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Everything posted by Hikaru1234567890

  1. Yeah, go with Graham, he knows what he talks about.
  2. You don't shoot the the spikes you aim for the main body. I had a huge missile massacre in my YF-30, But yeah Queen/Mother Dauyas is easy to kill. Just aim for the body just ignore the spikes
  3. Just got the Striker Parts there EPIC!! Got the VF-19 Ravens, Trying to form it.

  4. Found the course 8 plans the Striker Parts are epic!! also got the VF-19 Ravens.
  5. Got the stones, now I just need to find the Course 8 Plans has anyone found them??
  6. Got Hikaru's VF-1A, Hikaru's VF-1J, Roy Fockers VF-1S, Isamu's VF-11B , Double Striker Parts. Now trying to get the VF-25 Super Parts and the VF-1 Striker Part.

  7. Ok so it has both. So I dont need to use the water decals.
  8. Hi guys, I was going through HLJ and i wanted to get a VF-25F Model. But I suck with water decals. Does the kit come with normal stickers. If i dos not, I my have someone do it for me.
  9. Trying to get the Striker parts...

  10. Where do you find the red parts and green part. I need form some stuff but I cant find them.
  11. I'm trying to find all the quests for the Moist lake place and I'm still trying to get the Striker part for the VF-1. I cant find the blue arrows and I need to know where they are.
  12. I read it but I'm still confused. Sorry guess I'm not getting the Striker Parts.
  13. Got the VF-0S Roy Focker color and the Fast Pack for the VF-0. I also need to get the striker parts can anyone help?
  14. How do you find the Hunter Guild quests, I'm trying to the one for the VF-0S Phoenix and the Striker parts for the VF-1 is there like a marker to tell you where to go?
  15. Ok. And also I was reading the translation, Is it true that if you beat the game and restart it can you still play all the characters you unlocked?
  16. Ok so where do I get the blueprints for the VF-0S Moist lake, Desert, or Ice land.
  17. Hi again guys. If you all read the top post I created a Japanese account for my YF-29 Durandel (30th Anniversary) code. Now that I got the YF-29 Durandel (30th Anniversary), VF-0D, VF-0A, VF-0S and I'm working on the SV-51a. I need help with what valk to use I'm using my YF-29 Durandel (30th Anniversary) and thats currently my fastest valk I have. Also I need to know who to make money faster. And I need to know where the VF-0 Ghost Booster is again. And I also need to know where Roy Fockers VF-0S Phoenix is, I think its in the race in Yue but I have no clue if I need all golds to win it so I need some help. Also, does the YF-29 Durandel have unlimited missile ammo for both L2+Triangle, and L2+Circle?
  18. Just created a Japanese account!
  19. Ok im restarting the game I need to know where to find the valks again XD
  20. .....
  21. I just beat the game!!! But I want to play my other file is there a way to do that with out starting a new file I'm so exited to play all the valks but it takes me to ultimate mode, hard mode, normal, and easy mode can any one help me please! Or did I start the god damn game over.
  22. I just go the YF-30! Its just epic!!
  23. My computer wont load it...this sucks!
  24. This is amazing dude!
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