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Everything posted by mog_kupo

  1. Guys, anyone has the MC 00 Raiser? Im thinking of gettin one since the Bandai its so damn expensive now but would love to hear some opinions on it first Just found a sotre with some units http://www.hobbymission.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=104&product_id=352 Or should I wait a bit more for the XN 00R https://showzstore.com/pre-order-metal-club-mc-metalgearmodels-xn00r-mg-1-100-00-xn-raiser-gn-000-gnr-010-xn-00r-gundam-00_p1206.html
  2. I am Still no official date for release right? I NEED to ship it ASAP, our new government here in Mexico decided to lower our free taxes import limit to 50 USD wich its a $&6*(&1 and it will begin on march 1st
  3. That was quick, thanks guys but it has been sold already
  4. After some toughts I decided to sell mine, its on my PW on HLJ and of couse it would go at MSRP, just take into consideration paypal conversion rate and I'll ship it to your address Ill post it on the sale and trade section if needed, hope im not breaking a rule here SOLD
  5. So the release date its the 27 right?
  6. New Re:EDIT Iron-Spider https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-042949
  7. mog_kupo

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Just got mine today and did a quick inspection of the antenna, Ill try the transformation tomorrow
  8. On sale now on HLJ https://hlj.com/product/ACA82141/Act
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