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Everything posted by Hikaru1234567890

  1. Now i find this hard to believe but the VF/YF-22/21 rant wanting to work and keep crashing the game. Can anyone help?
  2. Thanks for the advice! this is amazing!! I love how this works and this is jus simply a good mod for this!
  3. Hi guys I recently downloaded (Again) YSFlight and installed the VFX mod and the valks look cool...Well only in fighter mode... Does any one know how to transform them in to gerwalk or battroid?
  4. I am so damn exited for this! Even though I'm not a big modeler I still might get it, And also if you read the WHOLE article by HLJ there making a 1/60 PG RX-0 Unicorn Gundam and 1/144 RG XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero Custom!!! I am most definitely saving up to spend my cash on this sexyness!
  5. Will the ARMD's that thunderchild made fit on this? if so I need to print them and print out the SDF-1!!!!
  6. What I would like to see is a possible re-issue of Yamato's Queadluun Rau, or a whole new sculpt that had a little bit more posable pilots! And it would be awesome if the did the original T.V colors and Chlore's colors with the correct pilot suits!
  7. OH MY GOD ITS EVEN GOING TO TRANSFORM!!!!!! Nyan...your just a really mad scientist now...
  8. Hey guys! I was wandering on how to unlock the Madis Glacier Hunter guild missions. I still need to get all the Super parts and Valk ranks. Could anyone please help?
  9. What a masterpiece!! I tried making this one time...but I have pretty shaky hands. That is a lot of detail and personally, I think that is a lot better then when its just printed out. Oh and a...if your interested in selling it...SELL IT TO A DANG MUSEAM SO YOU CAN MAKE A FREAKING FUNCTIONAL SDF-1!!!!!
  10. Now that I am "APPARENTLY" bringing this thread back from the old grave it came from... Which do you guys think is the most power Valkyrie from The vintage VF-1, to the shiny new YF-30?
  11. That is really amazing! Are you going to customize it more?
  12. Aw darn! I was hopping there was one. Well guess I still might get one, and Hikarus VF-1S
  13. Thanks, but I'm looking for the VF-0S. If I where to get a VF-1S I would get Hikaru's. But thanks for the post!
  14. Thanks for the information! I found the Battroid kit and I might just buy it. On the other hand I can't find the Fighter mode. Is its Fighter mode scarce?
  15. Hi guys, I have a question about the VF-0S Model WAVE made a few years back. I was just thinking, Since I have never made a wave kit, Does it have a separate Fighter mode like the VF-1's have? I've seen pictures of the VF-1's having a Fighter mode and they can be combined with the Battroid kit to form Gerwalk mode. Or is the kit just in Battroid? I've had my mind set on getting WAVE's 1/100 Hikaru's VF-1S Strike, but I first want to try their VF-0S. This will be my FIRST WAVE kit and I just wondered if it had a Fighter kit sold separately, And how hard WAVE kits are (I believe they are super hard, in my opinion to see that THEY ARE MOLDED IN MOSTLY WHITE AND GREY!) So if you guys know if there is a Fighter mode of it I would appreciate it.
  16. Dang! Just DANG! Wish I would of thought of that.
  17. Le VF-4G, But personally I would take Hikaru's VF-1S Strike, or the VF-25F Messiah. I would Love this if there where genies from "Aladdin".
  18. Is there any plans that Arcadia are going to not only make it a Wonder Festival exclusive, Mass Produced, or a Web exclusive instead of the limited run of the WF? Cause I really like this and I am most definitely buy it.
  19. Wow! Ive been wanting to get one forever since I first saw it on the webs. But dude thats amazing but that price...I need to save up for a long time for that. So my recent toy purchase was Medicoms Real Action Heros Link #266 and I must say I AM AM A HUGE ZELDA FAN!
  20. Wow! This is certainly amazing but I wish they could bring the price down alot. And I mean ALOT.
  21. Is there a pre-order out for this yet? And if can you post a link?
  22. Glad to see Arcadia is coming out with a VF-0D!
  23. 1.VF-19 Kai 2.VF-4 3.VF-17
  24. Yeah that happened to my 0S and its been stuck in fighter mode.
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