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Everything posted by mog_kupo

  1. Lol, I think you are gettin a bit carried away man
  2. Arcadia Twitter
  3. mog_kupo

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Up on HLJ too https://hlj.com/product/BANN16119/Act
  4. Cmon guys, we know they wont use an Alaska/Minmay Guard Il will be a random pattern that will look very weird
  5. It comes out the 26 of this month if I recall correctly
  6. Im seriously debating on canceling my preorder and instead going for the Hi Metal R version at a reasonable price I know its a completely different toy but that damn price tag begins to look a bit higher for my wallet right now
  7. I feel asleep half hour before it went up, I'll try to get one later but Im already fearing the high mark up,
  8. One hour more to go and Im already on the edge Why did Bandai switched the preorder times?
  9. Cause we were up on the preorder night but if I recall correctly it didnt last longer than 5 minutes and didnt open again until now
  10. Just got my payment request from HLJ for the Seven Swords
  11. 25k? Ouch.. And I guess HLJ will send payment request later today
  12. Thats nothing, this past Monday here in Mexico a store of the Wal-Mart group ( SAM'S ) made a mistake on its online catalogue and listed the Switch with Breath of the Wild for something like 95 USD and were forced by the law to uphold all the orders, something like 300 or so
  13. mog_kupo

    Hi-Metal R

  14. That add-on looks so, I dont know exaggerated but seeing the pictures make me regret not getting one I hope that it won't be that hard to find in the future
  15. July 15 For those who are still looking for one, be on the lookout around that date
  16. Yeah, they state that on their page Ill just wait to see their answer but I'm not expecting any compensation either And yes, the figure its awesome and seems ok
  17. Fianlly got my 31F and the Hulkbustaer was on sale on HLJ altough the last one came with the box heavily crushed and since the shipping package didnt show any signs of damage I think they send it already damaged and even tough I'm not that picky with the boxes I did send them an email to check it
  18. Seeing this it makes me bang my head agains the wall for not gettin the Temple of Arjizu a while ago, thse two would make an awesome display On sale semptember I guess at 299 USD
  19. Here in Mexico there are plenty of Switchs, its a little bit more pricey because of the taxes but it tends to get some discounts every once in a while, I wonder why some retailers, like Amazon dont just send some of their stock from up of the border?
  20. Guys, just noticed the Hi-Res Wing went up for preorder last night http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10470822 Altough I cant seem to find it on HLJ
  21. Maybe they just dont want to create anything original, I mean, easier to make a CoD for Xbox, PS and PC and make quick millions, faster than developing a game with the switch unique mechanics
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