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Everything posted by OzmaLee74

  1. Thanks guys! I forgot to put the missiles on in the pics. Doh!
  2. Just landed!
  3. Mine's in LA customs. Still hit or miss with them.
  4. I don't really care about the color. This is one sexy valk!
  5. Just received shipping notice from Amiami! Now the wait begins....
  6. Still no shipping notice from Amiami. Strange. They usually ship out the next day after receiving payment.
  7. Just one. Shipping to California if that makes any difference.
  8. Just paid Amiami. ¥4,000 for EMS. Damn
  9. Man, I think I'm done with the YF-29 after owning all versions of it so far.
  10. I got the email and was able to snag one. Weird that EMS is so much cheaper than Fedex at ¥3200.
  11. Got my second copy. Glad to report this one has no floppy wings and the joints are pretty tight.
  12. Sorry bout your problems fellas. +1 on the plastic welder. Used it on the vertical fin tip on my RVF-171 after it dropped to the floor. Once it's fully cured it's as hard as a rock. Stronger than before even.
  13. Nice guys! Still waiting on mine. Hopefully, the one I get doesn't have a floppy wing like my first one from the original run.
  14. Just got my preparation in progress email from NY. It's my second copy so no rush with SAL.
  15. Just got mine on Saturday. Careful with the antenna on the vertical stabilizer fin. Dropped mine while transforming and the tip broke off. Fixed it with some plastic welder. Wish bandai used rubber instead for the tips like they use for the head lasers.
  16. Just got a shipped notice from NY too but I chose SAL as well since I'm not in much of a hurry to receive this. I actually forgot I had a preorder for this.
  17. Just preordered through Amiami. I'm surprised that SAL was a shipping option since usually EMS is the only option for bigger boxes and their rates are super high.
  18. Awesome! Man, why is it I can never get my Frontier Valks to look like yours standing up? c",)
  19. +1 Same problem on mine but I got it to sit properly after fiddling with it like close313 mentioned.
  20. Noticed this too. I bet they want to money early so they can pay Bandai with it for the Tamashii Web exclusives. I'm guessing they've been burned too many times with people canceling at the last minute.
  21. A few pics!
  22. Same here. Mine says Tuesday but its more likely to be mondayt
  23. NY's release date for the super parts now says 9-29. Must of had a supply issue again.
  24. Ouch! Sorry bout your packages Loop. Hopefully the F parts are fine. @ Saburo - awesome shots!
  25. Ya know, one of my buddies who's a professional photographer told me the same thing. Thanks for the tip Master!
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