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Everything posted by sreichma

  1. Is the Prophecy Valk a prototype of the 25, kinda like the VF-X was the prototype of the VF-1? It kinda makes sense with the name and word association considering the prophecy comes before the Messiah. Disregard, it is the prototype. I found it on the Compendium. Looks awesome. I'm predicting that the VF-25G could be the most collectable of the Renewal Vallks because it may be the one that is never re-issued. Considering so many didn't sell through and are now at high prices, Bandai may never push through with a reissue of the 25G following the reissue of the 25S. I certainly hope they do reissue the 25G though, it is my favorite Valk of all time. You can't go wrong with a Blue and White Sniper sending death from long range.
  2. I agree, EXO's design was better then Yamato/Arcadia's. He beat their engineers on that one.
  3. "I know we're Enemies but you gotta get some F%!$#@! help for your liver."
  4. very good observation, I get the idea but they just didn't pull it off very well.....he really looks like he's holding on for dear life saying " Holy F%#! "
  5. Never liked or understood the DYRL pilot in the "I'm white knuckling the dashboard pose".
  6. Dude, that's exactly what happened to me.... That's an uncanny description. Those Damn Verite......Valkyries.
  7. How I eat my words.... While looking at my 30th Hikaru 1-S with the reissued Super Packs - I had one of those thoughts. "What if someday this breaks or a scratch happens or it turns yellow and I won't be able to get one because so many years have passed and nobody will know what Macross even is by then and nobody will have any of these toys in the whole world and I will have to search the globe all over to find them like it used to be when I tried collecting toys before the internet was around and if I do find one, just one, it might not be in good shape or it might be broken or it might be yellow and even if it is ok maybe it will be too much, it might be like $2,000 and I'll never ever have one like this ever again." So I pre-ordered and paid for the Special Movie Verson Hirkaru 1-S
  8. My 17-S is a Beast. It's heavy and its Awesome. Bad Ass Valk and I'm glad I got one.
  9. Water slides + the full usual sticker sheet are included so 2 sets. The Waterslides are a duplicate of what's on the sticker sheet. Here's the deal, I'm down with my purchase because its a flip top lid with a stand and its Roy. Yamato specific stands are pretty much non-existent now, so a Valk with a Stand is a buy for me. That said, I will not be purchasing anything else from Yamato in regards to VF-1's until they issue something else other than the two Hero 1-S's and Hikaru 1-J.
  10. agreed, with the shapeways replacements now and a video showing how to replace them, If I bought another early release, I'd just pick up an extra set of shoulders on shapeways. someone have the link for the veefshop shoulders?
  11. HERE IS THE REVIEW I RECEIVED MINE TODAY It is really a misprinted TV 1S with the wrong pilot and free stand. It is Bright TV white. Next to my TV Roy it is the same white. It is a TV VF-1S except, it is missing the ejection seat warning on the nose, it has yellow arrows on the head, it has a DYRL figure instead of a TV figure, the animation hands are bright white instead of DYRL white. It has waterslide decals.
  12. Honestly, I wouldn't let it influence you from not getting them. As stated, you can get the shapeways shoulders for cheap and they are fine replacements, also... if you'r'e careful knowing that there are potential shoulder issues, they may never break. You have to understand that many of the breaks happened because we assumed they were fine and sturdy and didn't pay attention to them when we'd pull them out - so they'd break. I think if you're aware the shoulders may be an issue, the care you take with that knowledge could lead to them never breaking. I say this because I have plenty of the "unsafe valks" and with the knowledge of the potential issue, I take care in the transformation and they have never broken. Hope this helps, In short, its not like they are some crumbling piece of plastic that could just break apart like the toynami Alpha hands. If those are a good buy, I would buy them in a heartbeat.
  13. Never tried the nail polish, but I did put a circle of white medical tape and it worked. Just get the textured kind so it still grips the valk.
  14. I paid for mine yesterday, I also reached Bandai's Regional Office and explained I wanted to do a review. They are going to get me mine by 12/10/2013. Just Kidding. I did pay for it yesterday though.
  15. Can you confirm what is tampo on it?
  16. I'm all better now from my fit I threw and posted earlier. Don't let what I said deter any of you from getting the RVF-25 Super Parts. I put the booster on the wrong way and the break was caused by me making a mistake. My rant was misguided, but I'm sure you all understand. You are the only people I can vent to about our "Toy Jets that have Arms".
  17. His Mass Production 1-J is a tough and rare one to have, your best bet is the 1-A cannon fodder. Is the "rescue" on the nose of the 1-j tampo? I'd like to know everything that is tampo on the 1-J because I've heard it was a test by Yamato of how much tampo to put on but they're so rare I've never been able to see what it has.
  18. No, the tampo I described above is all on the 1-A cannon Fodder. I own one. TV 1A cannon fodder, not the DYRL. I don't think the 1-J mass production has Prometheus on the Tail Fin.
  19. No this is about the RVF-25 Super Parts and Ghost set.
  20. Have to recant my first post about the RVF super parts. I had the unfortunate and absolute anger creating experience of receiving them today. Leg armors won't stay on, clip them into the wing they split open and pop off. Put the booster on the wing, snapped the tip of the wing root off, tolerances suck. The whole drone kit is a floppy mess. I'm tired of buying a $250 toy package of a valk and parts and have the parts damage my valk and then have to go around slapping nail polish on every damn ball joint I see to make it functional. F Bandai right now and F this super parts set. I'm sure there are some things I could have done differently and I accept that, right now though I need to be able to vent to the only people who would understand this crazy fetish of Macross collecting that will continue to frustrate and also dazzle me. Right now I'm all about F Bandai and F everything they make.
  21. The TV mass production 1A has a ton kf tampo compared to other tv valks. It has Promethius on the tail fin and is the only valk ever for yamato to have the compressor warning on the leg. It also had the ejection seat warning, and all the standard kites and UN Spacy markings. The compressor warning is the red square just behind the stripe that represents where the compressor starts in the engine.
  22. I cancelled my pre order for the Hikaru so I could get the Isamu 29. I still have the Folker coming, but I just couldn't justify buying another 1-S with the Isamu coming in the same month. History taught me Bandai Valks are much harder to come by. Can't wait for the 1-J's of Max and Miria.
  23. The RVF-25 super parts and drones kit could be the best looking display package out there for Frontier. Glad I got them.
  24. Kept going back and looking at the picture and it got me. I pulled the trigger and clicked pre-order last night. Not having the "gills" on the side makes it look cool.
  25. I hope Bandai can do a DX VF-1 some time, Yamato just doesn't have the articulation the DX toys have. Don't get me wrong, they've done a great job, but there's only so many poses you can have with your battroid standing on an angle with the gun draped across his chest or pointing to in the air. Posing Yamato VF-1's isn't anywhere close to posing a DX. Just saw the thread for DX VF-1 speculation, my bad. Didn't want to clutter up this thread.
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