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Everything posted by mog_kupo

  1. Im on the same boat as you, jost got my payment request from HLJ, so Im debating if I should keep it or no
  2. Its kinda weird, the release date moved to today, yet NY gives me until June 2 to make the payment, does that mean they will be gettin their stock a little late?
  3. Ill wait to see more info but thinking that scales well with the MB line I may end up gettin one Also finally got this one today
  4. May he rest in peace, first Bond movie I saw was the Man with the golden gun and I tought Bond was the coolest thing ever
  5. Close as but not enough, I got tickets for the first day to go with my friends and the next day with my girlfriend, along with one Goku and one Athena, the figures ran out around 15 minutes after the starting hour, 2 years ago it was chaos since they used the first come-first served and put a limit of 5 "Mexican" Goku for person some people began the line a day before in the afternoon
  6. Just got Mario Kart 8 today, here is my FC in case you wanna get your ass kicked SW-3159-9749-387
  7. Well, here in Mexico they ended up selling a cupon that gives you the rights to buy the exclusives figures in the day of the event, 2 USD but it saves you the pain of gettin to early to get one And more on topic, finally got my switch, waiting for MK 8 te get here today to try it
  8. The new Satunr V looks amazing and I am sure as hell gettin one And the UCS Falcon has been heavily rumored since last year
  9. Saw it last monday, it was ok but not better than the first one, at least for me It is refreshing to see a super hero movie with so much colors, away from the usual grays of marvel Nice character development, altough Drax was a bit over the top Good soundtrack, again I think the first one was better but more because it was so damn spot on, not so much now The villian was kinda meeh Now, my main complain was the humor, and I dont know if its just me tired of the same kind of jokes on marvel movies but I didnt laugh or even smiled with most of the jokes, I know some people find it more apealing but for me this wasnt the case, I guess you have to see it to make your own opinion
  10. It is, Mecha Gaikotsu even called it the best robot figure he has ever seen, you may not like his reviews but it does sound tempting
  11. Quick question, wich was the method they used to sell the exclusives figures like Goku for example, did you have to get early and get on the line or something like that? I ask because the Tour its coming to Mexico early june (going to it of course) and there is A LOT of rumor surrounding the method that will be used to buy the figures, also, do they happen to sell some regular stuff? Like more Mythys EX or Metal Build figures
  12. I keep reading reviews of that new RX 79 Metal Composite and they all concour in how great is that Im seriously considering gettin one
  13. mog_kupo

    Hi-Metal R

    Wait, I think its a normal release am i wrong?
  14. mog_kupo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Paid for mine and moved it to my PW, waiting a few weeks to have it shipped so in the meantime Ill enjoy the pictures you guys post in here
  15. mog_kupo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I personally think it looks better non-angled altough a bigger wings and horn would have been even better And I guess HLJ will send payment request later today or maybe tomorrow morning, dont get anxious everyone who has one with them, they may take a while longer but damn sure will be taking our money!!
  16. mog_kupo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Messer on HLJ https://hlj.com/product/BANN12922/Act
  17. mog_kupo

    Macross figures

    Mirage on sale on HLJ thinking of finally gettin one https://hlj.com/product/BANN11257/Fig
  18. mog_kupo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Got mine at Amiami!!! Cant belive it, first time I got a Valk with them
  19. mog_kupo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Great to look at them, but painful to our wallets, especially if you are a completionist
  20. mog_kupo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Damn, I forgot the preorder, yesterday went to a party and stayed awake till late, hope I can resist tonight
  21. mog_kupo

    Hi-Metal R

    Up on HLJ http://hlj.com/product/BANN15837/Act
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