already established yourself as someone not interested in the show and you're asking questions you're not willing to see get answered. And you didn't even bother to watch Daredevil close enough to realize that this is all happening within the same universe as the MCU and AoS to realize there's no X-Men in this continuity. I criticize shows that i follow all the time in other threads, as long as I remain someone that's interested, but at the point I say I'm done witha show, I stop commenting. I've seen you troll other show threads before so it'll go without saying that you won't get another warning at all. You'll just be gone.

  5. Trash cans are Life savers, just ask Glenn!!

    Not too shabby an episode! B))

    That was another good one!

    I guess the internet pretty much ruined the whole is Glen alive thing and going from that we all knew how it was going to go down... lol.

    The one thing I was mistaken on was that I was sure that was Glen calling for help and Daryl and his crew was going to save him. Sooo... who the hell was that???

  6. That's all explained... and it's a really silly question when it comes to anything in superhero universes... you can ask that about any event. But in this one it's addressed in detail. I'm going to assume that all your comments will be based on not watching the show and you're just here to troll so I'd stop now if I was you.

  7. The sex is actually toned down a lot from the book. I think they put it in there just to match the tone.

    I actually kept comparing it to Supergirl more because the show has very similar archetypes. I wouldn't expect a CBS superhero show to have the same dark tone but the super cheesy, super light and corny writing makes me believe it's more within the universe of Two Broke Girls rather than within a superhero one.

    This show is awesome though... I'm ready for Luke Cage and Iron Fist!

  8. Wow... I finished it! I ended up liking it more than Daredevil. It was more evenly paced, but it was the tension that really brought it in. The episodes just got more and more intense as it went on. And it was also a very tight story. Every time I thought there was a hole in the plot, they really did address it within the next episode.

    One small critique:

    I thought the one storyline went on for too long. The fact that Kilgrave kept getting away over and over was a bit frustrating but it was very well done... like I said though, it's a very minor issue.

    As far as DD vs. JJ, they're both homeruns as far as I'm concerned.

  9. Good so far. A lot more of a detective story than a superhero/super powered vigilante type show. I know Alias isn't a superhero comic book but it did cross the world more often. It was more like the Powers series on the Playstation channel. But I'm enjoying the show a lot so far. It's way better than the full on detective/crime shows that are on right now.

  10. That was a really good death for the diabetic chick. I had a feeling that the couple on the ground were zombies but they were burned enough to cover up the fact. At least in wasn't a senseless sneak up again, which I don't even remember if there was one this week. The part that was kinda sad was Daryl trying to vet the guy and then he just turns around and takes his motorcycle. I was already satisfied with the episode but that final call was just icing on the cake.
    It's kinda convenient that the herd just kinda disappeared. That episode would have been a lot better if they were just being over run with walkers while the story progressed the way it did.

  11. I really dig the Nos-Ger as a design, but it seems to lack the relatively widespread popularity of the other Zentradi mecha. For anyone familiar with the show(s), is there a reason for this? Thanks.

    Aside from the fact that it's an enemy mech which in general don't sell as well as good guy toys. The Nosjadeul Ger has two very different designs in the TV show and movie version. Having two versions don't really instill a solid memory of what a Nos Ger should look like as opposed to the Quadlunn Rau which had very minimal changes.

    The Q-Rau also had major scenes in both versions, particularly when Miria fought Max and when she invaded the Zentran ship while Roy and Hikaru were trying to escape.

    I do like the movie version of the Nos Ger more. It just has a better profile and the eyes are more menacing. I wish they didn't change it for the Q-Rau from the TV version.

  12. And the project is just for the pitch too. It's just for them to hire a screenwriter and for Bluth to draw a couple of minutes animation for the pitch. I don't really see why they would need that since there's already so much footage from the games that they can show to investors for them to know what it's going to look like, if they've never hear or seen the game before. And having a finished screenplay doesn't really do anything for a pitch. You can do as much with a log line or a scriptment because once the investors do sign, they'll hire another writer to do their version. But once they started the Kickstarter campaign, they really put it all in that basket... if it is successful, it sort of shows how much people are interested in the a Dragon's Lair movie. But if it fails, that'll be that for it ever becoming a movie. A successful campaign doesn't guarantee a movie though, it's just a notch for the pitch. They still have to fight the Hollywood machine that says traditional animation can be successfl in this day and age.

  13. Also, there's just something off about a pissed off demoralized a-hole eating crackers. The 2 just don't go together.

    Also, the part where they knew a walker was very likely in the town, yet they didn't make it a top priority to do a thorough sweep to find it. The only reason the writers did that was to put in a moment where he surprises them and they have to kill it.

    Yeah... there was so much more wrong in this one episode. I'm thinking they're really just stretching it for the obvious real question that everyone is asking... hopefully it'll get straightened out in the next episode and we'll get back to the normal amount of groaning... lol.

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