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Everything posted by Hikaru1234567890

  1. Looks good cant wait to see it finished!
  2. One of my good friends work there so his boss lets him buy stuff off of me.
  3. Yeah I have a local Hastings and I might sell it to them.
  4. I might just keep mine in the box or maybe sell it to Hastings, or eBay, or give it to a friend of mine.
  6. Looks awesome bro!
  7. So board right now.......NOT!!!!!!

  8. Probably all the haters will get one eventually.
  9. Love it its just awesome! And how long did it take you to make Ichijyo's Valk?
  10. Nice making a Cannon Fodder out of the kit.....just nice!
  11. Yeah I follow you my friend with the redesign. And also they need to make a VF-9 Cutlass.
  12. Found this on youtube you guys hope you enjoy!!! Review on the 1/72 VF-1A/S Hikaru By Bandai: Its the full transformation sequence!
  13. If Arcadia would hire you your could make a new line of the SDF-1.
  14. Yeah I'm glad I got one coming to . And iI really want to get the PG 1/60 GP01! I just don't have the money for that I'm a abomination
  15. I subscribed to HobbyLinkJapan on You Tube and I saw this on my main page. Its about the first half of the show.
  16. I have and it was pretty tuff but not hard.
  17. The Lasers for the 1S head is on balljoints thats how we got the angle.
  18. Prometheus is made of wood if I understand?
  19. Thats really good!!
  20. I might buy the Striker Parts after I get the kit itself.
  21. Just got one its going to be a fun build!
  22. Is it confirmed its going to be water decals?
  23. This is a really cool build dude!
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