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Everything posted by mog_kupo

  1. Those leds look nice But will they fit the Metal Build Hi-Nu?
  2. Got on Liger on HLJ Didnt plan to but it does looks nice
  3. Finally got the Masamune today Damn nice figure!!
  4. Got this guy today, still waiting on my Eva 01 2020 and a new Strike Freedom, (wich was kinda expensive) after I sold mine a couple years ago
  5. Guess my Wallet will never know peace then... After a few rough months, I'm so thankful to be back on this line with the Crossbones X-3 and the Hi-Nu, wich IMHO is the best Metal Build figure so far
  6. Totally unexpected but I'm down for one
  7. Stock on HLJ gogogo https://www.hlj.com/metal-build-hi-nu-gundam-reissue-bans62996-2?utm_medium=social&utm_source=t.co&utm_campaign=metal build hi-nu gundam (reissue)&utm_content=com profile
  8. To my surprise the MB Strike Rouge Grand Slam showed up for preorder here in Mexico and with a few discount codes I ended up paying around 35,000 yens, not a bad price IMHO
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