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Posts posted by EXO

  1. I need Hikaru's TV VF-1J so I can recreate the opening credits battle scene with the Regults and also his later battle against Kamjin's Glaug. :lol:

    I have it and the joints are so loose on it. lol.

  2. There's really no hope for me to complete my 1/60 collection unless Arcadia starts to reissue the VF-1 line. But at those prices, I'm not sure if there's even hope then. I'm collecting the 1/100s because it seems more like a complete line when it includes enemy mechs and hopefully a complete line of Destroids. It seems big enough to make small figures and support vehicles too.

  3. Totally forgot about this. Still managed to get one at cdjapan. Even got to used my points. Basically got free shipping.

    Congrats. Finally got ahead of the pack this time. lol.

  4. No one is "blind" when it comes to Star Wars anymore. We've lived through the prequels. You may not like Awakens, but tens of millions of people love it.

    I liked it enough... but some people's blind devotion makes them like it more than the OK movie that it is. And it seems like you have to fill in a lot of the blanks from outside sources... the movie can't stand out it's own and your posts prove it more than anything. But that's for the Awakens thread. Like I said... look into that thread to see the hypocracy that stands against Delta.

  5. Blind devotion isn't necessary for Liking Macross. I'm afraid the mentality of some fans here are the same as fans of other fandom. The mentality is this: "It has a been years since we got anything new. Good or bad we have to support it or we'll get nothing. If you don't support it like us then you're not a fan."

    If you think that about this thread, you should check out the Star Wars thread... funny that people agreeing with you on this thread can't see it about themselves on that thread.

  6. Higher? I think that is the problem...it is too high. If the cowl covered his nose more I *think* that would solve the problem. I wish I could edit the image to show what I'm talking about, but if the cowl was just a bit lower, covering his nose it would look less....."squished" like he's about to sneeze or something.


    Higher or lower... but the Daredevil mask doesn't come down to a point on the tip of the nose like Batman's. So the only other thing to try would be to totally do away with the nose piece up close to the bridge. But yeah... i like the actor,en back in Broadway Empire, but he just doesn't have the face for a superhero mask.

  7. Affleck suit was good except for all the S&M straps, buckles abd zippers on the torso.. I think the Netflix suit works with the theme, less superhero... more paramilitary/street. But yeah, I hope they fix that mask before the Hot Toys figure, cuz I'm not buying that crap. Maybe they can cut the nose line higher or something. It's not working at all.

  8. Just got billed by and paid mykombini for fockers.... it stated something about fees... I haven't checked if that was part of the original invoice. If they were tacked on I probably won't use them again. I probably won't buy these exclusives unless it's more than just the stand.

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