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Everything posted by sreichma

  1. Ozma 29 Question I just opened mine after getting it from NY 5 days after release. I noticed that on the Valks left leg, the gerwalk joint itself is a little loose and has some play from side to side. I'm not talking about the hip joint, but the grey gerwalk joint that fits inside the two intake pieces that you screw together. The gerwalk joint itself moves from right to left. It doesn't compromise the valk, but it does cause the wing to to unlatch from the leg clip in fighter mode because the leg has play from side to side. I opened it up and it is not broke and the part seems formed and cast exactly like the right side. Of course I will begin the trials and ultimately correct it but I just wanted to know if anyone else noticed this on their Ozma 29 or any of the 29 series.
  2. 250 for a used valk with no box shows this thing pulls some weight. I've heard it was rare. (250 includes. 25 shipping)
  3. 2nd on the deep blue canopy. The clear mod is cool also.
  4. Not sure if the auction on ebay came with the box, the pictures just showed the loose 1J CF with accessories but no box was shown.
  5. Thank God for this video. I wouldn't be able to navigate a transformation like that with only the instructions. In all honesty, i may never attempt a transformation with this. It may be the only piece I own that is display / store in box only.
  6. Great work, what type of kit is the shocktrooper ? It looks like a different face front than the matchbox and the other one has different gun mounts.
  7. Not trying to prove a point, that's not my purpose here, I just wanted to share the other episode of the 1J CF Back to the thread topic, I purchased my 1J CF for 325 MIB so that may be the high range.
  8. The 1J CF was in another episode also, during the episode where hikaru is training for the military he pilots a 1J CF in battroid mode.
  9. I get that feeling also. I hope they come in a flood when they come.
  10. You sure? Battroid mode looks pretty bad remember? I hope you get it, because it's a great piece. If they had given the same outward arm articulation to the 27 they gave to the 25 I feel it would measure right up to a 25 renewal. I know I'm in the minority and the 27 renewal is the thing that's popular to throw mud at, but it has a lot going for it and its a great piece to me:
  11. I really thing the renewal 27 got under rated and under received because of distractions around its improvement of the first issue . If you take that away and just look at the renewal 27 as a stand alone unit it is in my opinion a very attractive piece that will gather more and more respect and desire as time goes on. Demand has gone up slightly already. It went from 220 at release down to 160 early this year at NY. It has now climbed back up to 210 on NY. The lines are beautiful, the super parts are organic looking and together in any mode the 27 renewal has a very ominous look. This piece will go down as a great one in the future.
  12. Nice ! I can't believe you found what you said "I think I remember seeing".....Way to validate the brain!
  13. I also use this strategy.
  14. My Wife and I had a baby so I would slow down on my purchases.. The best I've heard was on anymoon's review of the Arcadia VF-1S. "If you are a fan of the VF-1, you really owe it to yourself to get one of these toys....but you should be warned, buying one of these often leads to you buying many many more."
  15. I wish we would get an Ozma EX Gear figure to go with these.
  16. The armor is expensive. Alto's brings over 250-300 but Ozma brings only around 150. That being said, i would still buy the armor. It is a very impressive looking piece in any mode with the armor pack.
  17. It was the VF-1S codenamed BoobyDuck.
  18. You are correct it is not accurate to the anime. Kinda like the confusion on the 1J with GBP by Yamato, it has gray goggles because it is actually the 1J with GBP from the DYRL movie not the 1J with GBP from the TV SDF macross. In most scenes in SDF macross hikaru's 1J does not have gray goggles so the all white head for the yamato TV 1J is actually accurate and the gray goggle with GBP from DYRL is also accurate.
  19. sreichma


    I am Wizartar. Just Kidding.
  20. If not having a second copy means the first copy stays in the box and not handled or transformed, that's when I buy a second copy. Usually if I have two copies, i can enjoy one of the toys with none of the Anxiety because I know a second is sitting tight and secured in a box. That's why I have 2 25-G's in the box. Its my absolute favorite valk and color so Im always engaged with my copy behind the glass.
  21. I think you scored big Gakken, i don't think either are ever going to be reissued.
  22. I bought a bunch of tampo printing and it also came with a Valk! A solid list of what is tampo is below and i added some pics. 27 Total Tampo Marks Ejection seat warning Rescue arrow on nose Yellow square door on nose Upper and lower intake warnings Danger intake text above the red warning Yellow warning squares on the nose sensors Yellow warning squares on the waist guns Yellow warning square on the chest thruster Rescue arrow on the chest Red compressor square in the leg Actuator warning on the backpack near the right tail fin UN Spacy on Legs UN Spacy Kites
  23. I wouldn't worry, the SP version is a very very nice piece from the Monster to the box itself.
  24. Custom arc reactor, my wife bought me from a modder in New Jersey.
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