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Everything posted by mog_kupo

  1. mog_kupo

    Hi-Metal R

    Ill wait a while to buy mine, if the Roy was an indication this will be available later at a lower mark-up
  2. Hope you don't mind me using one of your photos as my cell wallpaper, they are gorgeous
  3. I wouldnt mind gettin a fold booster
  4. Got my payment request from HLJ, hope to have it here next week
  5. Box art and an extra picture, what was the release date?
  6. Just dont get any wine or beer, we'll need all 5 senses since the transformation looks, well, a little complicated
  7. I would be patient with the RF set, the Destiny had several windows and it was more expensive and popular, just wait and Im sure we all get ours
  8. Im in for one option set, maaaybe for another Red Frame as well
  9. Took me longer than expected since the first one got lost on the mail, but at least got the Wings
  10. I posted it on the Megaroad topic but may as well ask here sine its Frontier related, a new series based on Frontier?
  11. Dont know if its the right topic, but there is some information about a new series, based on the end of Wings of Goodbye (Frontier) and linking to Delta
  12. I would love to se MB Deathscythe Hell, kinda difficult because of the wings tough
  13. No, no es compatible
  14. Back at HLj!!! http://hlj.com/product/BANN14351/Gun
  15. Im ready for this, I may take a nap in the afternoon, just to save energy
  16. The new ideas results
  17. Sooooo we hae another accesories set for the Red Frame? This one looks waay better, but the giant sword has that WOW factor, if only I could get enough funds for another MB Red frame...........
  18. OMFG!!!!!!!!
  19. I love the new Pirates of the Caribbean ship, it looks so spooky
  20. Thank you, finally got mine
  21. As far as I understand his package didnt arrive on the estimated delivery frame, it wasnt damaged or anything, and the dates arent a guarantee by HLJ so technically they dont have any obligation to contact Fedex for any reverse charge, if anything i thnk Fedex just talked their way out of it but I dont see how this was HLJ fault Also, HLJ banned him when he disputed the charges, or at least thats what I understood
  22. Well, HLJ states an average time frame, why would they contact Fedex? I understand your point but I dont think you had a valid reason for disputing the charges
  23. So, you guys would recommend gettin one of this chinese MB? I 'm interested in the 00 Raiser by Metal Club, I know that it wont be the same quality as Bandai, but is it worth it at $110 USD?
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