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Everything posted by sreichma

  1. Mine arrived today. It looks great but does have some imperfections here and there. Nothing that would compromise the valk as a purchase, it looks great and the amount of tampo is incredible.
  2. Spot on all the way. I completely agree. I link my DX's but it walks hand in hand with the constant fear that, its gonna get loose this time, or this thing is going to break and I'm going to be screwed. If be tempted to throw a yamato VF-1 like a paper airplane and let it land on the ground and i bet it would be fine.
  3. Cool, i didnt realize it was that easy to bid with buyee, encouraging.
  4. I can't find the 1J's above on buyee.
  5. I'm glad everyone will get a chance to grab one. It really is a great piece. When you pick it up you realize you could use it as a weapon.
  6. They are actually the safest and tightest of the Zero's
  7. Thats a great idea, thank you for sharing. I was a ball waxer. Wait a second.......that sounds pretty bad
  8. I think if someone pre-orders then they should pay. Unless something significant in life happens, i don't think they should be cancelled out of conveniance. Its really our word and a committment. I'd be pissed if someone said they were going to buy an item and then backed out for conveniance after that stock was already allocated for them.
  9. Just checking, is this thing still tough to get out there? I managed to get 1 on the first pre-order.
  10. Mine shipped yesterday
  11. Yeah, sorry for my rant everyone. I was compromised by some mediaction after a small surgery i had yesterday. I apologize for lighting up the board. At least i did score a 1-J mass production version today. I can grab one more rare type valk this year. VF-1 Mass Production $400 purchased (for thread market info)
  12. I'm just turned out because I've been looking for one for over 2 years and its always a dead end.
  13. they are given too much credit. There is no plan, i firmly believe their new vision is to pump out a few master works a year. The M&M will never be re-issued, mark my words. People have been saying it for 4 years and its not going to happen,
  14. Yeah, I've given up trying to get a max miria 1J. Its a lost cause. Arcadia is absolute morons for not capitalizing on the m&m 1J demand. Just a repaint of the 1J mold. I don't care about all of the "max and miria aren't as popular in japan"or "their being careful" rebuttals i hear from sellers over there. They are selling for over $500 ...period. ..End of story. But, hey let's go ahead and spit out two versions of the 19.
  15. I'd just like to see the same SDF Macrsoss Story, Same Mecha, Same Everything, just the modern animation quality like frontier.
  16. You can take the hat off by removing the lasers.
  17. When did that GBP post? I check the drake every night and every morning and never saw it.
  18. sreichma


    I miss the reviews by pinoi. Haven't seen any from him in a while. I'd like to see himdo the VE-1 and Lucifer.
  19. Anyone have an email for dennis at denden hobby? I lost it, need it for a proxy deal.
  20. I'd drop 4 on a NIB Ozma.
  21. I kinda derailed the chain with the golden age comment. Let's move past it and get back to posting what we are observing out there in regards to sales. I respect everyones view, I just don't want to compromise the integrity of this thread anymore. It's a very important thread with information for collectors about the market.
  22. I think its over, its all been climbing since Yamato went down. I know a lot of us say something is being reissued or this is coming soon, but its just not happening. I truly hope I'm wrong, but i have a gut feeling I'm not.
  23. If someone doesn't start manufacturing valks either arcadia or bandai, its going to crash because most collectors wont be able to afford these prices. Its been getting worse and the market has been getting dry since the failure of yamato. Even the release of Arcadia's 1-S didn't really relieve the pressure of prices. The re-release of the 25-F also wasn't very effective and it is still pulling a higher price. Unless Arcadia starts to add a string of reissues in between their projects I think the future is dim. We may have just seen the golden age of macross toys pass by.
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