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Everything posted by sreichma

  1. The fine detail matte for $37.00.
  2. Some of what they charge is also handling I assume.
  3. Got a Folker DX 29 coming in, suck it again Arcadia. Own all 29's... Check.
  4. That version 1 VT-1 is really cool man. Great grab. I sold my v1 Elintseeker when I got my v2 and now I regret it.
  5. I would buy both of those, a 171 in Red? Yes, I will take that all day long.
  6. one of my rare moments.
  7. I also see what you did there... I know what you're doing.
  8. Do we have any emerging trends yet in these with quality control or breakage? I've been waiting to see before I buy one.
  9. No, I'm just buying so much more from Bandai than Arcadia because of their tool like release schedule. It's to their face because I know Bamdai is hammering them. I am all in for M&M releases though.
  10. I feel the exact same way about NY. I buy from them because I will get the item. I'll pay a little extra to get it vs running around trying to save 20 or 30 dollars.
  11. Thanks man. I've been looking at it off and on all day.
  12. Please make up, the kids can't handle watching two of the pillars of our MC world arguing with each other. I'm confused and not coming out of my room.
  13. Having 2 Safe in the box now makes me comfortable enough to display this long term with the clip that holds the legs together. Looks great with EXO's flight crew.
  14. Anymoon called out the 27 as "a half step back" upon release when he reviewed it on YouTube. He has been consistent in his evaluation of the 27 reissue from the beginning. I'm on the opinion that the 29 is more advanced overall than the 25 but my 25G seems to have much tighter QC than my 29 Alto and my 29 Ozma has a wobbly leg below the right knee on both copies I have. Either way, I'm buying 2 of the 29B's and buying more 25's. Straight to your face Arcadia.
  15. Bam. 2 Ozmas MIB in my home, plus the one in the case.
  16. Another example of why the people on this site are special.
  17. Someone with 3 of the same valk should do a pic showing it transforming in stages using the multi arm feature with the yeti stand.
  18. Ozma is up on Nippon Yasan for $190.00. I just bought one (my second reissue copy). It is 8:24am Eastern. In my opinion, I see nothing wrong with the $190 price point given how the last years have been for everyone trying to chase one of these and the prices they were bought for in the past. For me, Ozma is a solid $250 and under all day long until a 3rd reissue comes along. How did you get EMS for $9.00? Did you have a coupon?
  19. I remember UN Spacy calling the release of the 29B is his review of the 29 Isamu. Good call man.
  20. I grabbed a pre order on ebay for 220 including EMS, it shipped on the 20th. I'm watching NY to list the release to get a 2nd copy.
  21. Nice! - Insert my cover up " I thought you meant something else" comment here.
  22. Don't worry about it. Its all meant in fun. I wonder what they do with the prototype toys at Bandai. Graham got some from Yamato, I'd kinda like to have some of the mid engineered ones for the collection.
  23. Agree with Macross Junkie.
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