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Posts posted by EXO

  1. I dunno if EXO posted this, yet, but just saw this pic from toysdaily:

    Lol... was about to... :lol:

    Now way....this is the only way to guarantee a GBP with yellow-tipped missiles! :p

    I'd buy it too! :D
  2. @saburo seriously


    that light fall off is exquisite.

    Are you using a macro lens by any chance or the long zoom you displayed as procured a while back?

    lol... I'm begining to expect those memes after Saburo posts...

    But dude... there's still 10 days left. Get your ass behind that camera you lazy bum! Or I'll show everyone the shameful photos I acquired! :blink::D:p

    Glorious VF-25F shots BTW...

  3. That's what i meant those stands without the adapter you made. Just said that as a way to identify the stand since i don't remember what bandai calls them. Let me know if they work. :)

    Looks like they'll fit. I don't have the stand but I have the small adapter piece that comes with it and they fit with the hi-metal ones although just a tad loose. The two on the left are adapters that came with the stands and the one on the right is the the one that came with the Hikaru 1S. They all have the same degree of looseness.


  4. It meant more money for them because they threatened to pull Star Wars out of their theatres completely if it was taken away from the Dome... which is a push. Not having it at the Dome meant nothing to what Star Wars will make, but Hateful Eight has a limited "road show version" release on "selected" theatres. "Selected" is the operating word there.

  5. There's other 70mm theatres in the Hollywood Arc Light Theatres location. Hateful Eight is still playing there in one of them. But the Dome is a whole different experience from the rest of the screens, much like the main screen at the Mann's Chinese Theatre vs. the smaller screens at the same location. I've seen Tarantino go to the Cinerama Dome many times to watch films, not just his own but other movies that make use of that screening experience despite the fact he owns a theatre that he had renovated a few miles away. Is he whining? Yes. Did he get screwed... also yes. Arclight scheduled his movie on the dome and then backed down from Disney's bullying tactics. Arclight's move was understandable but should Tarantino not say anything? Honestly, I wouldn't respect anyone that has the voice to say anything and doesn't and for anyone else to think that he shouldn't is just silly or is someone that just takes crap from other people.

    I, myself, just cancelled my tickets because I just learned that they weren't playing it at the Dome screen. I'm not going to drive out to the busiest place in L.A. during the holiday season and not see at The Dome. One of the few places they're playing it in 70mm is around my area and that'll do just fine. But if it was in that particular screen or the main Mann's Chinese theatre, it'll be worth the trip.

  6. Can you use those Bandai stands that EXO made that adapter for yamato valks. I can't remember what they are called. I have a few of those somewhere. It'd be nice if they worked.

    No, those would only work for Yamato/Arcadia valks. But maybe the stands they are for will work with the adapters provided. I'll look for the ones I have, I just put them away. :D


    Those SAs are functional enough for the HMR.

    Don't really think the awesome Yeti-stand and other better stands than SAs are quite cost-effective for the HMR line. For the bigger Glaug and the probable Monster, yes. but just not for a 1/100 valk.

    They yeti stand should be able to hold a whole squadron though. Just ask him to make adapters that'll hold multiple valks. Or maybe even some Regults when they come out.

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