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Everything posted by sreichma

  1. I display all of my 25's in straight fighter form with no parts except the RVF-25. I prefer the 25 bare because it keeps the throwback fighter look. I own all the super part variants and Ozma's armor but they are never used.
  2. Exactly the way i also feel and what I'll be doing.
  3. I wish it had L.A.I. Markings somewhere, that would have put it over the top. I will buy.
  4. its been speculated by fans that the M&M would be released but it has never been official communication from my understanding. That's why I think its just never going to happen. Like I said, I give it a 10% chance of ever being done and if it is, I bet we won't see it till 2016 or later. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am.
  5. Arcadia is never going to reissue the M&M VF-1J's. If they do we will never see them until at least 2016. They just keep spitting out 1-S's of Roy and Hikaru. I'm fine with their business model, but I think the reality is they just are not going to release the M&M's anytime soon. I'm thinking a 10% chance overall that it happens and if it does it won't be for 2-3 years.
  6. It would be interesting if someone opened up the hips and shoulders of the 25A to determine if Bandai used a different friction piece or new design on the ball and socket that has resulted in the tightness everyone is reporting. I believe that it is much tighter, I'd just like to know what part of the design was changed that caused it. I'm sure it's there and would be apparent if someone opens one up.
  7. Ill never sell any if my renewals, i love them and what sealed examples of each also. I want a third 25 g in the box
  8. I Loved when Max got down in his 1-A.
  9. I find myself calling them "pieces" when guests come over and see the collection. I'll say something like "this piece represents this stage of the story" or "this piece is great because of this paint application" I realize now that I view them in all reality as a kind of art by an artist I enjoy. I always handle them and view them and just appreciate them. I really enjoy them and will always buy, but just like art, I will also sell for other representations or era's of the design. I'm satisfied in that I have found a hobby and a group of people (here) who also enjoy the thing that is Macross. My wife even admits that they are cool. I've never had a guest throw a dig, they all seem to really appreicate them for what they are. To be honest, it's a massive conversation starter and a part of the home where you hear people later on at night saying "did you see the collection" to one another. I can always find someone in the room standing in front of the display looking at them during the parties. And to quote Benson from a post a long time ago: "I would straight throat punch somebody" if they ever ridiculed me for the collection.
  10. Looks Great with the 1/60 Isamu standing by it. Thanks EXO.
  11. Yep, I'll buy it. two seater in the Arcadia Matte Blue, and the giant size of the VF-0 in 1/60 scale is about the same size as a VF-1 in 1/48.
  12. Received my 25F today almost 17 days instead of 8. But here's the insight, if you find yourself in this position, rest easy. Nippon Yasan will absolutely credit you or reship you a new item if it is not received. If you got insurance with your shipping option, then Nippon Yasan executes the insurance claim and claims it themselves, you then get a refund or shipped item whichever you choose. I just wanted to let everyone know because nobody was really sure how it would play out. In short, you don't have to worry about filing an insurance claim, they claim it on their end. They were very helpful and I will always buy with confidence from them going forward. I want to be clear though, this only applies if the shipping option you picked includes tracking/insurance.
  13. I'd get the 25F Alto. It's Iconic and a great piece with tight joints. The 29 Alto was the first 29 and seems to have joints that get very loose.
  14. Think I found a great reason for the Alto Ex Gear in 1/60 scale with the 25F. It recreates the SLAVE scene from the final episode.
  15. I love the 25s except for the lines in the aide of the jaw area that make it look like a smiley face. If i focus on the center visor it looks different butmu eyes always go back to the two side visors amd the jaw lines that make it look like an evil grinning joker.
  16. As far as leg work goes, there isn't much you can do from here in the US. I can't call customs and have them look for my package or file an insurance claim with a foreign postal service. I'll contact NY if it doesn't come, if it never arrives, I got it with my CC so I'm safe.
  17. Yeah thats what it says, its said "dispatched from outward office" since Jan 22nd and has no other activity on their site or on the USPS site. Its been "dispatched from outward office" for 14 days. Its registered airmail with insurance, my question is do they make you work with the foreign postal service yourself to get your credit or do they do it since they are the ones who shipped?
  18. Question: Has anyone had a situation where their order never came and the tracking just showed it was still in Japan? If so, my question is what does NY do for you when/if that happens? Do they refund it or reship one? Or do they just make you pound salt and make you work it alone through a foreign postal service for your insurance and credit? I'm not being rude, but please don't speculate, I'd really like to know from someone who knows based on actual experience. I ordered a 25F via airmail and it is way past due with tracking still saying it's in a dispatch center overseas and I haven't contacted them yet.
  19. Hell Yeah ! Snagged one. I'd a bought it at release anyway, but this is my first rush of getting a pre order. Now. . . the fix is gone. To help anyone avoid a delay and miss it. When you pre order, it only shows the ICON for AIRMAIL at first, but when you press the NEXT button, it takes you to the options to select your other shipping methods.
  20. I would be all in for EX-Gear versions of Ozma and Michael. I think they need those two because they were in the animation of the Frontier Series. (Michael's was small and quick, it was when he was floating unconscience in space after Sheryl piloted the 25G from Galia 4)
  21. It'll pop on Nippon Yasan which is where I will go, just monitor this thread and the moment its available, someone on here will communicate it.
  22. $165.00 On Sale at NY...I had to get a second copy. $204 shipped EMS Express. I think its a great deal of someone out there wanted one and hasn't got one yet.
  23. Anyone have insight to anything that could be causing delays at Osaka International or at the Ports? I've had a package in transit from NY with no updates since the 22nd. I had it shipped EMS Express with tracking and insurance but wondered if anyone knew of any delays, circumstances, etc. Let me know if you do.
  24. I agree that the Version 1 Bandai 25's fall into the Chunky Class.
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