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Everything posted by EXO

  1. Wow... Looks good. Character designs look off but on their own they're very good. Animation is fluid too.
  2. Whoah... hey. You can argue about the movie all you want but no personal insults, anime52k8.
  3. Haha... Easier said than done. I see where you're coming from but that kind of attitude on a set especially towards a main actor will get you booted so fast it'll make you're head spin. That's why there's always a bunch of people in different departments talking crap. But at the end of the day you just swallow your pride and irritation and talk about how great of a person that actor is to you. But a real prop guy would have taken her aside and tell her not to do that. My guess is though is that they gave them rubber guns. She still needs to hold it correctly just to get use to handling a gun properly, but most of the time an actor get a rubber gun unless they're shooting blanks in a scene.
  4. That's the gist of it... except it's a tad bit more complicated. It's Maiden Japan's sculpt but retooled by Aoshima.
  5. You got it. Recaster is actually closer to you than I am.
  6. Sorry dudes. Unless Arcadia or a new company makes new molds, the 1/48s are out of the picture.
  7. Uhmmm... I think I held my breath as soon as the explosions began.... lol.
  8. I recommend LSB's work on Star Wars Tag and Bink are dead... freakin hilarious!
  9. Mo' Valkyries, mo problems... it ain't easy being a mac-fan.
  10. Lonely Soldier Boy from these forums illustrated some of the comic books that this was based on.
  11. Sorry Froy... gonna be a long wait on that one...
  12. Worked on this... had no idea it was a book. Bunch of school stuff so I'm guessing it's a school in space.
  13. I don't think they should revisit it just to fix something that didn't align in the comic book. I'm just hoping the next one has Tony back in the suit more and kicking ass. I'm not a big fan of the drone action. Kinda takes away from the danger aspect. Great movie though.
  14. Dynamic poses! Very animated!
  15. Wow... I grew up on Harryhausen's stuff. One of the first movies I saw in the theaters was Sinbad and the Eye Of The Tiger and one of my all time favorites as a kid was Clash of the Titans. Heartbreaking but at the same time what a great full life. A hero.
  16. Voted TV version... Love the DYRL but the fact that they went in to single out Max, Focker gets hit, reflection of Max's VF-1A off Millia's visor... So many things to list. But DYRL fight is no chopped liver.
  17. Does the video game one count? lol.
  18. I've never seen a spool printer that has good resolution. They're probably good for structures but never a finish product. There's a couple of good online printers out there. Shapeways just happens to be economical due to the volume of jobs they get. The quality is a crapshoot though. I think it depends on who's doing the set up. Now that they're opening more locations, the service will get faster but the quality will probably get even more spotty.
  19. Wow... was watching this one... http://www.ebay.com/itm/400478767279?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  20. Whaaaaa... Deculchaaa....
  21. that puts the boom boom into my heart. Sorry... time to lock...
  22. oh, Deleted there.. misread your post. Yeah, shoulda deleted here too... obvious troll is obvious... lol.
  23. Just got moved, right?
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