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Everything posted by sreichma

  1. It's prett stable, a bit of a wobble but if its in a case it's solid, I just lined the edge of the vertical stand with some clear nail polish and it really tightened it up. They look a lot better displayed high I think.
  2. Wants to share this, if its common knowledge, ignore, but I haven't seen it so I wanted everyone to know you can use your bandai stands to get your VF-25 up in a much higher and better position if you flip the vertical mount. Pic is below Sorry, should have been "wanted" not "wants". Don't want anyone to think I have poor grammar.
  3. Agree all the way. Max was badass because he was just a normal pilot in the ranks flying a standard fighter and was an absolute badass. The best there is, ever was, and ever will be. The TV max 1a needs a lot more love.
  4. Just grabbed one on NY, couldn't pass it up, something about the green paint and reddish canopy. 171.00 right now, think they did that on purpose? I'll assume they did and the price was created special just for me.
  5. Thought this would be a good topic and comment generator. Which is the better Dog Fight between M&M: TV or DYRL? My Vote is below and both are available to view before you choose. I cast my vote for T.V. You can't beat the casual one handed shots Max lays down while leaning back in a hover, or the split screen shot showing him throttle the HOTAS and the side vents vectoring with the head turret tilting up. TV: DYRL: http://youtu.be/nbRWMgh5FXc?t=24s
  6. so the 171's have hardpoints? Asking, because I don't have one.
  7. Anyone know if you can put the missiles from the 171 armor kit onto the vf-25 renewal wings?
  8. Clear nail polish is another common solution to loose joints. Many on here mod the joints with different mediums, doesn't hurt the valk, you're safe.
  9. Yamato valks have officially skyrocketed to the unreasonable range. Strange to think I bought a Hikaru 1J TV for 139.00 2 months ago. Looking back, yamato v2's were a steal for the money during the boom era that I think officially just ended.
  10. Please let me know the cost for the full kit painted when its ready. I'll buy one and display it on a stand.
  11. I have to say the pin point barrier scene in sdf macross where the operator chicks are saying a series of comments like, "oh no, not there, anywhere but there." That scene is loaded with adult content.
  12. up as of 10:05am. I choose the pay later option as well. Question...If you choose the pay later option are you good for getting your order or do you run a high risk of getting it cancelled? What do most of you do, pay later or pay now? I had to pay later because I freaked out and dropped 3 bills on ebay this week thinking I'd never see a red pre order button in my lifetime.
  13. how much do you the 25F will be at the release? I missed out also by taking a vacation with a break from technology only to have murphy and his law smack me across the face.
  14. I'll just go nuclear on ebay, at least te new reissue should drive the nuke price on ebay down to 300-400 instead of 500-700. I'm sick of going through the duck and cover drills, I'll just look into the mushroom cloud and get it over with.
  15. So they will be listed on sites for sale in July also for the actual release? Just want to be sure I understand, I was thinking you only get them if you preorder. So July is another chance?
  16. Can't believe I missed the F reissue. I'll never get one. Drove home to visit my parents and unplugged from technology only to have this happen. Anyone think it'll be up again for order on NY tonight (Sunday) if so, when should I look?
  17. Holding out for a 25F/S renewal. Of course, the predator could also kick my door in and spear me against the wall. Either has as likely a chance of happening.
  18. use the little white washers when you put the animation hands on and they will fit better. they look like little white rings and are in the plastic tray.
  19. I'm going to this for the first time, are there macross toys there or is it unlikely to find toys there?
  20. excellent description, So I don't black out drunk before the pre order, 1600 JST is 2am Eastern correct?....I'll have to pace myself
  21. Because of how fast they sell out, what is the best way to get notiifed of a reissue if it ever happens?
  22. When Yamato called me to get my approval for their name change and new direction of buisiness, I told them that I would only consent if they continued with the macross line and also continued to develop and engineer new Valks. As a result of this, I am not worried. I also informed them that I was getting inpatient about the M&M reissue delay. They apologized and stated they would put their best team on it in order to make me happy. I then received the prototypes of the reissue 4 days later that they had expressed to me...they are excellent designs and I loved them. I then woke up in bed and was pissed.
  23. I don't there is a movie version of the 1-j, I think all j's come in the bright tv white.
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