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Everything posted by RTHK

  1. RTHK

    Part 2

    Very good guess, or have you seen this picture before COOL~~
  2. Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong 22° 20' 29" , 114° 12' 4" or 22.3416 , 114.2012
  3. RTHK

    Part 2

    today (27/4)
  4. RTHK

    Part 2

    I have preorder the whole box (10 figures) for just HK$358
  5. RTHK

    Part 2

    Can anyone figure the "Secret" out?
  6. Not quite. Like I mentioned above, the Strike Valk kit comes with both the micromissile launcher parts. It has an extra sprue for the Strike cannon, but you can still build the Super version. Can anyone else support or refute this? I remember pretty distinctly... Although I can take a picture of the trees tonight, after I get home, to make sure. Yes yes yes, you are 100% correct. Strike Valk kit comes with 2 micromissile launchers and 1 Strike cannon. However, there is not such thing as Strike Valk with 1S head and the decal is different.
  7. According to the infomration found from Hobby Search 1999, No. 17 is VF1 Super/Stirke Valkyrie, which mean the kit will include all 3 different kind of heads (1A, 1J & 1S) And since No. 17 is VF1 Super/Strike Valkyrie, therefore VF-0B will be a limited edition product.
  8. grey color
  9. my gold book was the first issue in 1984, not a bootleg
  10. Yes, those were from the gold book
  11. lineart 5
  12. lineart 4
  13. lineart 3
  14. lineart 2
  15. lineart 1
  16. RTHK


    QUOTE (F360?> hmm so where can I get some of these? Hong Kong. By the way, the price should be 25HKD, not 25RMB
  17. Oops! wrong post
  18. As I recalled this one is the 3rd runner up of Bandai Asia Cup Hong Kong Area. Am I correct? Very Nice
  19. Bronco from Super Dimension Century Orguss
  20. OOOOOOHH!!! I like that a lot !!! Very nice! Are these the Bandai 1/144 re-issues? The ones that come only in Battroid and Fighter mode? Nice!!! gian7675 Yes, these are Bandai 1/144 re-issues. more photos >> click here for more info << I find that lots of good models could be found from the following HK forum. (macross & other sci-fi) >> NCForum << enjoy
  21. That is Marketing By the way, Super Battroid Valkyrie does come with both heads of VF-1A & VF-1J
  22. Yes, I think this VF-19C really helps Hasegawa to boost up the sales of their YF-19 & the Option 1 Decal
  23. Look at the wings!
  24. Hi guys! I have some infos for all of you who will visit HK soon. The current price for Yamato 1/48 VF-1J w/ FP is around HK$1,080. As I know, not too many stock left. By the way, what else infos would you guys like to have, I will try my best to help.
  25. I found that from one of the Hong Kong forum Here
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